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Another C & P Today

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Had a C & P at audiology. The ENT that was supposed to cover my chronic otitis just wanted to talk about my tinnitus. Fittingly, sitting in audio for my tinnitus, the main topic was my otitis!

Had the same snake in the grass that made her recommendations against my case in Dec. and I expect little else this time around.

Is this some kind of a standard routine? mixing these up so nothing is conclusive and records are in the wrong folder or something? What are the odds it will be done over?

The main feature of todays visit was a repeat of my Dec. hearing loss C & P. I guess they were hoping to get an inconsistent test if not create one! Naybe drop me back to 40% or call me a fraud! I have trouble with tones on the fringe - I don't know if I'm hearing them or it's my tinnitus. I started to raise my hand near the end because I thought I heard a faint high tone repeating. About that time she was in the booth taking off the headset - still heard my sound!

A couple of them I felt the strong vibration of the machine at max, but never heard anything!

As usual, stopped at ROI and arranged to get the records ASAP. Told the guy I'd see him in a week for 2 more.

Another work week and I'm beginning to "jones" for a 70% total rating so I can start the ball rolling - OPM disability - SSDI - TDIU!

My post office is currently faced with a safety hazard notice I've had to file twice now over them not activating (and reportedly not even ever setting up) the vibrating pager system that has been in place for years and has left me in the building during the last 2 fire drills. It has occurred to me (wishful thinking) that THEY may be the ones to suggest disability retirement! If I were to die in a fire, I don't think my wife and kids would have money problems!!!

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  • HadIt.com Elder
Had a C & P at audiology. The ENT that was supposed to cover my chronic otitis just wanted to talk about my tinnitus. Fittingly, sitting in audio for my tinnitus, the main topic was my otitis!

    Had the same snake in the grass that made her recommendations against my case in Dec. and I expect little else this time around.

    Is this some kind of a standard routine? mixing these up so nothing is conclusive and records are in the wrong folder or something? What are the odds it will be done over?

    The main feature of todays visit was a repeat of my Dec. hearing loss C & P. I guess they were hoping to get an inconsistent test if not create one! Naybe drop me back to 40% or call me a fraud! I have trouble with tones on the fringe - I don't know if I'm hearing them or it's my tinnitus. I started to raise my hand near the end because I thought I heard a faint high tone repeating. About that time she was in the booth taking off the headset - still heard my sound!

    A couple of them I felt the strong vibration of the machine at max, but never heard anything!

    As usual, stopped at ROI and arranged to get the records ASAP. Told the guy I'd see him in a week for 2 more.

    Another work week and I'm beginning to "jones" for a 70% total rating so I can start the ball rolling - OPM disability - SSDI - TDIU!

    My post office is currently faced with a safety hazard notice I've had to file twice now over them not activating (and reportedly not even ever setting up) the vibrating pager system that has been in place for years and has left me in the building during the last 2 fire drills. It has occurred to me (wishful thinking) that THEY may be the ones to suggest disability retirement! If I were to die in a fire, I don't think my wife and kids would have money problems!!!


As i suggested before, do not think they will help you as you must do this yourself with IMO's, if you do not think that they will rate you properly, then get an IMO to cover that C&P and submit it to the RO ASAP

The more ammo you have the better chance of hitting your target.

Do yourself a favor.....buy some gold and silver! The printing presses are in overdrive.

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In my opinion, you had what appears to be two flawed exams. You weren't examined for the condition for which each respective exam was scheduled. If after you receive copies of those C & P's they are not to your satisfaction, you might consider immediately sending a certified letter to the VARO to challenge the validity of the exams, stating what you've told us below. You have nothing to lose by doing that, and might get a new C & P for both conditions, if you think that would help. In the meantime, please seriously consider following JR's suggestion of getting an independent outside medical opinion. That levels the playing field significantly, and takes the assessment out of the total and biased control of the VA.

The VA is obligated to provide a thorough and contemporaneous exam to the veteran, according to the notice provided to the veteran.

I'd also copy the VA on the safety hazard notice you filed with the Post Office, this would support your claim as to the severity of the disability. I don't see how it could hurt, and might help you get your point across.

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  • HadIt.com Elder


IMO, IMO, IMO..................As for the PO, call the EEO and file a claim based on reasonable accomodation for the vibrating pager system, you will prevail with relative ease since you have filed a saftey hazard form, it is up to you if you want to also file for compensatory damages, but if nothing else you will piss them off to the point they may almost beg you to file for OPM.

Do yourself a favor.....buy some gold and silver! The printing presses are in overdrive.

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Many here can help you with the C & P audio report-

It will probably look like a scale with decibals readings-

it can be compared to the VA's criteria for rating hearing loss-

If it does have not decibals readings and stuff like that-to conform to the C & P (below) it is deficient-

One question- you stated:

"My post office is currently faced with a safety hazard notice I've had to file twice now over them not activating (and reportedly not even ever setting up) the vibrating pager system that has been in place for years and has left me in the building during the last 2 fire drills. It has "

As you saying that-you cannot here the drill bell and reply on the pager to vibrate if there is a fire or a drill?

Do you wear some protective head gear at work for some reason ?

If not, I see this as a hearing loss that is directly affecting your ability to work-,and if SC hearing loss- good evidence for TDIU.

Save all paperwork on the pager accomodation,the hazard report, and the dates etc of those drills- etc.

I used an EEOC case to support a TDIU case.

Here is the blank Audio C & P :


Edited by Berta

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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Update on the situation.

They got a new pager system not too long after my second complaint. I am the only user.

They were supposed to keep sign out sheets posted and require their supervisors to learn to use it and to test the system at leasyt twice a month.

Response time proved to be bad - I would get alerted to a fire drill 2 minutes or so after the alarm went off. I got "buzzed" that there was a safety meeting after a fellow employee had taken me there and it was half over! The supervisor said he paged me about it a half hour earlier!

One test turned up a response time of over 10 minutes. I thought these things buzzed when prompted, like dialing a phone and having it ring on the other end - apparently I was wrong.

Last week I repeatedly asked that they replenish the sign-out sheets for the pagers as we ran out of spaces on the existing ones - still not done. Also, there is a space where they record the response times of the tests on those sheets - none done for months now.

TDIU seems like it was a pipe dream for me all along. Since the issue arose they have made a point to somberly express their satisfaction with my work on occassion.

I don't wear headgear - though oddly, the audiologists say I should be protecting my remaining hearing with plugs at work! Hey, I can barely function as an employee with the digital amplification, but do turn it down or off when I am solo.

My hearing is SC, has been since '78.. Currently 50% + 10% tinnitus.


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