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PTSD C&P Exam Results - Feedback Appreciated

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Hello all. I would like to thank all of you for your work on this site. I am a long time lurker, first time poster. I received my C&P Results back and would appreciate any feedback. I understand that there is no way to be fully accurate when trying to guess a rating based off of this information. I am just under immense stress lately as I have watched my life fall apart piece by piece over the last few years. I had good rapport with the interviewer but don't know what to make of some of the things he wrote. Thanks in advance for your insights you all do great work here.



    1. Diagnostic Summary


    Does the Veteran have a diagnosis of PTSD that conforms to DSM-5 criteria

    based on today's evaluation?

    [X] Yes   [ ] No


       ICD code:  309.81


    2. Current Diagnoses


    a. Mental Disorder Diagnosis #1: PTSD

           ICD code: 309.81


       Mental Disorder Diagnosis #2: Alcohol Abuse, in Remission

           ICD code: 305.03


       Mental Disorder Diagnosis #3: No response provided.


    b. Medical diagnoses relevant to the understanding or management of the

       Mental Health Disorder (to include TBI): No response provided.


    3. Differentiation of symptoms


    a. Does the Veteran have more than one mental disorder diagnosed?

       [X] Yes   [ ] No


    b. Is it possible to differentiate what symptom(s) is/are attributable to

       each diagnosis?

       [X] Yes   [ ] No   [ ] Not applicable (N/A)


           If yes, list which symptoms are attributable to each diagnosis and

           discuss whether there is any clinical association between these


              Currently, no symptoms are attributed to alcohol abuse, because

              alcohol abuse is in remission. All symptoms are attributable to



    c. Does the Veteran have a diagnosed traumatic brain injury (TBI)?

       [ ] Yes   [X] No   [ ] Not shown in records reviewed


    4. Occupational and social impairment


    a. Which of the following best summarizes the Veteran's level of


       and social impairment with regards to all mental diagnoses? (Check only


       [X] Occupational and social impairment with reduced reliability and



    b. For the indicated level of occupational and social impairment, is it

       possible to differentiate what portion of the occupational and social

       impairment indicated above is caused by each mental disorder?

       [X] Yes   [ ] No   [ ] No other mental disorder has been diagnosed


           If yes, list which portion of the indicated level of occupational and

           social impairment is attributable to each diagnosis:

              Currently, no occupational or social impairment is attributed to

              alcohol abuse, because alcohol abuse is in remission. All

              occupational and social impairment is attributable to PTSD.


    c. If a diagnosis of TBI exists, is it possible to differentiate what


       of the occupational and social impairment indicated above is caused by



       [ ] Yes   [ ] No   [X] No diagnosis of TBI


                                   SECTION II:


                               Clinical Findings:


    1. Evidence review


    In order to provide an accurate medical opinion, the Veteran's claims folder

    must be reviewed.


    a. Medical record review:


    Was the Veteran's VA e-folder (VBMS or Virtual VA) reviewed?

    [X] Yes   [ ] No


    Was the Veteran's VA claims file (hard copy paper C-file) reviewed?

    [ ] Yes   [X] No


      If yes, list any records that were reviewed but were not included in the

      Veteran's VA claims file:


      If no, check all records reviewed:


        [X] Military service treatment records

        [ ] Military service personnel records

        [ ] Military enlistment examination

        [ ] Military separation examination

        [ ] Military post-deployment questionnaire

        [X] Department of Defense Form 214 Separation Documents

        [X] Veterans Health Administration medical records (VA treatment


        [ ] Civilian medical records

        [ ] Interviews with collateral witnesses (family and others who have

            known the Veteran before and after military service)

        [ ] No records were reviewed

        [X] Other:

              MTR - govt and nongovt, VA documents and forms,


    b. Was pertinent information from collateral sources reviewed?

