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Coronary Arterey Disease (Cad)

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I am 47 years old and I have a question about high LDL, high tryglicerdes, low HDL and high cholesterol that was first diagnosed when I went to the VA, again nine months after discharge. It seems all of my disabilities that are SC stem from this time frame. This one is alittle different. I Had a heart attack in June this year, and was diagnosed with Coronary Artery Disease. Had a Heart Cath done where blockages were found, no stenting, just meds. I finally have a stress test scheduled for this month....finally after complaining of more chest pains. VA is hard to get appts. I have/had a consult in with the VA cardiologist, but cant go UNTIL the VA nuclear stress test is done. Anyway, My real question is can this be service related/SC. I was very satisfied with the way the VA treated me when the HA happened (They sent me to a private hospital in an ambulance. My pcp said they did not have the facilities to treat me, but he would put a consult in with the VA cardiologist to see me when I got out of the hospital). Like I said the private heart doc did a Heart cath and said I had blockages, one was 100 % others 40 and 50 %, but did not want to stent because of its location????? I haven't seen a heart doc since then so I don't exactly know what the deal is. However based on VA Progress notes, blood test and VA medication list from December 2005 to present I have always had high cholesterol and high hdl with low tryglicerides. I believe this has led to my HA. I am SC for ptsd, GERD and ulcer,tinnitus and other unspecified injury to finger.

ICD 9-cm-414.9 was the official dx by the VA

Any comments or helpful advice would be great. I know the VA does not grant service connection for high cholesterol, however if it led to this I wish to be SC at least 0%. I am not overweight, I have Sleep apnea and wear a cpap at night,(most of the time at least 3 hours). I am OIF vet. I do take ptsd meds that make me tired and have no go power. Have been since 2005. I have been also trying to locate the date I began taking high blood pressure meds and it seems to be in 2008. BP meds changed from prazosin to hydrochlorithiazide to lisinopril to lisinopril,carvedilol,prazosin and clopidogrel bisulfate at the same time now.

Have been doing some research on what causes Cholesterol levels to rise as well as tryiglicerides......quitepine!! I have been on this since 2005-2013 prescribed for me by my VA MH doc.

Edited by qwiksting
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Seroquel XR (quetiapine) is an oral antipsychotic drug prescribed for the treatment of schizophrenia and acute treatment of manic or mixed episodes associated with bipolar I disorder. Frequent adverse side effects of Seroquel XR include headache, agitation, dizziness, drowsiness, weight gain, and stomach upset. More severe side effects of Seroquel XR include orthostatic hypotension, seizures, hypothyroidism, tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, high blood cholesterol and triglycerides levels. Individuals with diabetes should monitor blood sugar levels closely to avoid the risk of elevated blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia).

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I am concerned that you had an HA and no action was taken. Your blockage appears to be in a place they can't due surgery is strange. Do you have any other kind of insurance?

Keep a very close eye to any pain in the area around the heart/chest also the left arm and neck with back pain too. You should also read up and be aware of all the signs of a HA! The next time you have any question pain or anything call an ambulance and go to the best ER in your area for heart services. The VA will pay that bill and when you are deemed stable you will be transferred to the VAHC to recovery.

Goodluck to you!


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  • HadIt.com Elder

Yup, I'd see a private dr/hosp and not take a chance on dying. Remember you have to be alive to pay anything you might owe. The VA doesn't care if you die, so referrals do take a long time and you can worsen or die waiting for the VA to act. I just turned 68yo and now go privately to a cardiologist because I care about living. The VA gave me a C-pap two yrs ago and have never followed up. I now get my supplies privately. When the VA found from my sleep study I could die at any time, they took 3 months to even get me a C-pap. jmo


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Yes, It is typical VA to have to wait for a consult or flat out be denied one as was my case in 06 and 07 about my stomach ulcers. I finally got an appt with the stomach dr when I filed a claim. So I am thinking of opening a claim for CAD secondary to ptsd meds (quietipine especially)

Thank you for your input. I am currently working, however I have been advised by my supervisor to try and medically retire from work. I work for the state. Between the heart problems, ptsd and stomach/ulcer problems I feel shot,finished with no energy.

As i was typing this the VA called to schedule my cardiologist appt. Wow

Nuclear stress test the 24th and follow up with cardio doc on the 30th.

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quikstring, I have one thing to say get your records find the best Cardioigist in the area and go see him, asap!!!!!, when I was 45 had 3 MI and did not even know it. and 3 months prior to that had seen a VA Dr. and he mist it too. I had 2 100% and an 80%. There is no way I would wait with that 100% bockage. Better a little poorer than dead. If the heart attach was with one year of retirement apply after you get check out.

What was your METs on the stress test?

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I would not go through a stress test with a 100 blockage!! I really feel you are not being wise on your decisions right now. Doing a stress test can bring on a HA and then what? You are at the VA and I have been at the VAHC hundreds of times, if you have tell me how many times you have heard a "code blue" call and everyone is running around to help? I know I haven't.

Not scare you but take care of yourself! My son is a RT at a prestigious university hospital and he is always telling me about how they have "code blues" and actually practice response times?


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