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Diabetes Medical Care at VA vs Private Doctor

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I asked this question previously, but the topic arose again in our group discussion.

Can anyone give pros vs cons of health care at the VA or private doctors.

The overwhelming majority believes VA is more care oriented because not having to make a profit.

That statement is supported by generic medicines being used which are  just as good as higher priced name brands (example Victoza).

Most feel private physicians are compromised by pharmaceutical companies to encourage more costly name brands.

The VA just offers medicines which work, but aren't compromised by pharmacy groups.

All statements are welcomed.

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2 answers to this question

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I am not so sure it is about where the doctor is at or what their opinions are.  I think this falls more in like with doctors who give a shit about their patients.

I have had great doctors at the VA and at private practices.  I also have had horrible experiences at both.  This is just an example of bad care at the VA.  I had my gallbladder removed and I went under at 9:45 AM I was released from the hospital before noon.  The nurse said I had gotten up and used the restroom and gotten dressed and I was holding down some food.  All of these things were not true.

I did not even remember getting dressed as someone would have had to help me.  I was still in and out of it as they loaded me onto the wheelchair to take me to the car.  I don't remember the elevator but i remember getting in the car.  As soon as i got in the car and my wife drove to the street i threw up into her panara bag from the morning.  The nurse had already told us we could not go back so we went home.  I threw up 4 more times at home.  If anyone has ever thrown up after and abdominal surgery it is the worst thing ever!!!   I felt as if i had torn everything inside.  My wife called the hospital at the VA and the doctor was so pissed the nurse had released me.  He checked on me through out the night every couple of hours and no blood was coming out anywhere, so luckily i was ok.  

Just to give a frame of reference my wife had the same surgery a year earlier and she was in surgery at 9 am and we left the hospital at around 9 PM.  We were at a public hospital and got far better care!

I also have  stories the other way.  So my best advise is to get more than one opinion!  Also know the basics of what you are talking about with your doctor (Google!)  Always advocate or have someone there who will advocate for you!


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Like Shrek, i've had good and bad experiences with both. Like Shrek says, you have to advocate for your self. Check the info on your PCP or your surgeon or specialist. I will say this and some who have used VAMC for a long time; I believe the care, service and options are way better than they were 20, 15  and even 10 years ago. There is some still bad actors, but it takes advocates pushing back to get rid of them. But as I told my VA PCP, I'm not sure if the VA is getting better, or, it's a case that private care is getting worse. She said she thought it was a little of both but certainly health care has improved in the VA. Don't believe me; try getting an appointment with a specialist with Medicare now days. And the cost and wait time will knock your socks off.

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