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i fought since the early 70's for my service connected disability. for thirty years i did not know anything about the process and i trusted the va to do the right thing. i was really stupid and screwed up mentally big time.

i applied several times through the years and was living under bridges a lot of the time . so i did not have the means to stay on top of things. i was not a drug addict,i did have problems with alcohol.

finally after settling down thanks to my wonderful wife who pulled me off the street and got me to quit drinking i decided to get serious about my claim and i had the evidence .

they were just shoving me under the rug thinking i would go away. so i fought hard for around ten years and got lowballed at 30%. i raised hell asked for an increase and they immediately gave me 50%.

now right there i got screwed,because if they would have given me the 50% to start with i would have hhad that back pay back to 2002.

i guess i should be satisfied with what i have ,but i cant understand why when i applied back in the 70's and the 80's why i was not paid back until then.


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here is another thing to think about that is against me. i am trying to go back to 1987 claim that was denied and i let the one year time limit run out.

i think back then it was filed under nervous condition and somehow bipolar got in there.

any way i think they should pay me back to 1987 ,but i know they are going to deny on grounds i let one year time limit pass.

not to mention while they were at it in the 1987 claim they took care of their butts on a 1971 claim that had not been appealed and made sure that was denied by appeal also.

Edited by skunk
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When in doubt, Get the NOD out!

just did that and i am wondering about them deniying a 1971 claim by appeal that had not been appealed in my 1987 claim

i guess they saw it as possible being appealed later or something ,but is what they did right as the 1971 claim if they go by their own rules is many years p[assed the one year mark,talk about double standard!

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well i decided to get a lawyer as eed is complicated and i have had many claims through the years ,and finally got the award.

just doesnt seem right all those years just because i wasnt informed about the rigorous claim processing rituals i had to suffer without a dime.

i have been in those hospitals without a dime in my pocket and no place to go when i got released.

for what it is worth i am going to use lawyers for vets michael viterna if they will have me.

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