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seminoles last won the day on April 15 2019

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  1. It only solidified what I already knew and felt, as well as my young adult children. Thankfully they are sitting their butts in college, they have seen with their own eyes how lovely veterans are treated and then they see this. NAH
  2. Some States only offer certain benefits to 100% schedular PT and not IU PT, I remember when I was IU PT (I am 100% PT now) and we were looking at different places to move there were quite a few states that seemed to not give the same benefits.
  3. I agree if he has an expectation of being able to work again in the future but IU PT or 100% PT they both have the same benefits in most cases (some states treat IU PT differently than 100% PT), I know I never will be able to again. My SD disabilities are only getting worse, not better. Also, might want to consider applying for SSDI. Lots of people say once you get IU or IU PT never to file anything again. I am not on that "team", I am on the team that files for what ratings I am entitled to and nothing more. If my condition warrants a rating of 60% and it currently has a rating of 30% and my overall rating isn't 100% PT then I am filing for an increase. PERIOD. I will also still file for service connected issues that will potentially cause me serious injury or death, even though I am rated 100% PT. I have had more than one VSO tell me not to and I don't care what they have to say. I file it and have gotten my rating every single time. I honestly didn't care that much about the PT but it is nice to have and we were able to drop our other health insurance and save money on other things. It all depends on what state you live in honestly how much you will save in other areas but definitely fight for it if your conditions warrant it. Best of luck!!
  4. I was rated IU PT before I was 100% PT with SMCs, when I filed for IU I specifically asked to be rated PT because of the nature of my disabilities. I had been awarded SSDI based soley on my SC disabilities and used that to help receive IU PT. I later filed for SMCs and had other things SC which led to my 100% schedular with SMCs. I specifically asked for the PT when I filed for IU so they HAD TO ADDRESS it and give a reason for denial the VA loves to NOT give us our benefits so we have to be smart enough to make sure they have to give a reason they denied them. I know many veterans rated IU that are not PT.
  5. I have had bad (incompetent) exams done by both QTC and VA examiners, and also great exams done by both. For me, going to the VA CP exam site is a 3 hour drive each way. I would much rather have my exam done by a qualified examiner closer to where I live..
  6. I had many c and p exams done at a VA facility that were not done by a specialist, most often honestly they were done by a NP.
  7. sadly even if your vestibular disorder is as bad as menirers disease is when rated at 100% you can only receive a 30% rating which is insane imo, I have vestibular migraines which are so severe my balance is so bad I am wheelchair bound. I was seen in service for the symptoms, and yet I am rated for my migraines with vertigo symptoms......MORONS
  8. I sent in a claim in Feb and it closed in Feb within a week. Oddly enough, I still haven't received my envelope but I know the results and they are in my favor. I had to call the Whitehouse hotline and someone got into contact with me.
  9. I have never had this issue, I get 3 pairs of new glasses every year new prescription or not and mine hasn't changed in at least 5 years. I get a pair of single vision with the ultra thin lenses, reading glasses and polarized sunglasses also with the thin lenses. Some of what I receive has to do with my disabilities (the polarized sunglasses) but the rest is just standard.
  10. Two of my outside exams were performed in a gym, not kidding the examiners had an office in the back. Once it was a mental health exam and the other was for my specially adaptive vehicle grant. The VA just seems to rent out an office in some random location.
  11. I asked the VA for a new exam after reading her "exam" notes and was sent to not one but two more exams, this was all because my neurologist and primary care doctors filled out the forms for aid and attendance and the quack they sent me to for my migraines (which my neurologist who is the chief of neurology and has been my neurologist for over 10 years wrote based my need for aid and attendance on my migraines and vestibular migraines), I had held that rating at 50% for over 8 years at that point and they sent me a proposal to reduce them to 0% when my records showed zero improvement and so many failed drugs. I finally had THAT stopped to then fight then on my mh rating which was increased when I finally saw a non va examiner. It was all around a complete circus honestly. They now have my sinus infections secondary to my migraines and my vestibular disorder which is a very separate and distinct diagnosis like meniers lumped in with my migraines. Idiots abound at the St. petersburg RO and the vso aren't much better.
  12. I had what I thought was the best examiner ever, finally someone who not only got it but emphathized, NOPE when she started asking the financial questions she asked if I received child support and how much. I answered because I didn't want a fiduciary assigned to me. She was shocked by the amount I received, so she wrote an ENTIRE PARAGRAPH about how wealthy we are??? then went on to say my rating shoudl be 50% for bipolar disorder and ptsd, which had been written as bipolar disorder (panic disorder with agorphobia, severe panic disorder, general anxiety disorder) I asked for a new exam and was seen through VES and was awarded 100% for mh. So, don't just trust someone who was nice to to you that doesn't mean they are going to give you a favorable outcome. I hope in your case it does. When I left that first exam I thought wow, I wish she was my provider. NOT.
  13. I just submitted 2 today, and will wait for those to close before submitting my other two.........I have my reasons. The VA is shady
  14. I am 100% PT I haven't applied for any SMCs because well the VA quite frankly scares the hell out of me. I am 70% for mh (I could easily be 100%) 50% for migraines, 30% for my meniers, 60% for a bladder condition, 10% for sinus and I think that everything. I know that I can apply for loss of use for my legs which I pretty much have, I cannot walk but I can use a stationary recumbent bike, so it is really weird. I can drive a car rarely, but I do enjoy it when I can. My mh is rated as such bipolar disorder (ptsd, agoraphobia, general anxiety disorder, panic disorder) and now I am the lucky winner of seizures from mh, never knew there was such a thing but yep. I know when they are gonna happen thankfully and I'm in a wheelchair but many bruise, cuts and scraps before I caved to the wheelchair. I didn't want to end up dead or hurt badly. I am pretty sure that I need to get the SMC for loss of use first, then apply for my SAH. I see my neuro tomorrow and he is fantastic about this stuff, he is the one who I see for this actually because ent sucks here and he is one of the only providers who writes letters for me etc.
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