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First exam yesterday, still upset over their questions

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So yesterday I had my first exam with VES for a PTSD claim. Within 2 minutes of the call she wants the most intimate details of things I've seen/done. I told her flat out she was giving me anxiety and panic attack because Id rather not relive everything with someone i have no rapport with. I wasnt rude and tried to remain polite but I explained some situations of CIVCAS where 3 kids got smoked and I didnt want to give all the details. She wanted to know every trauma I've seen, I tried to explain I'm in drones and have been doing it since 2010 I cant possibly go into every detail, for perspective I showed her my performace report last year confirming over 200 EKIA. I simply dont want to relive every mistake, every bad experiance because theyre too lazy to read my files and statements before hand. 

The line of questioning and forcefulness to ask questions with no rapport goes against all modern psychological standards. 

How do I file a complaint or can I even do that? Im still reeling today about it today and barely slept last night because that was so unprofessional and intrusive. 

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We have a choice.  We can choose one or the other:

1.  Our privacy.

2. Our benefits.  

     The good news is we are not likely to ever see that examiner again, so if you tell them the private intimate details, you are pretty much done with it and may not ever have to do it again.  As many have pointed out, tho, you could be called for a second, or even a third exam.  Sometimes even more.  

     One person said she could endure almost anything as long as she knew it would be over soon.  Well, your c and p exam will be over in a max of about 3 hours, most often way, way less.  

    Trust me, I dont like to have to tell VA all the details either.  But they want to know EVERYTHING.  And, they can simply deny you for failure to reveal the requisite information/evidence.  

    My suggestion, if this c and p exam turns out "unfavorable", then psych yourself up, because you may need to do it again.  But, its probably just as likely that the exam will be favorable and you may not have to do it again.  

    When I was in the military, we had to do a "smoke filled chamber".   We went into a concrete building, where they built a controlled fire.  We had hold of a hose and we had to put the fire out, calmly.  This means we had to breathe through our nose, because one breath of that smoke in your mouth and you immediately start coughing.  

    You feel the heat.  You smell the smoke.  Fear.  Do they really know what they are doing?  You manage to put the fire out, but, one person in the company chokes, and runs out.  

    So they make ALL of us do it all over again.  (Like it was not scary enough being inside a burning building ONCE, now you have to do it again). 

    But, I went back in, but first we "had a talk" with the guy who choked and ran out.  I was not the only one upset we had to go back in the burning building again.  

     Its all over now, and just a faded memory.  

    You may have well went through worse.  Many Vets have.  But, each and every day I get up, and almost never think about it again.  Its not bad to talk about it now, but many things are neither as good or as bad as they seem.  

     Its "not worth it" for every Veteran to go through the benefits process.  Some drop out, and forget it.  

    But, if you are bad enough and need the benefits bad enough, we endure it.  Just decide if its worth it or not...I cant make that decision for you.  It was worth it for me.  Life is good, now, for me.  

Edited by broncovet
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You can put on a complaint about the examiner and exam with the Whitehouse hotline.

An I would upload a statement about it so that it becomes apart of your record.

An I would write a complaint to your congressman about the private contractor place that did the exam.

I would do a complaint to the bbb so that they will investigate the complaint against the company.

Well then just wait. Because you will 9 times out of 10  never get a copy of the exam  before they make a decision.

Using the exam.

Good luck 


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On 9/10/2022 at 3:18 PM, Deagle said:

I got to the first question and she didnt even ask that. She skipped direct to section 2. She asked about the first stressor which i can't pin point, i said my first deployment as a whole but she wanted dates of specific events I honestly dont even remember the year, is was either 05-06 or 06-07.  It was pre-surge and its not anything I care to revist. She then asked for what the biggest was, I mentioned the kids dying, offloading helos with casualties when they stood up Balad Field hospital, loading caskets into c-17's, watching friends die, killing IDK how many people, et al. She wanted specifics on those.  I can deal with the basic overview of events but i dont want to go into details, why would anyone want to relive that crap? 


