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I can't find the thread now but someone posted earlier, something about

vets can't get SC for sexual trauma.

Well, I know for sure they can and SOME do.

Best to all,


Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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What are you talking about? Of course they do....

Thousands of vets are s/c'd for sexual trauma...ask Wings!!!!!

Carlie, Haven't you filed a claim for MST/PTSD? Is there anything we can do to help? I'm here for you, just holler!! ~Wings

USAF 1980-1986, 70% SC PTSD, 100% TDIU (P&T)

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Carlie, If Adora can help you then let us have details in private email. I will help with getting help and where to go for women's program if you need it. My man got me 100% in 2 months, He can also give a medical IMO if he can. Lynn Starr

What are you talking about? Of course they do....

Thousands of vets are s/c'd for sexual trauma...ask Wings!!!!!

Adora if you want my help for this lady just ring LS

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The wife is 100% for MST....her case was helped by a great AF psychologist and the fact that the military gave her a medical discharge for the rape(s), but it's not impossible to get a SC without prior acknowledgment from the military.

I believe the VA is actually easier on rape cases then they are on war experience (or at least they have been so far). Rape is a HUGE problem in the military and if the VA didn't pay these women/men to keep quiet, then the military would have a big scandal do deal with. Personally, I found it odd that my wife was found to be 100% SC just 2 months after applying for benefits and without even receiving a VA C&P (we filed while still on active duty and she had her decision a month or two after discharge, based on civilian and military examinations).

Most rape cases are IMPOSSIBLE to prove as most are of the "acquaintance" variety ('bout 90% of rapes are by a friend, co-worker, etc). Any "evidence" showing that sex actually occurred is easily negated by the attacker claiming it was consensual....at this point it is one person's word against another, which definitely doesn't satisfy "proof beyond a reasonable doubt". This is why the VA MUST be liberal in dealing with these cases, just as the civilian system is more liberal in "civil" law suites then in criminal law suites (in civil cases you only have to prove that you are correct by a "majority" of the evidence...in other words, you only need to convince a jury that the likelihood of your telling the truth is more evident then not [51% to 49%]).

Edited by Jay Johnson
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I am trying to put together a chart on what is needed to file PTSD for MST. I was abused but tried to put it behind me. When I was in the Army no one believed you when you spoke of harrassment. They would find a way to give all the dirty assignments and give you a bad EER. I was attacked by both sexes in the military. I wrote my Senator because they tried to hold my promotion. I wrote a General and went to the IG.

The final straw for me was when they put the men in our tents in the field. I couldn't take it any more and I got out. I have been scared to file for PTSD because the pain was unbearable and I was embarassed.

I would appreciate any help so I can help my sister's in my group. They are getting turned down even with strong IMO's.

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Actually they are much much harder on rape cases than war experiences, simply because rape is much harder to prove. I was raped by a "war hero"...LOL

Carlie, you have my email and you know that I will do anything that I possibly can to help you.

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