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Va Employees Steal Money Due To Vets..

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Well, now we know why our legitimate claims are denied, and we have to appeal for years just to get what is due to us. VA employees are stealing the money, and the last I checked money does not grow on trees, so this money has to be made up somewhere: Thus legitimate Veterans are denied benefits, so that VA employees can steal large bonuses. These crooks are not stealing money from the government, they are stealing this money from disabled Veterans. No wonder why those rating specialists are so stingy awarding our benefits, it is because its not the governments money, it is their bonus money. Here it is:


(The above link may not work all day Friday while vawatchdog.org is doing maintenance)

My thanks to Larry Scott for watching out for us. Now maybe the politicians will have to do something to fix the VA.

Edited by broncovet
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To go from 3 mil. in 2006, to 24 mil. in 09, ther is no way that can be justified. I just can't think of anyting else to say that would be printable.


" In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a Congress"

- John Adams

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We still need to learn that,

"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

By: John Emerich Edward Dalberg in 1887.

Edited by pacmanx1

My intentions are to help, my advice maybe wrong, be your own advocate and know what is in your C-File and the 38 CFR that governs your disabilities and conditions.

Do your own homework. No one knows the veteran’s symptoms like the veteran. Never Give Up.

I do not give my consent for anyone to view my personal VA records.


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Tag and Bag is right..The Department of Veterans Affairs, between 2006 and 2009 INCREASED the backlog of Veterans claims and then patted each other on the back for that, awarding $24 million in bonus money while Veterans are becoming homeless and committing suicide at an alarming rate.

I just cant wait for the Va to say this is an isolated incident, that corruption is not widespread througout the VA. Hillary Clinton already said that the New York RO was corrupt, and now the Central IT department is corrupt. Are we to beleive that our own Regional Office is somehow not corrupt, even tho 40 of 57 Regional Offices were CAUGHT shredding Veterans evidence? There is no guarntee that the other 17 RO's did not shred evidence, they just did not get caught.

It may just mean those 17 RO's are better at cover up than others.

Edited by broncovet
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Testvet is right..Buyer gave Howard complete control over the IT department $2 billion budget with zero accountability. I think it was a couple months ago when Shinseki suspended IT projects because they were late and way over budget...gee I wonder why they were over budget, when the hired family members, paid people full time for part time "work" and showed nepotism and favoritism.

The rest of the VA also does not have accountability either and regularly awards VA employees bonus money while Veterans wait on theirs. I think some people should go to prison for this. The IT department is just the tip of the iceburg, and I certainly hope this scandal leads not to additional promotions and bonuses, for covering it up, but rather to prosecution and jail time.

There are some bad apples at high level positions at the VA, and they need weeded out for Veterans to make any progress.

Unfortunately, in the VA, corruption is rewarded with big bonuses and promotions. For example:


I think the former Cleveland VARO manager used the famous Enron defense:

He claimed he did not know that the employees were stealing money.

In private industry, Enron CEO's go to jail, when they steal money in the VA, they get promoted to the Central office.

Edited by broncovet
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Testvet is right..Buyer gave Howard complete control over the IT department $2 billion budget with zero accountability. I think it was a couple months ago when Shinseki suspended IT projects because they were late and way over budget...gee I wonder why they were over budget, when the hired family members, paid people full time for part time "work" and showed nepotism and favoritism.

The rest of the VA also does not have accountability either and regularly awards VA employees bonus money while Veterans wait on theirs. I think some people should go to prison for this. The IT department is just the tip of the iceburg, and I certainly hope this scandal leads not to additional promotions and bonuses, for covering it up, but rather to prosecution and jail time.

There are some bad apples at high level positions at the VA, and they need weeded out for Veterans to make any progress.

Unfortunately, in the VA, corruption is rewarded with big bonuses and promotions. For example:


I think the former Cleveland VARO manager used the famous Enron defense:

He claimed he did not know that the employees were stealing money.

In private industry, Enron CEO's go to jail, when they steal money in the VA, they get promoted to the Central office.

So where are all of the vet orgs that are supposed to be helping us and lookign out for us? They should be on all the medai and organizing protests. but the orgs sit back make money off of vets and do nothing. they play politics same as any public servant in D.c. we need to form a group that will actually go after employess in the va and after this kind of stuff inside the va. a group that will use the media for the vets and show abuse inside the va. a groupd that does not cower to the va or the government. every vet org claims they did soemthing whenever congress does something for vets. when they actually did not thing but write a letter or go to a hearing and state an opinon on how they stand. they enevr want to take action directly with protests of going on the medai as much as possible to let peopel knwo how messed up the va and the gov is.

they seem more organized to collec tmoney and use that for their own betterment of life.

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