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20 years old HA

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So, in my recent onslaught of fighting the VA at their own game I finally claimed an injury to my shoulder which occurred in 1995.  I fell while climbing the mast on the ship and caught myself (duh, by instinct) with my right arm.  Of course, like every good navy corpsman it was noted in my records as muscle spams in my neck, shoulder blade and a dulleness in my shoulder will an ache down my arm.  Motrin, flexeril and light duty were given.  Classic.  I got out a year later and being 24 it healed until my late 20's it would bother me once in awhile but nothing serious.  Fast forward to the mid 2000 when I started using the VA and it was becoming a nuisance.  Bursitis and calcific tendonitis, fast for ward to now and it is so bad that I almost had frozen shoulder starting getting injections to avoid surgery and they are helping.  I have impingement it got so bad.    That quack who gave me my cp exam said no way that something that happened in 1995 took until 2005 to show up............which we all know is BS.  Then she mentioned how it took me 20 years to claim it???? SO What? I can wait 50, that has zero bearing on a claim.  My husband had acl repair in 2000 and just went to the ortho doc. (civilian) and guess what he has?  Calcific tendonitis in his joint from the tear!   Not only that but the stupid with pushed my arm so far that I was in TEARS.   I wanted to taco punch that witch, i swear those cp examiners in gainesville (at least the women are a bunch of freaking liars) So, now I am going to take my civilian records and have a report written have her crap negated,. it is as if having anything done there is a joke, it will be written up as if it is horrible and then denied.  EVERY SINGLE TIME>   SMC K    denied, but caused my your service connected condition  WTF???  So, let me get this straight  If I am a man.  I have PTSD and get viagra cuz of my meds.  I get SMC K............but I am a woman and there is no viagra so denied?  Makes sense right?  witches


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With C&P results there's nothing the VA can do.

You need to get an Independent Medical Opinion (IMO) along with the correct Disability Benefits Questionnaire (DBQ) for the particular disability you are claiming filled by a clinician. You have some legwork to do in finding a clinician and preparing the necessary paperwork correctly for the submission.

No one, and I mean no one understands the process well- including 'Frank' down in the VFW office. So it's up to you to do so. The clinician will need the relevant evidence, the C&P exam (to refute it), and verbiage has to be correct (all the correct boxes checked correctly).

Don't delay- that one year will come and go before you know it. It *IS* worth it to cram and do full court press on the process. Set a timeline for yourself and follow it.

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