Id rather not do another exam to be honest, it is what it is. I can pay for my own treatment if need be. Thats all Ive ever wanted was after care and I feel like I was being grilled like Im trying to scam something. I have job offers that dwarf my military pay and i simply dont need the headaches and trauma of this process. 

My appointment was telemed, my wife was home during it, as soon as I hung up she rushed the room to check on me because she knew I was upset.  I cancelled all my plans this next week because Id rather not deal with it. If this is the norm I'll pass on a check every month and grind my own way. 


Thank you for the time and for all your information. I really appreciate your time and thoughts. 

It took 43 years for them to rate me for PTSD. The first exam the PhD didn't read the file and missed diagnosed me.  The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th exam I got lucky and had  a PhD that know about PTSD / MST. You have two choices. 1. Tell your story like you did hear and answer the questions. 2. Or don't tell your story  screw around 43 years and wait to get YOUR BENIFITS. Its that simple. Choose your battles wisely.  

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On 9/10/2022 at 4:25 PM, brokensoldier244th said:

It sound like whomever put in the exam forget to check the box on "needs to verify stressor y/n" so if it's unchecked the assumption is yes. That stressor verification isn't part of every exam


I'm sorry you had to go through that. You shouldn't have. It sounds like you are BDD/IDES and have your records at the ready. You'll likely come out just fine.

I've done some drone troops' exams research and prep, and one former SEAL (not 6). You guys have some interesting commonalities between your jobs. I work more MST, though, than combat PTSD. Lots in common been those too. 

I am BDD, I think the situation just really upset me because it was super unprofessional, especially asking for details, I have no problem talking about a vague example, e.g. kids being blown up. But to ask for more specific seemed very much out of bounds. Just my thoughts. 

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On 9/10/2022 at 9:43 PM, broncovet said:

We have a choice.  We can choose one or the other:

1.  Our privacy.

2. Our benefits.  

     The good news is we are not likely to ever see that examiner again, so if you tell them the private intimate details, you are pretty much done with it and may not ever have to do it again.  As many have pointed out, tho, you could be called for a second, or even a third exam.  Sometimes even more.  

     One person said she could endure almost anything as long as she knew it would be over soon.  Well, your c and p exam will be over in a max of about 3 hours, most often way, way less.  

    Trust me, I dont like to have to tell VA all the details either.  But they want to know EVERYTHING.  And, they can simply deny you for failure to reveal the requisite information/evidence.  

    My suggestion, if this c and p exam turns out "unfavorable", then psych yourself up, because you may need to do it again.  But, its probably just as likely that the exam will be favorable and you may not have to do it again.  

    When I was in the military, we had to do a "smoke filled chamber".   We went into a concrete building, where they built a controlled fire.  We had hold of a hose and we had to put the fire out, calmly.  This means we had to breathe through our nose, because one breath of that smoke in your mouth and you immediately start coughing.  

    You feel the heat.  You smell the smoke.  Fear.  Do they really know what they are doing?  You manage to put the fire out, but, one person in the company chokes, and runs out.  

    So they make ALL of us do it all over again.  (Like it was not scary enough being inside a burning building ONCE, now you have to do it again). 

    But, I went back in, but first we "had a talk" with the guy who choked and ran out.  I was not the only one upset we had to go back in the burning building again.  

     Its all over now, and just a faded memory.  

    You may have well went through worse.  Many Vets have.  But, each and every day I get up, and almost never think about it again.  Its not bad to talk about it now, but many things are neither as good or as bad as they seem.  

     Its "not worth it" for every Veteran to go through the benefits process.  Some drop out, and forget it.  

    But, if you are bad enough and need the benefits bad enough, we endure it.  Just decide if its worth it or not...I cant make that decision for you.  It was worth it for me.  Life is good, now, for me.  

Thank you, I appreciate the help and the time you took responding. 

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