    [X] Yes   [ ] No


      If yes, describe:

        Buddy or lay statement from who was Veteran's



    2. History


    a. Relevant Social/Marital/Family history (pre-military, military, and


          Relevant social history,


          (mostly) happy childhood memories,

          (-) homeless currently,

          (-) rent currently,

          (+) own currently,

          (#0) of household occupants in addition to Veteran,

          (-) close friends, Veteran states that he feels estangement from

          others, he reached out to one of his military friends two weeks ago,

          this was the first tome to do that for one year, Veteran used to be

          active on Facebook, but he is no longer active on facebook, he began

          experiencing the idea that his thoughts were being communicated in a

          certain way by others,

          (-) attend social activities,

          (+) hobbies or interests, Video games, all kinds, grand theft auto,


          and football, wrestling, Veteran used to be an avid sports fan, he


          to know the lines of college and professional football teams, he does

          not do that anymore,


          Relevant marital history,

          (S) civil status, he used to have a girlfriend, they were together for

          3 years, he used to yell and scream at her, he states that it took

          everything within him to keep from hitting her, but he never hit her,

          she left and she did not come back; Veteran states he never assaulted

          his ex-girlfriend prior to their breakup; alternatively, he states


          he choked his girlfriend in the heat of the moment 2 times, but she


          not pass out,

          (#0) number of marriages,

          (#0) number of divorces,

          (#1) number of childrren  y/o son, Veteran's son's mother does not

          allow Veteran's son to have unsupervised visits with Veteran,


          Relevant family history,   

          (-) emotional or mental problems,

          (+) heart disease, PGF has CAD and h/o CABG,

          (+) both parents living,

          (-) close to them, he rarely talks with them,

          (#1) siblings living, 1 sister,

          (-) close to her, they have not spoken for 2 years 


          Pre-military, Veteran states he killed his first animal at 10 y/o,

          which was a deer, and he gutted and cleaned it at that age.

          Post-military, Veteran states that he carries a gun wherever he goes.

          He was closer to his family and other people pre-military and


          Post-military, he has become distant with family and friends. His

          parents live inand have a home there


          Post-military, after finishing his contract work in which he mostly

          worked on military instillations for the federal government, he lived

          with his parents for 2 months in  He moved f

          to  to go to College in 2012. He did not start having problems

          from symptoms of PTSD until after he finished his contract work, which

          was more like being in, rather than out of, the military, and began

          living more as a civilian.



    b. Relevant Occupational and Educational history (pre-military, military,



          Relevant occupational history,


          (-) currently working outside the home,

          (2012) year last worked outside the home,

          (F) P = part time, F = fulltime,

          (security) type of work,

          (nothing) current source of income, Veteran indicates that he has used

          up his savings and now he is behind on many of his bills,

          (+) emotional or mental symptoms associated with occupational


          Veteran was fired from his last two jobs,


          Relevant educational history,

          (+) learning difficulties,

          (-) learning disabilities,

          (he has two years of college) level of education,

          (+) emotional or mental symptoms associated with educational problems,

          difficulty concentrating,


          Veteran graduated from HS at 18 y/o. He went to college for one year.

          He worked seasonal work, restaurant work, cabinet factory, met a


          had a son, was in and out of legal troubles, and entered the USA at 23

          y/o. He was discharged from the USA at 27 y/o. He worked for


          a regional supervisor for 5 years.

. ;


          states he was a distinguished soldier during basic training. He became

          the best mechanic while in stationed in Germanny. He was a


          and NCO in the Ranger battalion. He did not get DUIs and he did not


          into fights. Veteran states that he laughed at the PTSD symptoms

          checklist when he first came back from his deployment to Iraq. but now

          he cannot get a job due to such symptoms. He has not been able to hold

          down a job for the past 3 years.



    c. Relevant Mental Health history, to include prescribed medications and

       family mental health (pre-military, military, and post-military):

