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What Have We Gained By Coming Here?

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Guest HankHill


Guest HankHill

You know, T-Bird went to alot of trouble to dismantle the old forum and create this new one because of disrupters and Flame posts supposedly. From what I can tell, the only things that have come out of this change is that we now have a forum format that is NOT user friendly at all, we have lost ALOT of the old knowledgable folks who were irreplaceable with claims assistance who refused to come to the new forum and guess what, We still have to deal with the original sh*t disturber that started this whole mess and caused the move in the first place. I ask you all, what exactly have we accomplished by making all of these changes?

Awnser: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! WE HAVE WENT BACKWARDS FOR CRYING OUTLOUD! I have tried and tried to find something, anything good that has come out of all of these changes and for the life of me I cant find one damn thing.

T-Bird, please don't take this personally because I have alot of respect and admiration for what you have tried to do, but was it all really worth it?

Might as well just turn this place into a gloves off political discussion arena because that is what it has become it seems. What ever happened to vets helping vets?

It is ironic that the name of this forum is Hadit.com, because I for one have HADIT and will not be back.

To T-Bird and those of you who have helped me and others with claims issues in the past, I thank you all and wish you the best.

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Change is never easy to except. Unfortunalty for you, this forum format is is by far the most popular on the net. It will be more and more difficult to find any other, as it is prefered by user's and moderaters everywhere. Ease of use is why, and bugs and preferences take a little time to work out.

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You know, T-Bird went to alot of trouble to dismantle the old forum and create this new one because of disrupters and Flame posts supposedly. From what I can tell, the only things that have come out of this change is that we now have a forum format that is NOT user friendly at all, we have lost ALOT of the old knowledgable folks who were irreplaceable with claims assistance who refused to come to the new forum and guess what, We still have to deal with the original sh*t disturber that started this whole mess and caused the move in the first place. I ask you all, what exactly have we accomplished by making all of these changes?

Awnser: ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! WE HAVE WENT BACKWARDS FOR CRYING OUTLOUD! I have tried and tried to find something, anything good that has come out of all of these changes and for the life of me I cant find one damn thing.

T-Bird, please don't take this personally because I have alot of respect and admiration for what you have tried to do, but was it all really worth it?

Might as well just turn this place into a gloves off political discussion arena because that is what it has become it seems. What ever happened to vets helping vets?

It is ironic that the name of this forum is Hadit.com, because I for one have HADIT and will not be back.

To T-Bird and those of you who have helped me and others with claims issues in the past, I thank you all and wish you the best.

Hey Hank,

Maybe the best thing is for U to split.

From what I see T-Bird has done an excellent job with the site. If U ran a site like this think U could do any better. If so, then start one & get all the OLD TIMERS on your site. Before I found hadit the VA had me over a barrel. SInce coming here am now 100% T & P. Are U aware that only appox. 8% of Vets file a NOD or even know what they are. I didn't know before I found this site.

The talent on this site is awesome.

Maybe, have no idea, some of the OLD TIMERS, can't stand change. Seems to me some impressive Talent is still on this site. They'll probably hang around some inferior site & then come back because I am a Computer Junkie ( Have nothing else to go) & have failed to find a site that has people who will help U like on this site.

Ask a question one gets an answer or 2 or 3.

"Gloves off Political Discussion" I don't understand so if someone with a bit more Gray Matter in their Brain would explain that one would appreciate it.

Hank, not wanting to argue or whatever but still have to complliment T Bird for what she has done for Veterans.

If a Vet comes to this site & can't help him/her self it's their own fault.

Don't understand something ask.

As for the so called Sh*t disturber ignore them. All they want is attention as they must not get any in their life. If U respond to them U only encourage them. One should feel sorry for someone like that who has to come to a Vet helping Vet site & try to cause problems. I would put this person on the same level as those fools who have nothing better to do with their lives than make Viruses & put them on the Net & infect Computer's. Oh what fun that must be. They don't have any idea who they are causing problems so why bother. I guess it's so they can brag to other Loser's like they are about what they did.

Hank, again I say nothing personal & don't wish to argue but think T Bird has an Excellent site & so must a lot of other's as they are still here.

