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Second Class Petty Officers
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sunnyh last won the day on July 21 2016

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  1. Hi, after 11 years I finally received an increase to 70% for ptsd and 100% unemployability. I had a mental c&p exam last April 2017 and now VA is sending me to another mental c&p exam in July and also a copd c&p exam. I'm wondering why they are going to give me another mental c&p exam... * I have a BVA appeal for hypertension and I've recently sent them medical info and asked for a waiver for them to consider any new evidence and NOT VARO. It doesn't make sense that I'd have a mental c&p last July 2016 and again April 2017 and another mental exam scheduled for July 2017. Does anyone know why VA is requiring a c&p exam after I just got 70/100% this week?
  2. Oh I'm fine too. Can you believe it? What if I said it takes time for things to blossom with these damn mst claims? I mean it took me a hundred years to remember what to feel about not feeling anything and being forced not to feel anything. Yes, I'm talking in circles, but anyone who knows what it's like to be dehumanized knows what 'not feeling anything' means. I do. Do you? We could at least agree that feeling nothing is something.
  3. Hey Neon, Do you see a paperclip icon on your post at bottom left? Click that choose files and find the file you want to put here from your desktop or a folder .
  4. Hi Andy, I know this post is 10 days old and I hope you're feeling better. Just wanted to wish you good luck with your claim and say 'hi'. The psychologist below helps people with PTSD and I thought maybe you'd be interested in him/his work. https://www.amazon.com/Unspoken-Voice-Releases-Restores-Goodness/dp/1556439431/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1492482240&sr=1-3
  5. Hi all, sorry for getting lost. My increase/tdiu denial & cp examiner's rationale last August messed me up for awhile. I took heed from many on this board and believe I've recovered from being mad at VA. I'm not giving up! I signed up for Voc Rehab on ebenefits last month. The first thing Voc Rehab has you do is to take an online aptitude test at a place called Careerscope. They also send you a packet with an orientation date & time, a rehabilitation needs inventory form/questionnaire, and a medical info release form. I joined Mr.Ben Krause's Chapter 31 Voc Rehab Facebook page and purchased his Voc Rehab guide to learn as much as possible from him and other veterans. I'd initially thought, Ok, my regional office denial and the c&p examiner both used the reasoning, 'I should be able to work from home independently,' as why I didn't get an increase or approval for TDIU, so what would Voc Rehab say about my employability? Unemployability? I barely go anywhere or leave my home due to panic/agoraphobia. I've requested a telephone interview and notified Voc Rehab I cannot attend the group orientation I'm scheduled for in NYC. I don't drive anymore and a friend goes anywhere I go. Friends and family are not allowed in the Voc Rehab group orientation. I hate bridges I'd have to travel across and they make me panic. A city full of people will trigger my panic. Going into a VA building in NYC will trigger my fear of terrorists. Sitting in a room of other veterans will trigger me all over the place. I stress over and hope Voc Rehab gives me a telephone interview. What started out as one thing has turned into something else though. I viewed Voc Rehab as a shot at countering the C&P examiner saying that 'I could work independently from home,' and made some surprising discoveries instead. I'm asking myself how I can work independently from home! Dreaming about my very own photography studio and taking pics of babies/kids and adults is satisfying. I'd love to do it and maybe it would encourage me to function differently. A photography studio will be my first career choice if I get far enough into Voc Rehab to the point of them requesting a plan from me. Voc Rehab could help me attain- my independence. It's no fun sitting at home doing nothing. I'm aimless and hate that. Voc Rehab could also tell me I can get an entry level data entry job online. I don't know what Voc Rehab is gonna do or say in my case.
  6. I thought I'd seen the peak of anxiety. Until it went higher and I couldn't sleep. For days. That's the danger of anxiety. I felt awake and ready. My heart pounded. I took a quarter percocet. I was in pain. The pain stopped. Adrenaline that's supposed to lead me to safety is trying to kill me. I need an anti-adrenaline pill.
  7. Yes, I made an appointment with a doctor for october.
  8. I had angel wings on my lung xray in February 2016 and have just been putting off going to the doctor.
  9. Asbestos seems to have been in alot of items from crayons to pianos to M60 gun mittens and gas masks. http://inspectapedia.com/hazmat/Asbestos_Products.php *I'm so mad at VA for PTSD increase/tdiu denial letters coming my way. This asbestos stuff is just the fallout from my disappointment. I think I'd have to sue the asbestos company if the doctor says I have asbestositis. Good to know about Asbestos if you ever buy an antique or collectible that may be contaminated with asbestos paint/filler/fibers.
  10. #3 Nope asbestos exposure is not in my SMR. Creosote exposure is. I didn't even know asbestos was dangerous in the 70's The 'at least as likely as not' would only be a result of the doctor seeing my service medical records and her diagnosis right? Lay statement from squad leader is possible since he was the person who assigned the task. Thanks again for your practical knowledge Broncovet
  11. My mos was 62f20 heavy equipment operator and I worked in a motor pool in the 70's. One of my assigned tasks was to make gaskets. I made gaskets with sheets of asbestos by pounding on the pliable and fibrous sheets against a part with a hammer. That's how we made our gaskets in the 1970's. Asbestos fibers flew around in the air that we breathed. We had cleanup at the end of the day and swept the mechanics bays. It was nothing to see a big cloud of dust kicked up in the air. Asbestos fibers were surely in the air we breathed. We also used high pressure water to clean big pieces of equipment that may have loosened more asbestos fibers that we breathed. We had no masks or ventilators or even Shop Vacs that I can remember. I have COPD and have had breathing tests at VA and at other places. I'm going to get an appointment with a top pulmonary and sleep disorder doctor soon. >I had to pay an old bill today to the medical group she is in before they will give me an appointment. Anyway, does anyone here on Hadit have service connection for COPD? If so, how did you get service connected? PS I'm not going to the doctor for sleep studies.
  12. Not sure what to even call my claim at the moment. Lawyer's argument was used as an untimely appealed nod and law judge nevereven saw the argument. Rater opened 2 new claims --one for ptsd increase and other for tdiu. Both probably denied. BTW is it allowed to link IMO doctor above? I was worrying that maybe it's not allowed here? Thank you Broncovet
  13. I can't afford an IMO/IME to counter the C&P examiner report. I'm gonna have to beg, borrow and steal from my coin jars. My lawyer says he uses a doctor who charges $1500. Dr. Valette will charge me $2000. I like Dr. Valette's videos and his style. http://shrink911.net/ I'm not trying to be negative, but I feel a denial is more likely than not from VA. I need to prepare. Can someone tell me what kind of timeline is necessary after the denial letters arrive to submit an IMO/IME to counter a recent C&P exam? 60 days 7 days 3 months A year?
  14. Is the historical claim section on ebenefits the place where your claim goes when it's a denial? I don't want to have false hope waiting for the envelope.
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