          Relevant mental health history,

          (-) mental health care before military service,

          (-) mental health care during military service,

          (+) mental health care after military service,

          (#0) previous suicide attempt(s),

          (#0) previous hospitalization on psychiatric ward(s),

          (#0) previous court orders for involuntary treatment,

          (+) currently seeing a provider for the purpose of medication


          (-) currently attending individual psychotherapy and/or group therapy,

          he used to go to groups, he lost his driver's license, therefore he


          not been going, because it is difficult getting there,

          (+) h/o severe emotional trauma,

          (-) h/o head trauma,

          (-) h/o evaluation for TBI,

          (+) current emotional or mental problems,

          (+) mood often blue or sad,

          (+) anger,

          (+) h/o ever experiencing seven or more days of manic excitement


          abnormally, discretely, and persistently elevated, expansive, or

          irritable mood), decreased need for sleep, racing thoughts, or

          pressured speech, Veteran states that he has gone for many days


          sleeping, he would keep busy because he was unable to sleep, he used


          self-medicate insomnia by drinking alcohol to the point of blacking

          out, he has h/o anxiety and paranoia, racing thoughts, increased goal

          directed behavior (in terms of playing a video game), agitation (in

          terms of pacing around the apartment), he was not talking faster or

          more than usual, no significant change in self-esteem or grandiosity,

          no significant distractability, (+) behavior for the purpose of

          pleasure with potentially painful consequences (alcohol problem),

          (+) h/o of hallucinations, he used to have these when he was drinking

          alcohol, he used to have alcohol hallucinosis, he has been sober since

          June 2015,

          (+) h/o delusions, he has h/o delusions of reference,


          Prescribed medications,

          List, propranolol, sertraline, and trazodone; he was remotely taking

          aripiprazole and valproate, he was taking quetiapine when going


          inpatient treatment for alcohol abuse, he has h/o risperidone and

          risperidone-associated akathisia, 

          (+) adverse events with one or more of these, his sleep is too deep

          with trazodone, then he has disturbing dreams, then he cannot wake up

          out of these disturbing dreams, because his sleep is too deep,

          (-) beneficial effects with each of these, propranolol was previously

          helpful while he was on risperidone to decrease the akathisia

          associated with risperidone, sertraline is not yet producing a

          beneficial effect,


          Family mental health,

          Please see above under "relevant family history."



    d. Relevant Legal and Behavioral history (pre-military, military, and


          Relevant legal history,

          (+) symptoms associated with legal problems,

          (+) h/o arrests for assault, battery, or violence,   

          (+) h/o arrests, convictions, or sentencing (to jail or prison),

          (-) currently on parole or probation,

          (-) current conservator or guardian,

          (+) h/o DUI, #1,


          Relevant behavioral history,

          (+) symptoms associated with behavioral problems, Veteran states that

          he does not talk with anyone, he does not do anything, he enrolled in

          school, he cannot deal with that anymore, he dropped out of College, he

          cannot deal with the people there, he believes he is viewed by others

          as a time bomb, after he was arrested for eluding an officer.       

          (yesterday) last time to be in a heated argument with another person,

          (June, 2015) last time that to be in a physical altercation with

          another person,   

          (poor) quality of sleep generally,     


          Pre-military: Veteran had reckless driving charges and assault with a

          deadly weapon charges prior to USA service. He was charged with

          reckless driving. He ended up doi of house arrest for

          reckless driving. He took assault with a deadly weapon to a jury who

          did not find him guilty as charged. It was determined that he was

          defending himself, and he was absolved of any wrong doing. Military:

          Veteran has one negative counseling statement for missing formation


          morning due to oversleeping when they had a power outage, when his

          roommate was on leave, but other than that he did not have any other

          LOCs, no LORs, no Article 15s, and no other non-judicial or judicial



          Postmilitary: Veteran was arrested in 2013, and he was placed in a



          mental health safe cell while in jail, because he drove off from a

          traffic stop away from an officer. He was initially written up for

          felony eluding, but the charges were plea bargained down to a

          misdemeanor. Veteran  has pending charges. He has a warrant out for


          arrest. This is for criminal speeding (99 mph in a 45 mph zone).


    e. Relevant Substance abuse history (pre-military, military, and


          (+) tobacco during past 30 days,

          (today) when last used,

          (-) alcohol during past 30 days,

          (July 2015) when last used, he got out of treatment June 8th, he

          relapsed in July, for 2 days,

          (+) h/o alcohol problem or alcohol abuse,

          (-) illicit drugs during past 30 days,

          (prior to March, 2014) when last used, he has not used spice


          MJ since prior to his first inpatient treatment program,

          (+) h/o inpatient or outpatient treatment for alcohol or illicit

          substances, 2 times,

          (+) currently attending AA, NA, or other support groups, Veteran does

          not believe that he suffers from alcoholism,


          Veteran smoked a joint of MJ when he graduated from HS, he did not

          smoke MJ during the military, and he smoked MJ less than 6 times after

          the military. He drank alcohol 2 times during HS, he was a social

          drinker during college and the military, while in Germany, and he became

          an alcoholic after the military. He was drinking a lot with his

          friends, at the time of his deployment to Gerrmany, from dusk until dawn.

