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R1 to R2

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Now that I am rated at R1, my wife asked me the other day how do you get to the R2 SMC rating? That question I would like to know also. My wife does give me bowel and bladder care regularly due to my MS, and she is paid by the VA monthly for that. Thanks for any help.

Edited by jefmil50

USMC 79-85

100% P&T


70% loss of use of right arm due to multiple sclerosis

100% suprapubic cystostomy due to multiple sclerosis

100% loss of use of both lower extremities due to multiple sclerosis

30% left upper extremity weakness

30% insomnia with hypersomnolence

10% neurogenic bowel

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Please note that I did not say that my scenario would be the only way that the wife could fill the role of caregiver, It was offered as just one option.

My wife, in my own case might consider becoming a CNA by completing a short course. On the other hand she would not at all interested in becoming a RN or obtaining a four year bachelors degree. If she managed to get the CNA certification she would no longer be required to communicate monthly with health care professionals to fulfill the requirements to become my caretaker because she would be the licensed professional with her own credentials. I doubt that her qualifications as a CNA or LPN would be questioned by the VBA in determining whether or not she could act as the professional caregiver on the required daily basis as required at 38 CFR 3.352. I am not at the point of needing R-2 at this time and hope that I never will be. Just considering options.

(4) A person performing personal health-care services who is a relative or other member of the veteran's household is not exempted from the requirement that he or she be a licensed health-care professional or be providing such care under the regular supervision of a licensed health-care professional.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Yes James,I agree with ya ,

I have a good veteran buddy that got messed up in Nam he has all kinds of health problems to many to mention and is in need of a caregiver, his wife ask me if there was a VA Program for her to be his care giver...I had her to contact their local County VSO and some one from the VA went out to there home to look the situation over and ask her &hubby question's and they filed the proper parer work forms ect,,ect,, his wife is his caregiver now  and she gets paid by the VA she is a License CNA...I'm not sure what all  he gets as for as benefits and SMC but I think its R-2 .

  He can't get out of bed at all...these care givers deserves all they can get   its a hard job to say the least.  They got a electric lift to help pick him up out of bed and bath him and things of this nature. as he is a total vegetable  so  very sad to see him this way I get emotional when I go over there to visit.

 I think the thing with the VA the wife can't be working at another job?

but I'm not so sure on that?

Anyway R 2 or the max SMC..I'd rather die than be like that or have my wife to go through that.

Edited by Buck52

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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R-1 is about as drastic as I am hoping that I ever will  need.  Should I ever need R-2 there is no doubt that we will go with the CNA certification route, so long as my wife has good enough health.

I do expect that the post 911 caregiver act will be expanded to include pre 911 vets before too long. I just don't know how that might be implemented as to coexist with A&A. There could be an offset of some degree, just my thoughts on the matter, we will see. 

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Yes I am not sure how or what program my Vietnam buddy was given but that tells me the VA can supply medical and compensation to us older veterans for our service connected disabilitys & even secondary too....> when in need.

As for as them coming out to address the situation  in my opinion they don't go by what is on the paper work( I MEAN THEY DO) but not  as much as they want to come out and see for them self just how bad the veteran truly is (JMO)  seems that way for these folks anyway & thats how it happen for them.

As I recall Alex (asknod) met the VA  IIP  honcho's for his greenhouse layout as Alex walked out to meet them at his home  the honcho mention to Alex  ''you don't look disabled  where is your wheel chair''....now if they said something like that to me it would totally piss me off, but how the VA is we veterans can't be getting pissed  or they will deny the whole 9 yards.

We have to beg like a dog to get the things we need to make our life a little better it certainly seems that way to me.

  How fair is that...and how Incorporate was that statement made to Alex? Grrrrrrrrrrr

Edited by Buck52

I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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I filed an Extraordinary Writ back in June of 2016  and got the Judge to read them the riot act. They don't pull that crap on me now. I slammed them with extra requests to get even after that wheelchair remark. Talked them into an incinerating 240VAC toilet for the greenhouse as well as two years of subscription to the VBM  from NVLSP, I did. Yessssssssss. They whined but finally complied. I'm still waiting for the greenhouse install, granted, but if I don't see it soon, it's back to Court to recall mandate. There's nothing more fun than bearding the VA lion in his own den. Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges.

Clear Prop



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