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Guard Officer Exposed As Seal Fraud

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Guard Officer Exposed as SEAL Fraud

September 06, 2010


MIAMI -- With the distinctive Trident insignia pinned to his uniform and a copy of the SEALs credo on his office wall, Florida National Guard 2nd Lt. Douglas Sofranko was known at the Ballard Armory as a onetime Navy Frogman, a proud member of one of the world's most elite and toughest combat forces.

But Sofranko, 33, a Coral Springs resident, was living a lie. He is not a former SEAL, having washed out of the grueling training 14 years ago.

"It was just stupid of me," said Sofranko, whose resignation of his commission and from the National Guard was effective Tuesday. "I know how I feel about people who falsify military careers, so this was just really stupid."

Sofranko's resignation comes as most of his fellow South Florida-based Soldiers in the 1st Battalion of the Guard's 124th Infantry Regiment are away on a year-long mission to Iraq. Sofranko was ineligible for deployment because he had not finished an officer's leadership course.

He was assigned to the rear detachment office, on active duty supervising supply clerks and training staff, and doing a good job, according to National Guard officials.

"It is an unfortunate situation that he got into that type of trouble," said Lt. Col. Peter Kaye, commander of the Guard's 53rd Brigade Combat Team. "He started a tall tale. But once confronted with it, he was forthright."

Fabricating histories of military service, and embellishing stories about exploits in battle, is not new. Over the years many people have been caught lying about what they did in World War II or the Vietnam War.

Faking a career with the legendary SEALs takes particular hubris. In the 16 to 18 months required to become a SEAL, candidates are put through punishing physical and mental training that includes distance swimming, underwater demolition and sleep deprivation.

Yet many people do boast of being SEALs when they are not.

"We average one to two calls a week about someone making claims of being a Navy SEAL," said Lt. Cate Wallace, of the Naval Special Warfare Command. "The bulk of the claims are unsubstantiated."

Added Wallace: "I can't believe people think they can get away with it. The SEALs are a tight-knit group. They look out for each other."

The unraveling of Sofranko's deceit began several weeks ago when other members of his Guard unit became suspicious.

Eventually, those suspicions reached reporter Mark D. Faram, a staff writer for Military Times. His story included an admission from Sofranko that he had lied, and sparked the National Guard investigation.

Citing privacy laws, Guard officials said they could not disclose what type of discharge -- honorable, general under honorable conditions, or bad conduct -- Sofranko received.

After joining the Navy, Sofranko did begin the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL course with class 209 in Coronado, Calif., in August 1996. But he was dismissed weeks later, he said, when he failed to pass the underwater swim course.

His class graduated without him in February 1997.

After leaving the Navy in 1999, Sofranko enlisted in the Pennsylvania National Guard the following year. Two years later, Sofranko received a general discharge under honorable conditions for unsatisfactory participation, meaning he missed too many drills and other training periods.

"He showed up to drills here and there," said Sgt. Matt Jones, a spokesman for the Pennsylvania National Guard who reviewed Sofranko's performance records during the year and 10 months he was enlisted there. "He did not have what we call a good year."

But Sofranko's military ambitions endured. In April 2007, after moving to Broward County and despite his poor record in Pennsylvania, he applied for a waiver to join the Florida National Guard.

"These waivers are granted routinely," said Lt. Col. Sterling Heymen, the Florida Guard's top personnel officer. "Young people make mistakes."

Once in the Guard, Sofranko applied for the Officer Candidates Program. He completed the training, and was commissioned a second lieutenant on Aug. 17, 2009.

Because he had not completed the leadership phase of his officer training, however, he was not eligible to deploy in February with the 1st Battalion to Kuwait, where they are providing security for convoys running in and out of Iraq. More than 2,500 Florida Guardsmen, including more than 600 members of the 1st Battalion, are in or near Iraq. They are due to come home in December.

Asked why he claimed to be a SEAL when he wasn't, Sofranko said, "I don't know. It just started as a little comment, but instead of correcting it, it just kept going."

Sofranko said he has been in contact with several Guard Soldiers and apologized for his actions. "Most have really been supportive," he said. "Most wanted to forgive me."

Sofranko and his wife have two children, ages 14 and 10. His biggest worry now, he said, "is, what are my kids going to think?"

My intentions are to help, my advice maybe wrong, be your own advocate and know what is in your C-File and the 38 CFR that governs your disabilities and conditions.

Do your own homework. No one knows the veteran’s symptoms like the veteran. Never Give Up.

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I personally have only talked about what I did in my service one time with my son for a class paper. He and a neighbor kid used me for their project.

They way I look at it I only talk to those that served with me and then not much cause they know what happened.

The ones that talk I can't hear what they are saying but that is another story. :blink:

OH I guess I did tell my shrink a few things, does that count?

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  • HadIt.com Elder

part of my service is the lawsuit against the DOD, CIA and the VA but I was an idiot for volunteering for the program to test equipment for the battlefield of the future man was that one big tall tale the Army told us when they lie to us it's for national security when we lie about what we did we are lower than dirt "who wrote those rules"? I have had officers lie about me to Senators and Congressman but I never lied about it I never claimed I was used in "secret tests" I stated they were classified and the Department of Justice is still trying to assert "national security" to keep from having to go to court on the Cold War tests WTF the last human test ended in 1975 most of the scientists doctors and enlisted test subjects are already dead

sorry one more guy lying about being a SEAL or a Green beret is hardly a shocking story anymore I am more curious about all of the POWs they are paying from Nam and GW1 the numbers don't add up

100% SC P&T PTSD 100% CAD 10% Hypertension and A&A = SMC L, SSD
a disabled American veteran certified lol
"A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."

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