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C&p Doctor Attentive And Read Records

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So a C&P exam for my claims of knee, hips, and left pinky finger, anxiety and depression claims were done today. In true fashion VBMS was down and the doc couldn't access the information of evidence I submitted for my claim, not surprising but I was prepared, so I brought copies for her to review. The traumas to my finger, hips and knees were a no brainer, she was annoyed since the records clearly indicated in service injury and inservice medical treatment but those DBQ's were all positive. Plus I had current records with current diagnosi. That immensely helped. I did not submit a claim for PTSD, however, since I was precise in my claims and symptoms along with necessary stressors and corresponding records, the C&P examiner did a PTSD dbq as well. Now I don't know if this is a new tactic or whether I just lucked out with an honest examiner, that yet still remains to be seen, however, that threw me for a loop. I'm not counting my chicks before there are hatched but this is by far not the type of examination I am used to getting, let alone from a hired gun such as a QTC doc. A favorable report maybe, a smoke screen for a sneak attack not completely upsurd, but I have to acknowledge that it maybe a precise and consice exam for my claimed conditions which may lead to service connection and an adequate rating right out the gate. I'll keep this hive informed once I have decision results in front of me.

Edited by arng11

Mr. A

:ph34r: " FIGHT TILL YOUR LAST BREATH " :ph34r:

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Always think positive , sounds like you had a favorable exam! you were wise taking your copies to the exam!

if the computer had glitch & doc couldn't access the information from your evidence ,Now it really depends on how the Doc read into your evidence as for as the PTSD and it depends on the DRO decision as how they read it.... lot of times (from my experience anyway) it just depends on the DRO.

just think what might have been..I think your going to get a great rating and probably Rate you in the 70% and with you at 40% that should put boost you up to100% and maybe they will give you TDIU

I appreciate the positive vibes. A 70 & 40 would only equal out to a 80% rating using VA math, but that's irrelevant at this point. I think the biggest advice I can give to anyone here whether a new claimant or a repeat claimant is don't listen to the letter where they said that they (VA) has all the relevant evidence in your claim. Out of the 6 C&P examinations that I have had, none had the medical documentation I submitted. I know this for a fact. When I did bring some evidence some examiners just out right denied to even look at the paperwork let alone acknowledge it. This process IS everything, ESPECIALLY adversarial, that is putting it lightly. You are made to believe that the VA is there to help but I assure you in this stage of the game, if I can call it that, it is the rest of your days that hang in the balance, the cards are stacked against you. It's only by being aware of the shenanigans, and knowing your records that you can succeed. Studying the law and regulations that apply to your claim helps a lot to. I must also clearly mention that you have to be honest. If you are trying to scam the government or not being completely truthful, it will come out and hurt you more than anything the VA evildoers can do to damage your character. You are putting a big target on your head for the sniper to take you out. You don't want that. It is extremely difficult if not impossible to recover from. I believe one of my fellow hadit members say it best. " Conduct a mirror test". If you are being honest then you will prevail. One you file for it stick to your guns and fight till your last breath. There are steps that you can take to get a fair rating, but don't jeopardize your character and "the benefit of doubt" it is a strong weapon in your fight to get just compensation for your service injuries whether physical or mental injuries. JMHO

Mr. A

:ph34r: " FIGHT TILL YOUR LAST BREATH " :ph34r:

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"I believe one of my fellow hadit members say it best. " Conduct a mirror test". If you are being honest then you will prevail. One you file for it stick to your guns and fight till your last breath. There are steps that you can take to get a fair rating, but don't jeopardize your character and "the benefit of doubt" it is a strong weapon in your fight to get just compensation for your service injuries whether physical or mental injuries. JMHO"

Well put!

Practically Every claim starts out as basically a story.

And we are held to the story we tell to the VA.

And if the story is valid, it can be proven.

"but don't jeopardize your character" a good point.

If a vet makes one statement that radically conflicts with something else they said, the VA

can jump on that and say the veteran is not a reliable historian.

We all make mistakes in our claims....but the worst thing one can do is

damage their own credibility, if they cannot prove their initial story.

Certainly this is not in every case at all. We can get timelines wrong and forget stuff,

but I have read stuff at the BVA for example, where the vet said one thing and then in subsequent submissions stated it in a very different way....happens in PTSD claims sometimes...

We can never forget the Keith Roberts Case.....I am still on the fence about Keith.

His buddys apparently gave the Justice department a different take on his stressor after they had prepared buddy letters for him....

If VA sees anything involving inconsistent statements, they can hone in on that and deny.

Edited by Berta

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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