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Depression Secondary To Sc Tinnitus

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I have been SC for tinnitus (10%) and hearing loss (0%). I was very fortunate that my personal Dr. wrote a nexus for me stating my complaints to him of both going back to the early 70's. I was sent to an ENT in the late 70's. Through all the years I have seen him there are numerous accounts about the tinnitus as it has gotten much worse over time.

He also has been treating me for panic attacks and depression since the late 80's. I can't tell you what brings on the panic attacks and they are less frequent now. He helped me by basically coaching me to talk myself out of them. I've got pretty good at that. The depression however never leaves, just as the ringing NEVER leaves. The last 8 to 10 years have been shear hell. I have sleep apnea and use a bipap but it is of little use. I can't tell you the last time I awoke rested, mainly because I fight to get to sleep and awake throughout the night. I sometimes can't get back to sleep because of the constant ringing.

My sleep Dr. has prescribed meds to help me sleep and meds to help me stay awake during the day. The insomnia has taken the life right out of me. I have managed to stay employed, but the main reason is that I am able to sort of work at my on pace. I am in outside sales so I am not constantly observed.

There are two reasons I am still alive, God and my wife. Suicidal thoughts are frequent and have been for along time. I have made her cry too many times. I have made my children cry too many times.

My Dr. Just filled out a little form that the DAV VSO gave me......he stated more likely than not related for depression service connected to; tinnitus, insomnia, hearing, fatigue and irritable.

Patients complaints have been the same over the years.

I am taking medication for this and it helps, but not enough.

My VSO says I should file, but I can't afford to lose my job if all this got out.


Edited by coastie72
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  • Content Curator/HadIt.com Elder

Hi Coastie,

Let's approach this from a couple of angles.

1. I recommend you file for depression as secondary to your SC tinnitus. One of the biggest hurdles is getting the VA to SC anything. Your doctor opining "more likely than not" means you are part of the way there and likely past one of the biggest obstacles. Only telling people who have a need to know, like your wife, will help keep this under your hat. If your treating physician is not a mental health doc, the VA might want to send you for a C&P, but you never know.

2. Getting treatment sometimes involves more than just taking medication. There are a lot of different types of counseling therapies that can help. You can also bring your wife along if you want so she can learn how to help you out, but if you want to go alone at first, that is ok too. Finding the right combination will take time through trial and error, but the goal is to eventually help you get better. What works for me might not work for you, and so on... Also please be aware that some medications might have unusual side effects. If you encounter anything like that, be sure to talk about it with your doctor right away. If you qualify, a Vet Center is another option.

3. I am SC for tinnitus and can seriously relate to the depressing nature of the condition. I am also on bipap to help treat sleep apnea and fibromyalgia, although I am not SC for either of those. I long for a good night of sleep.

I hope this helps!

"If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid."
- From Murphy's Laws of Combat

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, so use at own risk and/or consult a qualified professional representative. Please refer to existing VA laws, regulations, and policies for the most up to date information.


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Amen to that brother! My tinnitus is the bane of my existence! I have been saying just like you for some time, I'd give anything to have a good night of restful sleep! Doctor gives me meds for anxiety, but that still doesn't help. CBT did not help. The fire alarm bell is just constant. I'll be doing something and all of a sudden there will be a slight phase shift or something. Then it will go back to the clanging sound.

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  • Content Curator/HadIt.com Elder

I can definitely tell you have tinnitus. Never heard of anyone verbalize the 'phase shift', but am all too familiar with it. The VA gave me a cool white noise generator machine which really helps, but is not perfect remedy. Better than nothing I guess. Worth checking out.

"If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid."
- From Murphy's Laws of Combat

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, so use at own risk and/or consult a qualified professional representative. Please refer to existing VA laws, regulations, and policies for the most up to date information.


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Mine is constant. But livable. Their are these weird times when it gets insane and overwhelming. Usually at times like walking into gas stations ect. Then everything seems dreamlike and surreal. Very hard thing to describe lol

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