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Got Another Ludicrous And Illegal Ssoc

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Guest Berta


I can get around the SSOC-I am not too concerned about it-BUT again they failed to address the evidence-never even mentioned my IMOs---it was ridiculous- (like many SOCs I got in the 1990s)

Now I intend to do all I can to get these VAROs changed- I want Buffalo top of the list- of course-because I have so much evidence that shows they are not doing their job-told them that too-

I emailed them that they will get my NOD but I am sending both of the SOCs I got to the Veterans Disability Commission- they said the VAROs need more oversight? they sure do-I will tell them plenty-

I promise I will do all I can to get these VAROs to at least read and consider our evidence-especially if it cost us 2,000 bucks like my IMO did-they have it yet they have NEVER even mentioned it-

Also I am seeing how I can complain to the IG too-

My BABY Girl is on her way home!!!!!! I am thrilled and have been cooking all day!!!!!

Will be busy for next few days- haven't seen her in over a year-

I hope you all have a Wonderful Holiday------I sure can put my claim down for a while -my veteran daughter will be here!

Vets many times- in the past when I got lousy VA decisions- she would just say- Mom-I just know you can pull this off- her faith and belief in me is overwhelming and , the fact that she is a vet too, makes me realise that-

this VARO crapola has GOT to stop-for all of you and for our new and future vets.

I wished the VARO Director a Merry Christmas too- and then told her I will do all I can to stop the illegal practices of VAROs violating our most basic rights.

They are a disgraceful entity that our taxpayers (to include our men and women in Harm's way who pay taxes too!) have to support.

(I think I was born to fight the Veterans Administration- I hate it and I LOVE it!))

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  • HadIt.com Elder
I can get around the SSOC-I am not too concerned about it-BUT again they failed to address the evidence-never even mentioned my IMOs---it was ridiculous- (like many SOCs I got in the 1990s)

Now I intend to do all I can to get these VAROs changed- I want Buffalo top of the list- of course-because I have so much evidence that shows they are not doing their job-told them that too-

I emailed them that they will get my NOD but I am sending both of the SOCs I got to the Veterans Disability Commission- they said the VAROs need more oversight? they sure do-I will tell them plenty-

I promise I will do all I can to get these VAROs to at least read and consider our evidence-especially if it cost us 2,000 bucks like my IMO did-they have it yet they have NEVER even mentioned it-

Also I am seeing how I can complain to the IG too-

My BABY Girl is on her way home!!!!!! I am thrilled and have been cooking all day!!!!!

Will be busy for next few days- haven't seen her in over a year-

I hope you all have a Wonderful Holiday------I sure can put my claim down for a while -my veteran daughter will be here!

Vets many times- in the past when I got lousy VA decisions- she would just say- Mom-I just know you can pull this off- her faith and belief in me is overwhelming and , the fact that she is a vet too, makes me realise that-

this VARO crapola has GOT to stop-for all of you and for our new and future vets.

I wished the VARO Director a Merry Christmas too- and then told her I will do all I can to stop the illegal practices of VAROs violating our most basic rights.

They are a disgraceful entity that our taxpayers (to include our men and women in Harm's way who pay taxes too!) have to support.

(I think I was born to fight the Veterans Administration- I hate it and I LOVE it!))

Berta, $2000 for an IMO (independent medical opinion) and they even never mentioned it on the SSOC (supplimental statement of case) ... breaking it down for newbies, and to refresh my memory ... I would be as mad as a hornet too - - and no doubt you will take immediate action. I think your decision to forward to the Commision is excellent! What do you think the IG can do ??? Oh, and BTW, Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays (politically correct lol) - - and happy to hear your daughter will be celebrating with you!!! Keep your powder dry - and a fire under their duffs!! HUGS! Adora

USAF 1980-1986, 70% SC PTSD, 100% TDIU (P&T)

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Adora! We think Alike!!!!!

What I received was so deficient -I just emailed the Buffalo VARO to double check the spelling on three names-

The VARO Manager's name , the DRO, and the "expert" doctor's name- I took an educated guess on who that was and asked them to email me back to confirm if this was in fact the VA's "expert" and I also told them this was for the complaint I am prepared for the VA Office of Inspector General.

My baby is home and it is just Wonderful to have her here- much of this will have to wait -yet I have already prepared a response- and have a lot to copy----

However- I want you all to realise how much we can really do- it isn't easy but I have aleady knocked down 3 prior VA "Expert" opinions without any IMOS- in the past-and without a medical background-this one is a piece of cake-

But I feel it is an abuse of power and a waste of the taxpayers money to have a system (VA)employee people- at very good federal salaries- who cannot or will not do their jobs.

