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Michigan Medical Marijuana

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Howdy to all my friends, its been a while. Last week I had my SSA ALJ Hearing and won finally its done.

Anyways All you Michiganders out there know that we voted in medical marijuana back in November and it went into effect in December and in January I became a legal state wide patient, as before I was only legal in Ann Arbor, you know down the street from the VA Hospital. Anyways there is a association www.michiganmedicalmarijuan.org it is a patient support group and non profit.

I am happy to say I am a member. Anyways we are trying to get local area clubs started so we can educate patients, doctors, police etc. Our meetings and association are open to the public.

MMMA Compassion Clubs are simply community-based support groups of patients, caregivers, families and loved ones, local caregiver groups, and the public, who meet regularly to learn and provide mutual support. Compassion Clubs discuss issues effecting Michigan’s medical marijuana community, and promote the open exchange of ideas and information.

MMMA Compassion Clubs form when friends and neighbors come together to support, learn from, and educate each other. Some programming is provided on a regular basis to local groups by the central MMMA office. In addition, Compassion Clubs are encouraged to develop their own local programming based on local needs and resources.

The most important benefit of each meeting however comes from the empowerment members feel from the social networking and community building that is a positive side effect of these meetings. We are inclusive, color-blind, compassionate, tolerant, law-abiding people coming together to support local members of Michigan’s medical marijuana community.

Compassion Clubs are also encouraged to interact with other Clubs in surrounding areas or across the state for a variety of purposes including networking, community volunteer days & festivals or to co-sponsor fundraising events. We expect club sponsors to visit other clubs to share ideas and identify common goals that clubs can rally around to raise funds of awareness.

Compassion Clubs are semi-autonomous groups, required to adhere to a few simple guidelines to be recognized by the MMMA, but flexible to structure their organization, officers, activities and meetings to suit member need.

Clubs are not required to incorporate, or to become sanctioned by the MMMA, but clubs that do take advantage of incorporation will be eligible to participate in additional MMMA revenue-sharing programs.

Check out http://www.michiganmedicalmarijuana.org/forum/53 It list the locals in michigan. I know there is a mtg 1-3 in Brighton on Sunday at the city Library.


540% SC Schedular P&T




You hit the street, you feel them staring you know they hate you you can feel their eyes a glarin'

Because you're different, because you're free, because you're everything deep down they wish they could be.

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Howdy to all my friends, its been a while. Last week I had my SSA ALJ Hearing and won finally its done.

Anyways All you Michiganders out there know that we voted in medical marijuana back in November and it went into effect in December and in January I became a legal state wide patient, as before I was only legal in Ann Arbor, you know down the street from the VA Hospital. Anyways there is a association www.michiganmedicalmarijuan.org it is a patient support group and non profit.

I am happy to say I am a member. Anyways we are trying to get local area clubs started so we can educate patients, doctors, police etc. Our meetings and association are open to the public.

MMMA Compassion Clubs are simply community-based support groups of patients, caregivers, families and loved ones, local caregiver groups, and the public, who meet regularly to learn and provide mutual support. Compassion Clubs discuss issues effecting Michigan's medical marijuana community, and promote the open exchange of ideas and information.

MMMA Compassion Clubs form when friends and neighbors come together to support, learn from, and educate each other. Some programming is provided on a regular basis to local groups by the central MMMA office. In addition, Compassion Clubs are encouraged to develop their own local programming based on local needs and resources.

The most important benefit of each meeting however comes from the empowerment members feel from the social networking and community building that is a positive side effect of these meetings. We are inclusive, color-blind, compassionate, tolerant, law-abiding people coming together to support local members of Michigan's medical marijuana community.

Compassion Clubs are also encouraged to interact with other Clubs in surrounding areas or across the state for a variety of purposes including networking, community volunteer days & festivals or to co-sponsor fundraising events. We expect club sponsors to visit other clubs to share ideas and identify common goals that clubs can rally around to raise funds of awareness.

Compassion Clubs are semi-autonomous groups, required to adhere to a few simple guidelines to be recognized by the MMMA, but flexible to structure their organization, officers, activities and meetings to suit member need.

Clubs are not required to incorporate, or to become sanctioned by the MMMA, but clubs that do take advantage of incorporation will be eligible to participate in additional MMMA revenue-sharing programs.

Check out http://www.michiganmedicalmarijuana.org/forum/53 It list the locals in michigan. I know there is a mtg 1-3 in Brighton on Sunday at the city Library.

Very interesting BETRAYED, my doc prescribed Marinol to me to help with my headaches and to aid in the aches and pain for my neck and back. I tried the real stuff a few times but I cant handle the smoke irratating my throat.

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Very interesting BETRAYED, my doc prescribed Marinol to me to help with my headaches and to aid in the aches and pain for my neck and back. I tried the real stuff a few times but I cant handle the smoke irratating my throat.

Eat it.............

President Obama is keeping his word that the feds will back off in medical states.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder promised a clean break from the policies of the Bush administration. Yesterday, during a live interview on C-Span, he affirmed that this change includes ending the DEA raids of state-authorized medical marijuana providers.

Responding to a reporter’s question regarding the DEA’s recent actions against several California medical cannabis providers, Holder stated: “What the President said during the campaign . . . will be consistent with what we will be doing here in law enforcement. . . What [President Obama] said during the campaign . . . is now American policy.”

You can watch the video of Attorney General Holder’s remarks here.

Holder’s statement marks a dramatic shift in U.S. drug policy, and is a major victory for the 72 million Americans who reside in states where the use of medical cannabis is legal! It also lends support to the ongoing efforts in Minnesota, New Jersey, and Rhode Island — each of which are debating legislative proposals to make the production and distribution of medical cannabis legal under state law.

At this time, NORML would like to personally thank those of you who responded to our request to contact the Attorney General’s office and urge Eric Holder to call off the DEA raids. Your phone calls and e-mails have helped to change U.S. marijuana policy!

So go ahead and give yourself a pat on the back. And while you’re at it, click here to thank the new Attorney General for supporting the will of the people and the health and welfare of seriously ill patients.

“Change we can believe in?” Yes it is, and it’s about time


540% SC Schedular P&T




You hit the street, you feel them staring you know they hate you you can feel their eyes a glarin'

Because you're different, because you're free, because you're everything deep down they wish they could be.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

WTG BETRAYED, and a BIG Shout out to the new Admistration for FINALY putting a foot forward on the medical side of the dreaded "ERB" and let the states decide the issue. Now maybe people will start educating themselves instead of believing the bunk the previously surrounded this issue.

Do yourself a favor.....buy some gold and silver! The printing presses are in overdrive.

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Good post - glad your SSA went through.

You've had so much progress over the last three years.


SURE DOESNT FEEL LIKE IT...............mentally scared over the past three years


540% SC Schedular P&T




You hit the street, you feel them staring you know they hate you you can feel their eyes a glarin'

Because you're different, because you're free, because you're everything deep down they wish they could be.

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