          Other times, he could drink until 2 AM, go to sleep, wake up at 5 AM,

          go to PT, and be fine, while in the regular Army battalion, but he was

          not able to keep that lifestyle while in the Ranger battalion, because

          they put him through too much. Veteran does not like talking with

          anyone about anything, even the weather. Veteran feels uncomfortable

          when in large groups of people. This triggers intense urges for

          drinking alcohol. Living with his emotions and feelings is more

          difficult without alcohol than with alcohol.



    f. Other, if any:

          No response provided.


    3. Stressors


    Describe one or more specific stressor event(s) the Veteran considers

    traumatic (may be pre-military, military, or post-military):


    a. Stressor #1: 1. Military Combat Trauma (Veteran observed traumatic events

          as experienced by others, including seeing a person get his face shot

          off, seeing people with their heads cut off, and seeing a dead body,


          claims he saw a US missile hit a minivan carrying an entire family,)


          Does this stressor meet Criterion A (i.e., is it adequate to support

          the diagnosis of PTSD)?

          [X] Yes  [ ] No


          Is the stressor related to the Veteran's fear of hostile military or

          terrorist activity?

          [X] Yes  [ ] No


          Is the stressor related to personal assault, e.g. military sexual


          [ ] Yes  [X] No


    b. Stressor #2: No response provided.


    4. PTSD Diagnostic Criteria


    Please check criteria used for establishing the current PTSD diagnosis. Do

    NOT mark symptoms below that are clearly not attributable to the Criteria A

    stressor/PTSD.  Instead, overlapping symptoms clearly attributable to other

    things should be noted under #7 - Other symptoms.  The diagnostic criteria

    for PTSD, referred to as Criteria A-H, are from the Diagnostic and

    Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM-5).


       Criterion A: Exposure to actual or threatened a) death, b) serious


                    c) sexual violation, in one or more of the following ways:

          [X] Witnessing, in person, the traumatic event(s) as they occurred to



       Criterion B: Presence of (one or more) of the following intrusion


                    associated with the traumatic event(s), beginning after the

                    traumatic event(s) occurred:

          [X] Recurrent, involuntary, and intrusive distressing memories of the

              traumatic event(s).

          [X] Recurrent distressing dreams in which the content and/or affect of

              the dream are related to the traumatic event(s).

          [X] Dissociative reactions (e.g., flashbacks) in which the individual

              feels or acts as if the traumatic event(s) were recurring.  (Such

              reactions may occur on a continuum, with the most extreme

              expression being a complete loss of awareness of present


          [X] Intense or prolonged psychological distress at exposure to


              or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the

              traumatic event(s).

          [X] Marked physiological reactions to internal or external cues that

              symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event(s).


       Criterion C: Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the


                    event(s), beginning after the traumatic events(s) occurred,

                    as evidenced by one or both of the following:

          [X] Avoidance of or efforts to avoid external reminders (people,

              places, conversations, activities, objects, situations) that


              distressing memories, thoughts, or feelings about or closely

              associated with the traumatic event(s).


       Criterion D: Negative alterations in cognitions and mood associated with

                    the traumatic event(s), beginning or worsening after the

                    traumatic event(s) occurred, as evidenced by two (or more)


                    the following:

          [X] Persistent and exaggerated negative beliefs or expectations about

              oneself, others, or the world (e.g., "I am bad,: "No one can be

              trusted,: "The world is completely dangerous,: "My whole nervous

              system is permanently ruined").

          [X] Persistent, distorted cognitions about the cause or consequences


              the traumatic event(s) that lead to the individual to blame

              himself/herself or others.

          [X] Persistent negative emotional state (e.g., fear, horror, anger,

              guilt, or shame).

          [X] Markedly diminished interest or participation in significant


          [X] Feelings of detachment or estrangement from others.

          [X] Persistent inability to experience positive emotions (e.g.,

              inability to experience happiness, satisfaction, or loving



       Criterion E: Marked alterations in arousal and reactivity associated with

                    the traumatic event(s), beginning or worsening after the

                    traumatic event(s) occurred, as evidenced by two (or more)


                    the following:

          [X] Irritable behavior and angry outbursts (with little or no

              provocation) typically expressed as verbal or physical aggression

              toward people or objects.

          [X] Reckless or self-destructive behavior.

          [X] Hypervigilance.