And continuously violate provisions within the legal criteria they are supposed to use-

This is the very same DRO who I had to send her M21-1 job description to in Sept-

When my de Novo review was a sameo sameo copy and paste job-

The local VAMC lied to me and my vet rep as to where my husband's medical records were- the VA inquery system actually supported that lie with a response I got last month from them! Yippee---

The IMO VA expert only had a few chemistry reports-she misinterpreted what they said and she never

saw my husband's complete medical records nor the copies from them I had sent to VA in support of my claim. The VA never told her that this veteran had already been severely mosdiagnosed by the VA (documented)

Dr. Bash however- looked VA records all over very well-I had to use a big box to mail it all to him-

well- I am so busy with my girl home- and want to enjoy this Holiday-it has been grreat so far--

I am such a fighter that I wanted to attack their SSOC immediately- but I must put it off---yet I have clearly spelled out to this VARO what they did to me and what they are NOT going to continue to do to veterans.

It will be very interesting to see how this all goes-

For me it is de javu to 1996 -1997-all over again-

You would think in the past 8 years these people would have learned how to do their jobs.

They didnt-

I hope you all are going to have a wonderful holiday-

dont ever let the VA control who you are-if you have evidence, nexus,38 CFR and Title 38-

you can control them.


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Guest fla_viking

Dear Berta.

The VA in there mind only may have changed the issue on you. Let me share what they did in the 90's to me and warn you about this littel VA trick.

I requested review under VA regs 5.04 correction of deficancys because there rulings did not match the record.

Well the VA changed my request for review and called it a reopen. THe VA than demanded new and material evidence to re open. I would ask reopen what. I just want to correct false Dr Reports and errors in my medical records.

The VA never once acknowleged that I was requesting a review to correct defficancys. THey saw the issue as one of new and materal evidence upon which until I was before the court where the VA for the first time used the word corriection of deficancys and stated the issue before the court was one of new and material eveidence for parnoid schozophrenia. I tried to argue that to correct defecancys I have to show what medical records are in error not bring in new records the VA never seen and have them correct those. That argument was illogical.

The Court of Veterans claims ruled. MY request to correct defeciancys was just another attempt to obtain VA compensation by other means.

IT seems like the court was saying. IF I were to correct the deficancys in my medical records. I could than be granted SC on the truthful information. Therefore my request to correct defceancys is denied because a correct record may grant my claim.

its these kind of silly rulings that allow the VA and court to disobey any law they dont like or vet they dont want to have comp.

Berta. I would strongly suggest to stop waisting your time with the RO. THey are delibertly baiting you over and over again. The RO sees this as a great chance to wear you out and stall your claim. The biggest threat you have against the RO is to go over there heads.

This refusal to read your IMO or comment on them is bad faith claims pratices and was so common in the civilan insurance industry that every state pass laws prohibiting that. Now if these people are acting in bad faith. What makes you think your trying to force them to read and rule on issues they have in bad faith refused to read and rule on so far. Is going to changed. Even if you could time the RO up and use duck tape to hold open there eyes while your held a copy up to there eyes and read it to them. What makes you thing they are going to rule any differnt. They knwo what you got. The are delibertly ignoring you and brushing you off.



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doesn't everybody wonder if the va regional offices and the bva is starting to question Dr. Bash's IMO'S. I personaly think they are looking at his opinions as a $2,000 pay off. they see hundreds of these opinions roll across their desks every year all in favor of the veterns. people might start thinking of using imo's from other dr's. i'm not saying dr. bash isn't good at what he does, but too many imo's from one dr. looks fishy. also look at the web sight www.vamalpractice.info. if you read that first page you can see were the va reads their sight. if the va reads that site you know they read this sight. the va can see were people are always recommending dr. bash for imo's. i had a trainer at work write a very small statement supporting my claim and that showed up in my soc. you're saying a probably large imo didn't make it into your soc. think about it. i believe the va is no longer going to take dr. bash's imo's as absolute truth and are going to probably do to other people like they did to you.


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I'm sorry about what the VARO is doing to you. It's infuriating. My last decision had four recent medical opinions that addressed both issues to weigh as evidence. In my SSOC, the denial for increase, the least qualified, shortest exam and only partialy negative was considered. The other three in my favor were ignored. For the denial for secondary depression, my C&P exam was was mixed together with my treatment physician and quoted my treatment physician as saying something the C&P examiner said, thus giving the impression my own IMO ruled against me. And used another C&P that was in my favor but incomplete for testing as stated by the examiner to rule against me. Then did not use the other evidence.

Terry, is right. I don't see any justice at this level. It is repeated over and over and over. We can make formal complaints on each screw up, and what we get is, "Oops, our bad, we'll make this right as soon as we can", after fighting to get it recognized. Eventually it is straightened out for that claim. At the same time it is happening to a thousand more. For Veterans that have little income, this delay is more than just an inconvience. I've been living on $220 a month for some time now. $2000 for an IMO is out of the question. How are we suposed to get claims approved. VA has refused treatment even.

I don't know how, but the VARO needs fixed from the outside.


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  • HadIt.com Elder

It's really great when the VA attempts to use your own IMO against you by twisting the facts beyond recognition. It happened to me and took anther trip to the DRO to get it right. Time is the factor that kills us. A lot of this is just sloppy work by the RO and a bias towards denying claims.

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