Hank, the disrupters & flame Posts was a CHEAP SHOT.




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Change is never easy to except. Unfortunalty for you, this forum format is is by far the most popular on the net. It will be more and more difficult to find any other, as it is prefered by user's and moderaters everywhere. Ease of use is why, and bugs and preferences take a little time to work out.

Time Lad! Give it Time, what is dosent kill it cures. Remember the bunch of straw it is very difficult to break the handfull, each straw by itself is easy to break. B)

This forum will again blossom, with perhaps even wiser and more learned Veterans.

Give it Time. :)

Arch Sgt. USAF

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I'm glad some others have weighed in on this topic, I didn't want to be first, but I like the new format even with its differences. It gives me the chance to practice acceptance of change. It's not easy for someone diagnosed with a severe adjustment disorder, change is not something I look forward to. Panick comes to mind and it's not a pretty picture.

But the change over was relatively simple and easy to adjust for and all. So If you are more concerned about what you think of the change, than sticking around and helping Vets, Then It may be better for all concerned to let you go your own way and let the rest of us get back to helping other VETS.

Jim S. B)

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One has to scroll to the very bottom of the Forum to get to Political Talk, then one has to open Political Talk, then one has to click and open a certain discussion under Political Talk (and read it)....if I hated the Board so much because of "Political Talk", then it would be very easy to avoid that Forum....much easier to avoid it than to get into it. Some people enjoy the Political Forum, but if it's causing problems for people who are posting answers to vets help questions, then I for one would be glad to sign off for good from the Board. I know I don't post help as much as I should, but I have local people call me almost every week wanting help with the VA, and I've helped dozens...many have made it to 100%, along with helping widows who know nothing about the system. I find it more satisfying to help some one I can SEE, but it's not easy and it causes a lot of stress getting involved in someone's claim. How many times has the fellow who said he was quitting the Board because of the Political Forum actually answered the "help" questions under claims?? I don't know and I am not making accusations against anybody. But, if it will help him to stay and continue his help with veterans here, I'll hang it up!!!!!!

Edited by jessejames
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First, I realize all of this should be in the "All things Political" forum/section.

I think it is gracious of you to be willing to make changes in attitude or output in order to keep a single dissenting voice within the chorus. But, I don’t think that would change your beliefs.

Question - What would happen if we all agreed to change our tunes to give a semblance of harmony where none is meant to exist just to keep a sole disgruntled soul happy???

Answer – Not much!!! How dull…

I think the Political forum is meant to be political in the broadest sense and personal strong viewpoints involving criticism of opposing viewpoints is expected, necessary and healthy. Some of us non-political types (myself) are getting educated about areas that we are not familiar with, and look forward to the debates – and learn from them. So far, (on this new and wonderful website) I have not seen anything that is meant to really harm another poster, or anyone for that matter. A lot of it seems pretty light hearted, yet penetrating in an informative way. I am learning a lot and being entertained,,, at the same time and I have to say that thanks to you and other forum participants I now look at CNN, FOX, etc with a much more scrutinizing eye. Now “violin” time –

Some of us are combat wounded and no longer as mobile as we would like to be. Going to the john, negotiating stairways or pounding keyboards can be efforts, so I read a lot of online stuff on my combo monitor/TV. Without the debates of you and the others that reading/viewing would be less exciting and more dull. I would be less informed, less rounded out!!! Yes, the heat of the Political forum helps fill a little gap in this shot up vets life and makes the days and nights a little easier and fun to pass. Not all of us are strictly claims oriented (although the wealth of information in the other forums helps prepare me for any tricks the powers that be may try). I for one need the diversified camaraderie the website offers, and the Political forum is part of that.

Again, nice of you to agree to back off to keep the peace, but if you (and your sparring partners) did that it would leave a small void in this cyber vets life. Maybe the complainer should adjust, take part more or back off and leave one of the freedoms we all strived to protect during our stints intact. In summary, here is a fellow vet you are helping online – and you don’t even know it.


Ps – I think Tbird would start highlighting the ‘warning’ checks of anyone who pushed things too far and calm things down some if it all got out of hand and damaging. B)

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