          [X] Exaggerated startle response.

          [X] Problems with concentration.

          [X] Sleep disturbance (e.g., difficulty falling or staying asleep or

              restless sleep).


       Criterion F:



          [X] Duration of the disturbance (Criteria B, C, D, and E) is more


              1 month.


       Criterion G:

          [X] The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or

              impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of



       Criterion H:

          [X] The disturbance is not attributable to the physiological effects


              a substance (e.g., medication, alcohol) or another medical



       Criterion I: Which stressor(s) contributed to the Veteran's PTSD


          [X] Stressor #1


    5. Symptoms


    For VA rating purposes, check all symptoms that actively apply to the

    Veteran's diagnoses:


       [X] Depressed mood

       [X] Anxiety

       [X] Suspiciousness

       [X] Panic attacks that occur weekly or less often

       [X] Chronic sleep impairment

       [X] Difficulty in establishing and maintaining effective work and social


       [X] Inability to establish and maintain effective relationships


    6. Behavioral Observations


    Appearance - attire is summertime casual, grooming is average, and


    the veteran does not appear to intermittently be in distress as he

    intermittently discusses his taaumas.

    Behavior - eye contact is intermittent, and speech is of unremarkable rate,

    rhythm, volume, prosody, and articulation. Speech contains profanity in many


    Comportment suggests that the veteran gets along adequately with this writer.


    Affect is neutral.

    Thought processes are logical, linear, and goal-oriented. Presently, the

    veteran does not have a formal thought disorder.

    Thought content is without homicidal ideation or suicidal ideation.

    Perceptions - the veteran presently does not appear to be responding to

    internal stimuli.

    Insight is fair. Judgment is fair.

    Psychomotor activity - Veteran becomes agitated when talking about his

    experiences in Iraq.

    Muscular observation shows absence of focal motor deficits.

    Cognitions are grossly intact.

    Abstractions demonstrate at least average capacity for logical reasoning and

    systematic thought.


    7. Other symptoms


    Does the Veteran have any other symptoms attributable to PTSD (and other

    mental disorders) that are not listed above?

       [ ] Yes   [X] No


    8. Competency


    Is the Veteran capable of managing his or her financial affairs?

       [X] Yes   [ ] No


    9. Remarks, (including any testing results) if any




       A. CLAIM TYPE - ORIGINAL, DBQ PSYCH PTSD Initial, the following

       contentions need to be examined - PTSD, The VARO has verified the

       veteran's combat service and the veteran has the following combat medals

       Combat Action Badge,


       Veteran is a y/o divorced, unemployed EA who served in a Ranger

       battalion while serving in the USA and experienced military combat while

       serving in Iraq. Veteran served in the USA from 2003 to 2007.

       He was in the motor pool division of the Ranger battalion. He observed

       traumatic events as experienced by others, including seeing a person get

       his face shot off, seeing people with their heads cut off, and seeing a

       dead body. He claims he saw a US missile hit a minivan carrying an entire

       family, because the US forces wanted to kill one enemy combatant inside

       the minivan. Veteran saw a VAMC on

       10/01/2014, who diagnosed him with and treated him for PTSD. Veteran

       experienced military combat stressors. Currently, at night he has dreams,

       in which he cannot get his gun to shoot, because it will not fire. During

       the day, he has uncontrollable thoughts. He visions someone getting shot.

       Either he is shooting at the person getting shot or groups of people are

       shooting at the person getting shot. He hears someone getting shot. He

       states that it makes a very distinct sound. Thunderstorms, trigger he to

       "lose it," whereby he becomes diaphoretic, comes to, and finds himself on

       the floor in the prone position, after he has pulled his ex-girlfriend to

       the floor with him. He has trouble sleeping for one week following such

       events. Firecrackers on the 4th of July trigger he to "lose it," whereby

       he finds he has pulled his son to the ground with him, causing abrasions

       to his son's B/L knees. Veteran states that he avoids people, because


       they find out that he is an Iraq War veteran, then they have a tendency


       talk with him and ask him questions about his experiences. He states that

       he hates it when they state that they understand, and he states that they

       do not understand, because they were not there. Veteran voices his

       suspiciousness and states that as soon as groups of people at AZU, where

       he was in school, and groups of people where he has been employed find


       that he has issues, then people talk about him and he is talked about.

