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Need To Make A Disc


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I am going to write my IMO to the best of my ability and make a copy of it in Word, when the doctor writes his opinion all he has to do is to add to what I wrote if he agrees with what I wrote. I am trying to make this as easy as I can. With help of Berta I have an idea of what to say.

How do I make it a copy they can work off of. I want to give them a disk and say if you agree with this IMO or wish to change it or add more you can work from this copy. Then print it on letter head and sign it and I will pick it up.

Any takers on help me make a copy of something on a disk and I am rather dumb when it comes to computers.



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Just save the Word file as a doc or docx if you have word 2007. Maybe IMO.doc would be a good name. Select your CD rom as the drive to save in. Make sure you have a proper CD disk in the drive.

If you have a program like Nero, you can use it to make a data disk.


Just readin the mail


Excerpt from the 'Declaration of Independence'


We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity

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Just save the Word file as a doc or docx if you have word 2007. Maybe IMO.doc would be a good name. Select your CD rom as the drive to save in. Make sure you have a proper CD disk in the drive.

If you have a program like Nero, you can use it to make a data disk.

Thanks Stretch,

I don't have word 2007. I have wordperfect if that makes a difference.

Let me see if I understand this I would type this and save as Dr. x IMO.doc and then I save it in cd rom to save it in (how do I do that or what rom do I save it in-this is where I get lost.) What kind of cd disk do I need?

I got an appointment for tomorrow at 11 I am under the gun to get this done. I am lost.

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CD-r....... that translates into Cee Dee minus arr. It is an actual designation of a type of media. There are a number of media. CD-r is the most likely to work in most all computers with the most software.

I amusing XP Pro on my computer and these directions are for that operating system.

Since you are using Word Perfect, you will probably have conflict problems with other software(I certainly have), like Word and others. I recommend you copy your letter into Wordpad

Have your document open. click inside the document somewhere and let go. (look at your keyboard. Find the ctrl button - there is one at each end of your keyboard. Hold down one of the ctrl buttons and then key an a. Let go. The whole of the text will highlight. Now hold down crtl again, and key a c. You have now copied your document into the clipboard.

Now look for Notebook (which is a generic program that comes with all PC's)

on a PC by clicking

Start(lower left corner usually), then click All Programs, then click Accessories, where you should find Notebook.

Click on Notebook and it should open.

After it opens, hold down crtl. and key a v and your copied document should paste into notepad.)

Save your document in an easy to find place on your pc for you.

Now to go to my computer... click on start again; My Computer should be on the right side list in the popup window.

Click on My computer. My computer is actually a list of all drives and drive like devices on your computer....like your "c" drive is the one you work from, and among other things your cd or dvd drive, which is what that little door is that pops out on your tower that you put a cd or a dvd in. Open that little door on your tower after you have My Computer window open on screen and then put something in there and close the door. You will see the icon or name change for your cd/dvd drive. I just did that on my tower, and the name of the cd/dvd drive changed to pertain to the data on the disc in the drive.

That is an easy way to identify your cd/dvd drive on your computer, and to copy to a cd.

If you can follow this that I have given you above, I will walk you through copy and past on a CD/DVD. Okay?

Let me know,


Thanks Stretch,

I don't have word 2007. I have wordperfect if that makes a difference.

Let me see if I understand this I would type this and save as Dr. x IMO.doc and then I save it in cd rom to save it in (how do I do that or what rom do I save it in-this is where I get lost.) What kind of cd disk do I need?

I got an appointment for tomorrow at 11 I am under the gun to get this done. I am lost.

"Do one thing every day that scares you." Eleanor Roosevelt

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