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Opened claim from 2005

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Hello. I served in Iraq from early 2003-2004 as a reservist. My unit burned human waste and trash in barrels right outside our building that had no windows. I would constantly wake up to our room filled with smoke. I also burned and computer parts on a weekly basis  the whole time I was there. I eventually developed a cough. I went to the VA in 2005 about my cough. They set up an appointment for me but I never received anything for it. I never followed up with it and decided to just suck it up. I eventually developed bronchitis that last months and then a not so bad cough/clear throat that last a few more months every year for the last 14 years. There are other things but I won't  get into that now. I finally went back to the VA and they told me they would reopen the case. If approved for disability would I get back pay from 2005 when I first opened the case or just when I went back to the VA? Thank you

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Thank you everyone for your replies. I really appreciate it. I can understand what you Vietnam guy are going through. My godfather came back with agent orange and seen him suffer effect from it. 

We burned more than human feces in those barrel. We burned our water bottles, MRE bags, broken electrics, etc. All I know is I didn't have chronic bronchitis, coughs and some other problems before I left. Thanks again for the help guys. 

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We dont know what your effective date will be, but there is a good chance you will get it back to 2005.  It mostly depends on your symptoms...were they sufficient back to 2005 to warrant a rating?  I dont know what your symptoms were then. 

Further, we can not guarantee you will be service connected, but we can tell you what to do to increase your chances.  

Keep the basic Caluza elements in mind, and document your symptoms.  If there is no etiology opinion in your file, you may need an IMO/IME to opine that your (current diagnosis) is at least as likely as not related to breathing toxic fumes while in military service.  Are you a smoker?  Did you work in a bar or place where there was a lot of smoke, after service? 

That too, can be a factor.  The VA can, and does, blame "something else" whenever they can get away with it.  

I think I know how each burn pit vet can be sc.  

YOur commander, instead of burning it, should ship the schist, diesel, computer parts or whatever to Washington DC, and then burn it there..hopefully near Congress.  Congress would get rid of that smell pronto.  If they smelled it a while they would then "get it".  

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