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Non Va Formulary Drugs

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Its not easy but you can do it. First is to ask your VA Doc if they will write it for you. If not you need to get a letter from your Doc explaining that you need the med and why substitutes won't do.

Good Luck

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

My Dog fetches the paper every morning. She helps us bring groceries into the house. She goes with me when I go anywhere. Could not find a harder working dog but she does not type. Maybe I should get her to answer Arkansas posts.


Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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What if any of the requirements for getting a prescription filled that the VA does not carry and that was written by my private Doctor?

Thanks for your help! :rolleyes:

The answer may be different from one facility to another.

I had ONE doctor, VA type, writing a prescription that I had to get filled outside the VA, not formulary.

Another VA doctor of the same specialty has refused to write it regardless of where it gets filled.

Go figure.

[i have two private sector doctors that have no problems with writing it.]

After that, I musta bitched to the correct VA face.

I am now getting VA meds that the VA accounting dudes said that I could not have, not formulary.

The temporary, shrink, lady doctor that I just met has turned my meds procurement woes completely around.

Where was she hiding for the last 15 years?

Most G.I. types can tell an officer from a non-com without looking at the uniform.

My temp VA shrink is of the officer breed.

She looked it, acted like it and took no time at all getting my meds straightened out.

I can hear her now,

"Who the hell put this crap together??"

"Do you people ever do anything for disabled veterans??"

"I have not the time nor inclination to put up with Mickey Mouse B S."


I believe we could get lots more stuff taken care of IF more managers would fly south and actually talk to us.



Those that need help the most are the ones least likely to receive help from the VA.

It's up to us to help each other.

sledge twkelly@hotmail.com

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Guest morgan
What if any of the requirements for getting a prescription filled that the VA does not carry and that was written by my private Doctor?

Thanks for your help! :(


Did you ever get your nonformulary drugs through the VA? My husband is trying to get two prescriptions filled that his private doctor wrote when he was discharged from the hospital. We were told we had to appeal the decision to substitute and he might get them. For now, we are buying them outside VA.

Just wondering if you found any magic formula to get the drugs you needed.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I think one factor is how badly you need the drug in question and how far you are willing to go to get it. For the VA it is all about cost. You know you have to squeeze them to get anything out of them.

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