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Adhd And Ptsd

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Great site, I have been looking off and on for about a year for a site where vets can actually post questions and get answers from actual people. Just wanted to say thanks.

Well, I have several problems I never talk to anyone about and everything has finally built up to a point where I feel completely stuck. I'm not asking for mental help here, I'll probably check myself in the hospital in a day or two. I guess I'm mostly writing this because I have no one to really talk to. I have family but I have the usual problems people have when it comes to talking to family (at least I think they are common problems).

Anyway, I got back from Iraq about 2 years ago, and got discharged from the army about 1 year ago. While in the army, and prior to any combat, I was diagnosed with ADHD. The past couple weeks I have finally admitted to myself that I have PTSD. ADHD has many syptoms similar to PTSD, so I felt I couldn't honestly say I had more problems stemming from combat.

I never did a lot of the things I should have when I was getting out of the army. No physical, I went to the minimum amount of "classes" (I can't rember the correct term right now) for "civilianizing" myself (just what was required to get my paperwork signed). When I was out I almost immediatelly began going to school, and being out of Dexadrine (for ADHD) I went and signed up for my VA benfits (2 years medical care).

The reason I never really considered PTSD is because Nightmares, mild depression, social anxiety, and stress are all symptoms of ADHD as well. Also, I had saved enough money that I would not have to work for quite a while, after I started school. Of course my problems slowly got worse and I only realized my REAL problems lately. I could see the habits I had that were not good, like staying inside all the time, not going anywhere, low self-esteem. I would go see the Physchiatrist about once a month, she wanted me to come in more often the past two months but I haven't even been in for that long. Being able to articulate well what my problems were, my phsychiatrist stopped bringing up PTSD as a cause of my problems after the first few visits.

So here I am now, I have no friends, stopped going to school about 3 weeks after this semester began, and of course I let my meds run out completely. I've been ordering pizza and getting fast food from the drive through for the past two weeks. I try to sleep as much as possible every day, without meds I usually wake from a nightmre every time though.

I did speak with my sister about things yesterday and today. I should mention I live very far from my family so it's not like I see them often. Actually, I haven't seen them in almost a year. When I spoke to my sister yesterday I just felt miserable and had that feeling that when I was talking to her I was just being childish. Today I was able to see myself from more of an objective standpoint and I spoke to her again and now feel I may have PTSD. Looking back at the past two years, seeing how I have been living, it's almost funny that I thought I was OK.

I have rarely gone out in public, only went out to eat or really do anything when My roomate was going out. I have just kept myself locked up and hid from my problems in front of this compter (I am obsessed with knowing as much as I can about computers). So, my car has so many problems I can't drive it very far at all, about 2 or 3 blocks is the limit I set so it doesn't completely break down. I have distanced myself so much from everything I have no one to talk to or ask for help

I know I should go to the hospital, I'm just not quite ready yet. Tommorow's Thanksgiving and I'll be eating cold pizza, so maybe I'll go sometime this weekend. Again, I am not asking for help, I just needed to write this somewhere where people who understand how I feel can read it. I have to re-iterate that I'm not looking to discuss my problems, I know and understand that I need help from a doctor.

Thanks to anyone who read this long-winded meaningless banter of mine. :)

It would be nice to hear what people who have filed PTSD claims have recieved, and what I could possibly be entitled too.

I know everyone's case is different and no one will be able to tell me what I may be eligible for. It would be interesting to see what other people are recieving in comparison with their syptoms. Kind of an unofficial poll I guess.

Finally, thanks again to anyone who read this, sorry it was so long. I do feel better after typing all that, now I'm off to the couch where my phone is to order pizza.


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Great site, I have been looking off and on for about a year for a site where vets can actually post questions and get answers from actual people. Just wanted to say thanks.

Well, I have several problems I never talk to anyone about and everything has finally built up to a point where I feel completely stuck. I'm not asking for mental help here, I'll probably check myself in the hospital in a day or two. I guess I'm mostly writing this because I have no one to really talk to. I have family but I have the usual problems people have when it comes to talking to family (at least I think they are common problems).

Anyway, I got back from Iraq about 2 years ago, and got discharged from the army about 1 year ago. While in the army, and prior to any combat, I was diagnosed with ADHD. The past couple weeks I have finally admitted to myself that I have PTSD. ADHD has many syptoms similar to PTSD, so I felt I couldn't honestly say I had more problems stemming from combat.

I never did a lot of the things I should have when I was getting out of the army. No physical, I went to the minimum amount of "classes" (I can't rember the correct term right now) for "civilianizing" myself (just what was required to get my paperwork signed). When I was out I almost immediatelly began going to school, and being out of Dexadrine (for ADHD) I went and signed up for my VA benfits (2 years medical care).

The reason I never really considered PTSD is because Nightmares, mild depression, social anxiety, and stress are all symptoms of ADHD as well. Also, I had saved enough money that I would not have to work for quite a while, after I started school. Of course my problems slowly got worse and I only realized my REAL problems lately. I could see the habits I had that were not good, like staying inside all the time, not going anywhere, low self-esteem. I would go see the Physchiatrist about once a month, she wanted me to come in more often the past two months but I haven't even been in for that long. Being able to articulate well what my problems were, my phsychiatrist stopped bringing up PTSD as a cause of my problems after the first few visits.

So here I am now, I have no friends, stopped going to school about 3 weeks after this semester began, and of course I let my meds run out completely. I've been ordering pizza and getting fast food from the drive through for the past two weeks. I try to sleep as much as possible every day, without meds I usually wake from a nightmre every time though.

