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Evidence Of Another Condition

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My Primary care doc at the VA is thorough and was not comfortable in giving me pain meds just because I "say" that I have intense & frequent headaches(SC30% for them). She asked if I had ever had injury to my head or neck. I told her yes and than explained some of the details of when I was attacked. The phucker (sorry..it makes me be able to talk if I can use that word) got off on slamming my head against the kitchen counter or off the tiled floor and waiting for me to become conscious again. Doc sent me to x-ray for my neck and 2 days later i'm getting an MRI done as well. I have the MRI results in front of me..."multilevel degenerative disease of the cervical spine. most significantnat C6-C7 w/mild spinal canal stenosis & moderate right/mild left neural foraminal narrowing.

All of my rated SC conditions stem from the attack.

I guess my question is I believe my headache rating is low for the frequency and intensity of them. Can this medical report be used to either increase my headache rating or is there another way to use it? I'm 100% TDIU non-P&T. I am currently 90% scheduler and feel I could be 100% with a few conditions that are bubbling to the surface.

I apologize about not being clear in what I'm asking. My head is swimming with mixed emotions. One hand I'm so happy to be awarded TDIU but other hand wondering if I keep going and claiming this neck issue. It already has caused me to be scheduled w/rhuematology and pain clinic. I understand the money wont increase but wouldn't it serve to protect me by having these possably rated?

You know you have grown old when you hear your favorite song in an elevator.

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I have always advocated for a veteran to submit any claim that they feel is justified. However .. just a little insight.. your rated 90% now which means you may only needa seperate 20% more to get to 100% or you may need a se-perate 50% rating. Based on what you wrote there is no way for me to know. But my point is that it is almost impossible to go from a 90% rating to 100% raing unless the rating is for a single disability.

SMC was mentioned by Phillip, .. you would reqire at least a 100% rating with an additional seperate 60% rating just for SMC S. Or TDIU based on one condition and a seperate 60% rating...

Eagle-eye, Without more specific information concerning your ratings it is impossible to be more accurate....

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I have always advocated for a veteran to submit any claim that they feel is justified. However .. just a little insight.. your rated 90% now which means you may only needa seperate 20% more to get to 100% or you may need a se-perate 50% rating. Based on what you wrote there is no way for me to know. But my point is that it is almost impossible to go from a 90% rating to 100% raing unless the rating is for a single disability.

Teac, I understand what you're saying. Getting to that 100% schedular is really not what I'm shooting for. I have legitimate conditions still arising and requiring treatment that I have not claimed but believe strongly that they're service connected. Wouldn't it be wise to still claim them and possibly be rated even if it doesn't increase my 90% schedular?

You know you have grown old when you hear your favorite song in an elevator.

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This link Symptoms Of Spinal Stenosis In C-6 & C-7 | LIVESTRONG.COM describes some of your problems and possible future problems.

Thanks Cooter for taking the time to add this. I really appreciate that.

You know you have grown old when you hear your favorite song in an elevator.

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Teac, I understand what you're saying. Getting to that 100% schedular is really not what I'm shooting for. I have legitimate conditions still arising and requiring treatment that I have not claimed but believe strongly that they're service connected. Wouldn't it be wise to still claim them and possibly be rated even if it doesn't increase my 90% schedular?

Edited by Teac
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