       Veteran states that people make jokes as to when would he be going postal

       and start shooting up the office. He states that he knows that others are

       talking about him, because when he goes into a room, then everyone stops

       talking.  Veteran states that once people become uncomfortable with

       someone, then they plot and scheme. Veteran used to be a baseball player,

       where he learned that being calm and controlled worked to his advantage,

       but he states that he has lost the ability of being calm and controlled


       order to work to his advantage.  He recognizes that he has a "short fuse"

       and can suddenly go from neutral to angry, agitated, and combative with

       the right cue, as in someone older bossing him around and telling him


       to do. He states "[he] wants to punch out a window over nothing." Veteran

       states that if he applies for a supervisor position, then he is offered


       entry level position instead. He states in the past he was able to deal

       with supervisors, but now he cannot deal with supervisors.  One of his

       supervisors was talking to him as though he was a child, then Veteran


       his left hand, placed it across his supervisors neck, and pushed him

       against the wall. His supervisor "flipped out," talked about suing him,

       and talked about pressing charges. Then Veteran was immediately let go.


       was told that they were going to consider it as though he was never


       Veteran admits to being high strung and states that he used to be able to

       filter out supervisors telling him what to do kinds of stressors, but he

       is no longer able to do that. He states that yesterday when he took a

       urine drug test for a job that he would like to get, after waiting for 20

       minutes and watching the receptionist doing one thing or another on the

       computer, he became irate and confrontational. Veteran denies suicidal

       ideation. He states his father's sister's husband killed himself.


Veteran states that he would never do that. He would not do it on

       account of his mother and his son. Work impairments include being up for


       nights at a time without sleeping, then he falls asleep while he is doing



       something routine, such as tying his shoes. He states that he has missed


       few jobs on account of this problem. Veteran meets the following DSM 5

       criteria for PTSD.


       1.) Trauma,

       (+) Directly experiencing the events,

       (+) Witnessing the events as they occurred to others,

       (-) Learning that the traumatic events occurred to someone close,


       2.) re-experiencing,

       (+) dreams or nightmares, 

       (+) flashbacks,

       (-) illusions or hallucinations,

       (+) images, perceptions, or thoughts,

       (+) triggers cause emotional and mental distress,


       3.) avoidance,

       (-) activities, he enjoyed American Sniper immensely, but he states that

       this stirred up emotions and feelings,

       (+) conversations, he avoids conversations with his Ranger friends,

       (-) feelings,

       (+) people, he avoids seeing his Ranger friends,

       (+) places, he states he does not like the VA, people came back without

       eyes and limbs, he came back with emotional and mental symptoms, 

       (-) thoughts,


       4. negative feelings or thoughts, 

       (+) anhedonia,

       (+) decreased interest or participation in activities,

       (+) distorted cognitions about the cause or consequences of the events,


       states that the entire Gulf War was "&$,"

       (+) feeling detached and estranged,

       (-) forgetting details about the events,

       (+) negative beliefs about himself, others, or the world, he states that

       the US federal government is "&$,"

       (+) negative emotions,


       5.) Altered arousal and reactivity

       (+) angry outbursts,

       (+) irritable behavior,

       (+) hypervigilance,

       (+) exaggerated startle,

       (+) recklessness,

       (+) self-destructiveness,

       (-) concentration problem, if interested, then he can concentrate really

       well, if not interested, then he cannot concentrate very well,

       (+) sleep disturbance,


       6.) (+) long-term duration,


       7.) (+) dysfunction,


       8.) (+) not due to a medical illness or substance,


       Veteran has decreased productivity at work, because he has emotional and

       mental symptoms affecting his ability to work, interpersonal problems

       affecting his ability to get along well with others, and authority and

       submission problems affecting his ability to get along well with

       supervisors. These problems are secondary to symptoms of PTDS. They

       occasionally, but not continuously, affect reliability. Otherwise, his

       ability to adapt to change, maintain a regular work schedule, pay

       attention, concentrate, and reason, show up for the job, maintain himself

       on the job, and complete the job are not impaired. Alcohol abuse is in

       remission. Functional limitations include working under a less than

       supportive supervisor, working around any more than 2 or 3 other people,

       and working indoors.


       B. ELECTRONIC CLAIMS FOLDER AVAILABLE, review Veteran's electronic folder

       in VBMS and state that it was reviewed.

