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I posted earlier in wrong thread i think.... Just really hopeful to get help from experienced people

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Hey everyone. Ive been in the army for 5 years and im getting out in 197 days exactly and im just down right terrified. I wana cry at night cause im scared but my body wont let me shed one tear. Im here partly to get help to understand what i should do to get va disability, personal stories and partly for emotional support. 

Im going to behavior health for suicidal ideation, depression and anxiety currently. Ive been speaking to my ex girlfriend shes studying to be a shrink and she thinks i have paranoid schizophrenia and i was speaking to my mother the other day she said my sister has said for the last 4 years that she thought i have it as well, they both have never met in their life. However i did abuse cough syrup a few times. And im afraid they might blame the schizophrenia on that. But i was seeing behavior health before that even. Military found out. Never got introuble for it. Dark history in my life, but i have overcome that thanks to my asap class. Thank you God. I just got a psychiatric evaluation done, but im still waiting on the tests to come back to know whats really happening i dont even know who i am and worst of all for service connection, i have no clue at all what to make of this.

I just had surgery for my shoulder impingement syndrome 2 weeks ago, they removed a bursa, did clavicular excision, and bicep tenesis. And ive healed well but still have a limited range of motion. (That much is all i know of va disability) 

I was told i have occipital nuralgia which causes me not only to have emence neck pain but to have incredible migranges daily i just walk around the motorpool acting like im busy but the pain is so bad i massage my neck and scalp to ease the pain and take naproxen like crazy, and when im off work not only do i stay home for fear of social interaction, i stay to nurse my headaches. I drink caffeine to help it and take more pain medication.

I have lower back problems that came out of no where. 4 years ago my chiropractor said its facet syndrome but i stopped going to him for the last few years cause it wasnt helping and i went to see my primary care provider again for it he said its para spinal myalgia. Gave me some muscle relaxers and said have a good day after I asked for a referal back to the chiropractor. He just blew me off i feel. But i have social anxiety im scared to be a bother..... And i know im just screwing myself over but i cant help how i am. And i have to schedule appointments for anything and hes always a month backed up. Idk what to do about anything ladies and gentleman. Im begging for your help here. Im bugging my family so much about my anxieties they are ignoring my phone calls even... I want 100% disability not because it gets me out of work. I LOVE WORKING. It makes me feel accomplished and like I deserve to live and breath Gods air. But mentally im not right in the head.... If you all ask i can even show you all a text i sent to my mother when i was having a really bad episode, and even that doesnt cover all of me. (You all dont know me so i feel a ok sharing this if it helps the advice i would be given.) i mean its 0308. My mind is just racing itself i cant sleep at all!! PLEASE HELP.

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Welcome, and thank you for your service(soon ending). 

First off, the VA rarely moves faster than molasses in winter.  However that's not to say sometimes things slip through the cracks and move faster.  Hurry up and wait is a good mantra to remember.

I don't know enough to really point you in the right direction.  Keep going to your mental health/therapy appointments. 

If you are able, try to get copies of your medical records, they are most important when filing claims with the VA.

Keep your chin up and don't let go...

Semper Fi.


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  • HadIt.com Elder


Welcome to Hadit

I moved your post to PTSD Claims  it will be read there better.



I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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  • HadIt.com Elder

You can also post in the veterans ''Claims and Research forums about other disability's that you may have.

PTSD is consider a special claim. as well as the TDIU Forum.

Just click on forums at the top and select your topic  about your disability.  for it to be read a little better from the members.

if you have any questions just ask  most members can help you.



I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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Buck On the job!


Something else I just thought of.  IF you have a chance for any kind of transition assistance classes(in the Marines it used to be called TAPS) there might be a chance to speak with a VA rep about your future claims.

When I went through that process, they had us get our medical file and bring it.  Then the VA rep would ask us if there were any claims we wanted to file.  Then he looked at our Service Treatment Record(STR) to see if there was any basis for a claim.  For me, I was going to claim my knees, back, L foot and hearing w/tinnitus. 

He then put in the claims for us, for those of us who wanted him to. Within a week I had letters coming in the mail for appointments at various local, and not so local VA medical centers.  When you're on Active Duty, they put you on the top of the list for appointments. I had all my C&Ps and x-rays and so on, done before I even left AD. 

Long story short, it took 6 months or so, after I got out, to get any Service Connected Disabilities(SCDs).  I was awarded 30% from day one, back dated to month I got out.  It took another year beyond that to get my final contention awarded.  And that was just from that meeting with the VA rep, while I was still in.

You, however have a wonderful opportunity, because you came here, while still on AD. Hadit.com was a new born baby when I was getting out, and I didn't have easy access to the internet.  As it was I didn't find Hadit.com until this year, 17 years after I left the Marines! But since I found this motley crew, I am well on my way to 100%.

God pointed you here, it may well save your life.  There is more info here, among the Veteran's belonging to this site, than the VA has for itself.  Hopefully some of those vastly knowledgeable Vets will begin to guide you very soon.

Semper Fi


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