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My Exam Is Monday... Please Help

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You work for the VA GEEBEE? By the way you're taking you MUST be a doctor. If that's the case explain to me why did three men that has been receiving 'care' from the VA from my platoon killed themselves on the last year and a half? They must have been 'gaming the system' OR maybe the system is broken and they fell through the cracks. I guess I've been on most of the anti psychotics the va has to offer cuz I'm playing a game. Same with my weekly phyc appts and my stay at the hospital.

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You work for the VA GEEBEE? By the way you're taking you MUST be a doctor. If that's the case explain to me why did three men that has been receiving 'care' from the VA from my platoon killed themselves on the last year and a half? They must have been 'gaming the system' OR maybe the system is broken and they fell through the cracks. I guess I've been on most of the anti psychotics the va has to offer cuz I'm playing a game. Same with my weekly phyc appts and my stay at the hospital.

Did you even read my post??!! Please show me ONE part that stated ALL PTSD's are frauds! Please re-read my post and try to comprehend it a little bit better than than you did the first time. You or NOBODY else can tell ME what I've heard Veterans tell other Veteran! FACT...PTSD fraud IS a growing issue! You may not like it, but you can not change what is known. As stated in my above post, those who game the system, hurts those who have REAL PTSD!

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You are both right to an extent. I have had PTSD for 5 years, and yet I have had to prove over and over again, as if I am a Defense Attorney. A while back a went to an apt at the Mental Health, and my Doc and I saw a young girl come in and get diagnosed with Schitz, which is one of the hardest mental conditions to get diagnosed, yet one of the easiest to receive VA and SSDI money. So the girl walks out and the Doc tells me to watch, as the girl gets to the parking lot, her friend gets out of he car, and they do a high five and that little jump in the air, you know were you touch your feet together. Then, the Doc says to me, see that is the reason why vets like you are struggling and losing the fight every day, due to lazy people like that, they just want an easy check. Doesn't surprise me anymore.

100% PTSD

100% Back

60% Bladder Issues

50% Migraines 
30% Crohn's Disease

30% R Shoulder

20% Radiculopathy, Left lower    10% Radiculopathy, Right lower 
10% L Knee  10% R Knee Surgery 2005&2007
10% Asthma
10% Tinnitus
10% Damage of Cranial Nerve II

10% Scars



OEF/OIF VET     100% VA P&T, Post 911 Caregiver, SSDI



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  • HadIt.com Elder

If you are working full time it is very difficult to get a 100% rating or a TDIU rating. You are pretty lucky to have 70%. If you are going to get 100% then you should take disability retirement if it is offered. If you are 70% for schizophrenia did you ask for an increase due to PTSD? You know the VA lumps all mental health issues into one rating. Did the VA call you in for a re-examination on the 70%? Do you have a record of all the time you took of under FMLA? Give that to the exam doctor. If you are sitting at home on TDIU or 100% how is that going to help your mental condition? My advice is to keep working until your employer fires you. Your are getting a salary plus 70% thus you are building up SSA and probably getting medical benefits. What kind of retirement does your job offer? Do they offer disability retirement? If you can't work take the disability retirement. This will help with SSD and VA TDIU/100%.


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Inkster....I couldnt agree more.

Out of a platoon of aprox 30 army Infantry soldiers I served with in the 90s.

One shot wife twice in chest

One killed wife and girlfriend and injured children with frag grenade in texas

One committed suicide

Two went to jail for assaulting wife

Thats off the top of my head and startling for just 30 men. All I remember being taught was that violence is the awnswer and kill kill kill drill Sgt!!!!!

God bless our troops

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I've read the post on this page and feel like crying. I know there is problem with Vets coming back from combat, have PTSD where the system is not taking care of the person's mental health or the person lacks something to get it or want to get it....i don;t know. Vets killing or other violence as a result of being 'trained' in the services is hard :sad: to overcome to act or feel as a caring, responsible, loving person. Military does NOT teach people to love ...period. I know this without being in combat....cannot imagine dealing with what happens coming out of the combat arms & combat support services

Hate it when people game the system, really do.

Abt 5.5 years of National Guard, and 10 Army and 5 years Navy (total 20) Had no combat as a Vietnam era, cold war, and desert storm era vet.

My SC stuff is connected to injuries, and conditions of those injuries.

God bless our vets of those old and these new generations.

Subvet - 90%

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