       Veteran's electronic folder in VBMS and was reviewed.


       C. If more than one mental disorder is diagnosed, comment on their

       relationship to one another.


       Alcohol abuse is secondary to insomnia, which is secondary to PTSD.

       Alcohol abuse is in remission.


       D. If more than one mental disorder is diagnosed, state which symptoms


       attributed to each disorder.

       Currently, no symptoms are attributed to alcohol abuse, because alcohol

       abuse is in remission.



    NOTE: VA may request additional medical information, including additional

    examinations if necessary to complete VA's review of the Veteran's



Edited by HankChinaski
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This exam appears favorable for you.  It has the diagnosis, and the stressor.   The problem comes with the nexus, the last of the big 3 for SC.  It does not specifically state, "The VEterans PTSD is at least as likely as not due to the trauma events during the military".  

This could be a problem, and the VA's generic forms conviently leave off this nexus to make it very easy to deny.  Others may chime in, but I have not seen the VA connecting the dots, tho its easy for me to see how your trauma in the military is the source of your MH problems now.  

There may be a presumptive here, especially if you are classified as a "Combat" Veteran, but this document does not precisely indicate that.  It does, however, indicate you were subjected to some serious "gore" or traumatic events, but I did not read anything about you being directly involved with combat.  It sounds like you may have been a mechanic in the military, and not a combat unit.  Of course, I have not read the rest of your file.   I think they may have "relaxed" the nexus requirement when you have a verified stressor in a combat environment, but I think VA raters were not told about that.  I would have rather seen a statement very similar to the Veterans PTSD symptoms are "at least as likely as not" due to trauma in the military.  It may well be elsewhere in your file.  


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My advice:  Continue to persue your claim for PTSD.  

But, since you apparently are not working and fired from your job, I suggest:

1.  Apply for TDIU if you have not already. 

2.  Apply for NSC Pension if you have little/no income (that is, under about 10,000 per year.)  You can get NSC pension fairly quickly and easily, and still continue your PTSD/IU claims while on pension (about 1000 per month which is more than your 40%).

3.  You may also want to apply for Social Security disability, since it sounds like you have not worked in about 3 years. 


    All of the above said, you are much better off if you can get treatment and continue to work. 

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Thanks for your feedback. I am a Combat Vet with a Combat Action Badge, so we didn't get into much detail.



Sec 9 Part A:

A. CLAIM TYPE - ORIGINAL, DBQ PSYCH PTSD Initial, the following

       contentions need to be examined - PTSD, The VARO has verified the

       veteran's combat service and the veteran has the following combat medals

       Combat Action Badge,


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My Lay opinion your a strong 70% SC. The discussion at the end regarding employment is somewhat problematic. Again, strictly my lay opinion, but it appears that a VA Rater could come away thinking that your capable of some sort of "Sedentary" work where you would be able to earn in excess of the VA's IU "SGI" cut off of $12,400 yrly ($238.00 per wk).

When it comes to VA IU, just being unemployed or under-employed doesn't get the award. It may be determined that you can or should be able to do some other type of employment or even self-employment. Being able to set and play video games requiring long periods of concentration kind of hurts.

C&P Dr states that you claim you always go out "Strapped," trust you have a valid CCW.

Give the VA PTSD Group treatment a serious look. Won't heal you but it does help.

Semper Fi

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I agree with Gastone, and, yes, it looks like I "top sheeted" you and did not read the part about combat.  (The vA does this all the time).  

The 100 percent category is "Total Occupational and social impairment".  Apparently you have had some trouble with relationships as you are divorced and have an "ex girlfriend". 

Even if you are unemployed, tho, the VA wants you to be unemployable due to sc conditions to get 100% or TDIU.  This means the doc needs to state something close to the Veteran is unemployable due to PTSD.  

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Good advice given above and definitely atleast 70%, Good luck and keep us posted

100% PTSD

100% Back

60% Bladder Issues

50% Migraines 
30% Crohn's Disease

30% R Shoulder

20% Radiculopathy, Left lower    10% Radiculopathy, Right lower 
10% L Knee  10% R Knee Surgery 2005&2007
10% Asthma
10% Tinnitus
10% Damage of Cranial Nerve II

10% Scars



OEF/OIF VET     100% VA P&T, Post 911 Caregiver, SSDI



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