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Master Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by ArNG11

  1. Congrats on the win. Always lifts the sprits in the long war for earned benefits. Stay strong.
  2. More infusions, more platelets, getting old and tiring.

  3. idiopathic thrombocytopenia ..what the hell?

  4. More platelet transfusions, more days in the hospital, getting old. blah.

  5. With technology the way it is, I was under the impression I would have more answers than questions since being here from tuesday

  6. Looks like I'm stuck at the hospital for a couple of days longer. Blah.

  7. Forgot how much I don't like hospitals. At least docs here actually listen to you.

  8. Today was a good day. In the hospital, nose bleed that wouldn't stop. Low platelets. Infussion time

  9. Not a great day. Bloody nose and spitting up blood. Yuk!!

  10. Calmed down a bit an working on a battle plan

  11. I agree with the statements above. More often than not they low ball the crap out claims if not just flat out deny them. So review the decision with a fine tooth comb. That being said congrats. It is always a good day when someone wins. Good luck.
  12. Got the decision letter. What a bunch of crap. Surprising in some respects and disappointing in most others.

  13. Too much STUFF. One thing at time. One Day at a time.

  14. Tactics and perseverance!

  15. Having doubts whether I can make the best of this.

  16. Well claim decided and no bueno. Have to wait on the hardcopy to decipher the Decision

  17. I would agree. That if were under adminstrative review, someone who knows what they are doing would at the claim.
  18. Sierra, I am starting to have the same feeling on this. When the newbie or unexperience claims examiner makes a decision the decision is reviewed by a higher, senior rater to get the decision approved or denied, to me, and just my opinion, this senior or more experienced rater should catch all the mistakes or the "giving the veteran what is merited" that were made on the claim. I think it's a brake system for the newbies that are giving too high of an initial rating. Many years ago I worked in the insurance business and you would not believe the shannanagans that I witnessed. Same game different costs, the same bottom line, deny at all costs, if unable to do so pay out the claim for the least amount of money. Anyways I think I might seriously consider the tradditional appleal route on one of my claims. I will no more here soon.
  19. Double wow! Prep for notification! Still keeping my guess, 3 out of 7 conditions SC

  20. Wow that is a hard concept for me to accept. In my dealings my experiences with the VA healthcare system haven't been the best since I hit disabled veteran status. The care is nothing compared to the care I got from the VA when I was active duty and even when I was active guard. I guess there lies the difference. I think that is good advice above. I use them for my meds and keep them updated with my care from my private docs. But there is a definite difference in the quality of care and the efficiency of care. That's just my opinion though and it's based off my own experiences.
  21. Wow Pending decision approval this is going by fast hmm

  22. Oooh prep for decision. Man that was fast. So I'm guessing 3 of the 7 conditions will be SC

  23. John I am so sorry to hear about your misfortune. That really sucks. I wish you all the best and I hope that these bozos soon see the light if it doesn't strike them down first.
  24. Furious, but not surprised. ARRRRHhhh

  25. solving quadratic equations. blah or at least trying to

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