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Make A Claim For Infertility

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Hi folks. I have an appointment with a VSO on March 17th and am trying to gather information and as much data as I can about claims. I am, however, stuck on a situation with how to proceed with proof and case for infertility.

Here's some background on me with this: I served in the army for 7 years. (1990-1997) Throughout this time, I had episodes of irregular bleeding. For instance, following a "Post run" (every unit participated in this), I had a situation where I had severe cramping w/bad back pain and was bleeding. Being newly married, I thought I was having a miscarriage. I was driven to the medical facility where they tested me for pregnancy and when my lab results returned negative, I was diagnosed with possible "pelvic inflammatory disease" or UTI. Which, by the way, was extremely insulting to me since my husband (whom I am still married to) was my 3rd and final partner so I don't or didn't consider myself to be a promiscuous woman.

So the above is an example of what happened to me the entire time of my service until the end when I finally requested to be seen by OB/GYN for possible infertility. Keep in mind that, well, I don't know a woman that would "request" this type of examination unless there were concerns. Anyhow, at my examination, once I mentioned that I had concerns considering my husband and I weren't taking precautions to prevent pregnancies that I wasn't sure if I could have children. The captain basically dismissed my concerns by telling me that my reproductive organs were all in tact. That was the end of that.

In 2002, I finally was referred to an infertility doctor and after having a hysteroscopy, tubal ligation and finally laparoscopy diagnosed me with severe endometriosis with lysis of adhesion on my right fallopian tube and adhesion of my left fallopian tube to my left ovary. My doctor then put me on depo lupron to cease six months of my cycle in hope that by giving my body a break that it would heal itself. The lupron didn't work and we discussed IVF as the only way I could conceive. I was 33 at the time. The process of diagnosis pretty much emptied my bank account. I'm sharing this information with you so that you'll understand that money was the only reason of delaying my IVF attempt.

It took me three years to save the money for the IVF treatment and costs. From 1997 to 2005, I went experienced anger, disapointment, guilt, basically, in general just a ticked off woman. I don't know if I have a claim for this. I don't know if it's even fair for me to say that had the military diagnosed me correctly, that my symptoms would've been treated and I would've been a mom at a much younger age. In 2006, my twin sons were born but at the expense of all aspects of my life. I've been told that children conceived thru IVF may also be infertile due to the forced process so, my sons may never have children. Or at least I won't know until they start trying. Imagine the mental and physical pain I went thru to have my sons and now add guilt on top of all of it.

What do you guys think? Do I have a claim? Do I stand a chance? Thank you for reading this. I look forward to your suggestions, comments and any advice you may have. BTW, I do have all of my records of "irregular bleeding" in my service record as well as all surgery and files from my infertility doctor. I apologize if I've posted in the wrong board.

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So sorry that you had to go through all of that....congrats though on your twins!! A double-blessing!!

I guess my first question would be actually one you would need to ask your current doc or specialist. Ask them if they feel that your very early symptoms were a sign that something was wrong then. If they think so, and are willing to put their medical opinion in writing....strong writing for you; then I would go for filing a claim.

Does that mean the VA will agree? No. But you won't know until you try. But you need the written opinion of your specialists to back you up.

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§ 4.116 38 CFR Ch. I (7–1–04 Edition)



§ 4.116 Schedule of ratings—gynecological

conditions and disorders of

the breast.


Note 1: Natural menopause, primary

amenorrhea, and pregnancy and childbirth

are not disabilities for rating purposes.

Chronic residuals of medical or

surgical complications of pregnancy may

be disabilities for rating purposes.

Note 2: When evaluating any claim involving

loss or loss of use of one or more

creative organs or anatomical loss of

one or both breasts, refer to § 3.350 of

this chapter to determine whether the

veteran may be entitled to special

monthly compensation. Footnotes in the

schedule indicate conditions which potentially

establish entitlement to special

monthly compensation; however, almost

any condition in this section might, under

certain circumstances, establish entitlement

to special monthly compensation.

7610 Vulva, disease or injury of (including


7611 Vagina, disease or injury of.

7612 Cervix, disease or injury of.

7613 Uterus, disease, injury, or adhesions of.

7614 Fallopian tube, disease, injury, or adhesions

of (including pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)).

7615 Ovary, disease, injury, or adhesions of.

General Rating Formula for Disease, Injury, or Adhesions

of Female Reproductive Organs (diagnostic

codes 7610 through 7615):

Symptoms not controlled by continuous

treatment .................................................. 30

Symptoms that require continuous treatment

......................................................... 10

Symptoms that do not require continuous

treatment .................................................. 0

"Don't give up. Don't ever give up." Jimmy V

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If you have endometriosis and the nexus between your inservice diagnosis and a current one exist you have a claim.

Do not file a claim for fertility issues as the VA will most likely tell you they are not in the baby making business. Not trying to be cruel just letting you know the way the VA thinks - which most of the time is kinda crazy.

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PID and UTI's are not always the result of STD's - there are

other ways to have PID and URI's, so don't you let anyone

make you feel bad about that.

With only one mention in the information you have posted here,

"I was diagnosed with possible "pelvic inflammatory disease" or UTI."

I do not feel you would have enough medical evidence for a grant

of service connection of the PID, URI's or infertility from adhesions.

You can always try to get an IMO or a VA doc to provide a nexus

in comparing your SMR's to your current disability, but I think this

one is a long shot.



Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Is there some special circumstance that may have caused this infertility? The reason I ask is beacuse many Gulf War I vets I knew were having miscarriages when they got back as a possible part of gulf war illness.

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