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Senior Chief Petty Officer
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Everything posted by jessie0054

  1. Thanks Jangrin: Oh, Congrats!! on your husbands win. Take a breather and enjoy i know you have worked hard on it!! Jessie
  2. I have been trying for 2 weeks to get this question answered, I have sent several emails to my sons Service officer who hasn't replyed. I have the letter for reconsideration in the rate given on my son's now Service Connected disorder. and some new material. The question is: Do i mail this package to my son's service officer or do i mail it directly to the VA ?? Thanks, Jessie
  3. Thanks Berta: No: This didn't cost me anything!! And no i realize that he didn't follow all the instructions that i presented to him. Thats why i wondered if i should send it on or not. He does list all his Medical Expertise at the end of the Letter. Jessie
  4. Hello All: I had ask my son's Onc/Hem Dr to write a letter of Medical Opinion months and months ago as to his Opinion that my son's Apendix Cancer and his Polycythemia Vera had anything to do with his Military Exposure to Benzene in the Jet Fuels he used as an Aviation Structual Mechanic in the Navy. I received his letter on Saturday April 14th, 2007. In short this is what he had to say: " I do feel that it is a possibility that both of his conditions could be caused by the exposure to Jet Fuels containing Benzene and other organic Solvents while he was working around the Helicoptors and breathing the fumes and exhause during the refueling duties while serving as a Aviation Structural Mechanic in the Navy. The prognosis of the Apediceal Cancer is Permament even though the patient is showing signs of complete remission in the fulture there could be changes to this status and diease status. The Polycythemia Vera will also be permanent and will need monitored for the rest of Mr: B----- Life by routine lab work and possible need for routine phlebotomies. Signed and Dated by DR Do you think this letter will hold any value since they have already made a decision on and denied him on the Cancer and gave a 0% service connection on the Polycythemia Vera. Should i send it to the VA or just forget it?? Thanks, Jessie
  5. Sixthscents: Thanks for the words of encouragement!! I don't plan on giving up!! I told the VA when i started this trail that i wasn't going to go away. The military made my son sick [ i've proven that ] and someone needs to be held accountable for his illiness and to compensate him for it. A 0% rating isn't compensation he should be getting at least a 40% for having to have phlebotomies done. I won't give up until he gets it. Jessie
  6. :D Just wanted to say a big thank you to all who replied!!! With out you guy's and gal's i know without your advice my son would have never even gotten a Service Connection in the first place. Now i just want them to rate him at what he should be getting. Thanks again for the great advice!! Jessie
  7. Hello All: I got a reply back this morning from my son's Service Officer and he said that i should write a letter asking for a reconsideration and state in the letter that there was a CUE because in his words " VA will not reconsider unless there is a CUE in their decision" Question?? Is this the right way to handle this. Should i use everything that was incorect in the Decision to tear it appart?? There were many statements that were not truthfull!! Any advice is greatly appreciated!! Thanks, Jessie :D
  8. Thanks Ralph: I call and check into this!! My son actually lives 2 hours drive from Columbia SC and 1 1/2 hours from Charleston. Jessie
  9. Without medical insurance, competent treatment may still be possible if you can find a university's school of medicine or non-profit that is conducting studies of ailments like your son has. Haven't researched this myself, but you should be able to find pro bono help in this fashion. Ralph Thanks Ralph: Would you know if there is one say in Columbia SC or Charleston?? Jessie
  10. Hi Berta: "He was given a 0% rating" Yes, That's what they rated him as 0%, Because they think he is in remission!! Clearly not so since he is again having problems with his HCT levels THANK YOU- I saw things in this BVA case that I accessed to help you- and now I have some stuff to help a vet I know------ he has hepatoslenomyopathy- and VA never has treated it. We couldn't find the etiology for it but now maybe we can- Check out this sight, PV isn't the only condition here that might cause thses Conditions <http://www.mpdinfo.org> I believe there must be other Veterans out there with these disorders and have gone undiagnosed because the VA has their Lab Standard set too high to avoid diagnosing. These Vets are walking around sick but don't know whats wrong since the Blood Work is " Within Normal Limits" Is you son working or does this condition prevent employment- He is working and thankfully he has a very understanding Boss. Most days he can bearly draw himself around because of the extreme Fatique this condition causes, More so when he is in a state of Amemia. So if he's really starting to drag and his concentation go's bad or he just can't seem to function his boss tells him to go home for a couple hours and rest. With out this dear man watching out for him i'm sure he would be out there on the street because not many bosses would understand. sorry I forget if you answered that before- Jessie
  11. Vike17, Where do i find this Citation??? If you have "new" evidence the VA did not have before them when they made their prior decision, then you should submit that "new" evidence and ask them to "reconsider" their prior decision. In the request for a "reconsideration" you can cite M21-1MR, Part 3, subpart 2, section E, §20©.