I did speak with my sister about things yesterday and today. I should mention I live very far from my family so it's not like I see them often. Actually, I haven't seen them in almost a year. When I spoke to my sister yesterday I just felt miserable and had that feeling that when I was talking to her I was just being childish. Today I was able to see myself from more of an objective standpoint and I spoke to her again and now feel I may have PTSD. Looking back at the past two years, seeing how I have been living, it's almost funny that I thought I was OK.

I have rarely gone out in public, only went out to eat or really do anything when My roomate was going out. I have just kept myself locked up and hid from my problems in front of this compter (I am obsessed with knowing as much as I can about computers). So, my car has so many problems I can't drive it very far at all, about 2 or 3 blocks is the limit I set so it doesn't completely break down. I have distanced myself so much from everything I have no one to talk to or ask for help

I know I should go to the hospital, I'm just not quite ready yet. Tommorow's Thanksgiving and I'll be eating cold pizza, so maybe I'll go sometime this weekend. Again, I am not asking for help, I just needed to write this somewhere where people who understand how I feel can read it. I have to re-iterate that I'm not looking to discuss my problems, I know and understand that I need help from a doctor.

Thanks to anyone who read this long-winded meaningless banter of mine. :)

It would be nice to hear what people who have filed PTSD claims have recieved, and what I could possibly be entitled too.

I know everyone's case is different and no one will be able to tell me what I may be eligible for. It would be interesting to see what other people are recieving in comparison with their syptoms. Kind of an unofficial poll I guess.

Finally, thanks again to anyone who read this, sorry it was so long. I do feel better after typing all that, now I'm off to the couch where my phone is to order pizza.


:P I was discharged in 1967 and didn't seek ant treatment for PTSD until 1992. I kept thinking I was just depressed; please don't wait long. Jim

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we hear you brother, many of us have been there, some of us are there with you now. try a vet center for a counselor i think they are the best and hope that you have a good one near you. just remember don't underestimate the power of ptsd, it's powerful and you must fight it to get the help you need.


Great site, I have been looking off and on for about a year for a site where vets can actually post questions and get answers from actual people. Just wanted to say thanks.

Well, I have several problems I never talk to anyone about and everything has finally built up to a point where I feel completely stuck. I'm not asking for mental help here, I'll probably check myself in the hospital in a day or two. I guess I'm mostly writing this because I have no one to really talk to. I have family but I have the usual problems people have when it comes to talking to family (at least I think they are common problems).

Anyway, I got back from Iraq about 2 years ago, and got discharged from the army about 1 year ago. While in the army, and prior to any combat, I was diagnosed with ADHD. The past couple weeks I have finally admitted to myself that I have PTSD. ADHD has many syptoms similar to PTSD, so I felt I couldn't honestly say I had more problems stemming from combat.

I never did a lot of the things I should have when I was getting out of the army. No physical, I went to the minimum amount of "classes" (I can't rember the correct term right now) for "civilianizing" myself (just what was required to get my paperwork signed). When I was out I almost immediatelly began going to school, and being out of Dexadrine (for ADHD) I went and signed up for my VA benfits (2 years medical care).

The reason I never really considered PTSD is because Nightmares, mild depression, social anxiety, and stress are all symptoms of ADHD as well. Also, I had saved enough money that I would not have to work for quite a while, after I started school. Of course my problems slowly got worse and I only realized my REAL problems lately. I could see the habits I had that were not good, like staying inside all the time, not going anywhere, low self-esteem. I would go see the Physchiatrist about once a month, she wanted me to come in more often the past two months but I haven't even been in for that long. Being able to articulate well what my problems were, my phsychiatrist stopped bringing up PTSD as a cause of my problems after the first few visits.

So here I am now, I have no friends, stopped going to school about 3 weeks after this semester began, and of course I let my meds run out completely. I've been ordering pizza and getting fast food from the drive through for the past two weeks. I try to sleep as much as possible every day, without meds I usually wake from a nightmre every time though.

I did speak with my sister about things yesterday and today. I should mention I live very far from my family so it's not like I see them often. Actually, I haven't seen them in almost a year. When I spoke to my sister yesterday I just felt miserable and had that feeling that when I was talking to her I was just being childish. Today I was able to see myself from more of an objective standpoint and I spoke to her again and now feel I may have PTSD. Looking back at the past two years, seeing how I have been living, it's almost funny that I thought I was OK.

I have rarely gone out in public, only went out to eat or really do anything when My roomate was going out. I have just kept myself locked up and hid from my problems in front of this compter (I am obsessed with knowing as much as I can about computers). So, my car has so many problems I can't drive it very far at all, about 2 or 3 blocks is the limit I set so it doesn't completely break down. I have distanced myself so much from everything I have no one to talk to or ask for help

I know I should go to the hospital, I'm just not quite ready yet. Tommorow's Thanksgiving and I'll be eating cold pizza, so maybe I'll go sometime this weekend. Again, I am not asking for help, I just needed to write this somewhere where people who understand how I feel can read it. I have to re-iterate that I'm not looking to discuss my problems, I know and understand that I need help from a doctor.

Thanks to anyone who read this long-winded meaningless banter of mine. B)

It would be nice to hear what people who have filed PTSD claims have recieved, and what I could possibly be entitled too.

I know everyone's case is different and no one will be able to tell me what I may be eligible for. It would be interesting to see what other people are recieving in comparison with their syptoms. Kind of an unofficial poll I guess.

Finally, thanks again to anyone who read this, sorry it was so long. I do feel better after typing all that, now I'm off to the couch where my phone is to order pizza.



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I am writing my memoirs and would love it if you could help a shipmate out and look at it.

I've had a few challenges, perhaps the same as you. I relate them here to demonstrate that we can learn, overcome, and find purpose in life.

The stories can be harrowing to read; they were challenging to live. Remember that each story taught me something I would need once I found my purpose, and my purpose was and is HadIt.com Veterans.

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