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New Qtc's Opened And Don't Know Why

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The VA has scheduled 2 QTC's that pretty much cover all my SC Disabilitiesthat the were done by the exact same examiners in just over a year ago. I will go to the W-S VARO Monday to try to figure this out.

Any suggestions? Can they reopen a claim that soon? Can I close those claims?

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The way that I understand it is the VA can basically do whatever they want. I'm in the same boat, as I have a Mental Health exam and a General Medical Exam this month. I'm a nervous wreck, and I can not get it out of my mind that I'm about to get shafted.


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well, let it be of some comfort that you are not alone. I am in a hotel room in w-s NC with no representation, as in Steve lindsey of the dav who refuses to discuss the case at all, so I will be standing at the w-SVARO in the morning and see if I can't fix all these claims that have appeared on my claim therefore culminating in these multi QTC's which they know there is basically I can do about it. Aside from what Iam doing is trying to find a living breathing person with a computer in front of them that can get this straight.

Problem with all that is the VA and the DAV have their own agenda. Suprising no more interest in this issue but really more is there to be said besides: nothing! We all know they have no accountability.

Anyway, I will post back and let you know if they will allow you to be the judge of what is filed in your claim or is that above our paygrade?I will post back and see if they will allow me to clean this file up or just live with whatever they decide should be NOD'ed or claimed.

Sorry to hear your problems but it will all work out. You have to believe that.

I meant to mention that the politicians, in my case Senator Burr, could not care less. He has his so no problem there right!

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Whatever you due get yourself under control before you go there. Going off at the RO is not I repeat not a good idea. They will win every time if you go in there shouting and being loud! You will be out on your ear and would have done no good for your case and probably hurt it!!

My first question is why are you going to the RO were you asked to meet someone there or what??

If you are going on your own terms make sure you keep it that way and do not get asked or forced to leave!

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Before you go to the RO read you rating decision and see if the conditions stated that you would have a future exam. These are usually schedule anywhere between 1 and 5 years.

"Don't give up. Don't ever give up." Jimmy V

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I've got it under control. I even believe they the VA has the right to exam, even rexam, at will, but what claims get decided should be up to me. What NOD's are there and what claims are submitted. That should be 100% my decision but claims are popping up in my files that start the chain of events that culminate in QTC's running wild.

Now, do you think for a second they will let me change one claim in my file. Let me ask and answer. Nope.

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PAPA. I cannot really address your situation beause I don't know why your exams have been scheduled. I can say I was wrong about the VA not being helpful in this situation, although I can say I felt thier urge to deny or put a stamp on it type response, but in fact he was very helpful, filed one 21-4138 closing out claims that I am guessing my rep had opened without my knowledge or without explaining what he was going to do was set a fuse for no practical reason. I believe he confused advisary and advocate.

Closing those claims closed the QTC's. The end, happy ending. That took about 10 minutes to fix and to cancell an examination that which had just been examined at a year and some the had been granted 20 years ago (pes planus and hearing loss.......). but he did make us go all the way to W-S to do this. You can't just do this over the phone, or at least I could not.

I hope yours goes away too.

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