  12. Hoppy: Yes, These were part of the Original Claim under Jet Fuel/ Benzene Exposure. Jet Fuel and it's componets can cause Central Nervious System damage including Behaval Changes, Anxiety, Depression to mention a few. of which he has all of. I also know a couple more Veterans with PV who claim Bi Polar disorder is a part of PV. I have never checked this out. But Could be i guess!! I beleive he also has a couple more Secondary conditions that could be claims one is Gerd. Were the cognitive (thought) problems listed on the original claim? Have you seen any explanation in the medical literature of the cognitive problems being found in association with PV. If not you might consider notifying the RO that this is a secondary condition that was not addressed. The reason I am calling it secondary is based on the assumption that the literature does not say that it is a direct result of the disease. The cognitive problems could be a stress disorder found in association with the PV. A think in this event a shrink would need to get involved. Maybe the RO will schedule a C&P with a shrink. maybe you will neeed to get an IMO. The doctor who treated me after a traffic accident that resulted in my having surgery was of the opinion that any disease or injury is capable of spawning a stress disorder. It is a question of how the stress disorder resolves. Considering that PV is a chronic disease that has a great potential to be fatal that a chronic stress disorder could be found in association with PV.
  13. Thanks Vike, I have made a Chart of all my son's Phlebotomies with dates what his CBC Levels were and How much blood was removed. Could this be considered as new evidence?? All these reports were in the Medical Records submitted as evidence but not the Chart form. With this chart it will be more easy to see when he went into a state of Amemia and Phlebotomies were stopped because the Polycythemia was brought under control after 4 years of monthly to bi monthly phlebotomies. He remained in this Amemic level for nearly a year and then all of a sudden he started back to higher HCt and HGB levels. He ususally knows when he needs a Phlebotomy when he starts having headaches and Dizziness. In November 2006 he fainted after getting Dizzy and had slurred speech and disoriented. His boss took him to an area hospital. All test were ran to determine that he hadn't had a stroke. His HCT was at 45, So they did a phlebotomy and with in mins he was feeling better. The Problem we are having is that the VA uses the highest Figures in their labs. Twice in the last couple months he has had problems and went to the VA. They did the CBC and said his levels were normal by their standards. His HCT was 50.7 & 51 in Feb. And 53 in March. I'm not sure what is the problem here?? I wonder if they even understand Polycythemia Vera. zThe purpose of the Phlebotomy is to decrease the thickness of the blood to prevent stokes and heart attacks and reduce the symptoms. Every Hem/Onc in the country will not let the HCT in a Polycythemia Vera patient get over 45. So because he fits into the " Normal Standards" of the VA they refuse to treat him with a Phlebotomy. He's only had this problem with the VA. Before he started going to the VA in July of 2005 he was treated by an outside Oncoligist until the DR. Retired. Because he has no insurance now he has to seek treatment through the VA. He has an appointment in the VA on April 2, With the Onc department hopefully they will treat him with the Phlebotomy if his HCT is 45 or over. If not i have told him to go to the PT advocate and complain until he get treated.
  14. Thanks Pete53. I'm trying to figure out how to write the letter asking for reconsideration. Do i just point out all they said in the decision letter that i disagree with?? There is a lot!! And then is this letter to be from me or my son?? As he couldn't possibly write one, One big problem he has is Memory loss and the ability to concentrate. This was another area of his claim that got lost somewhere as it wasn't even addressed. Jessie
  15. Received the Rating Decision on my son's Claims for Cancer and Polycythemia Vera. As expected the Claim for Cancer was denied. However the Claim for Polycythemia Vera due to Benzene Exposure is awarded!!!! Sad part is the Rating at 0% . Resons said that the desease is in Remission and not active!!! Guess they didn't countthe ER Report that he has just had a Phlebotomy in November 2006. Not Sure where to go from here?? NOD , ask for a reconsidersation or Ask for an increase and send new evidence that's shows hes still active and receiving Phelbotomies as treatment?? Jessie
  16. Thanks Hoppy: I guess i should check these things out my self first knowing my son and his conditions he gets so confused at times and then he gets upset and calls me and i react. Jessie
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