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Can you get a copy of the exam from regional office

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Mr cue


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46 minutes ago, Mr cue said:

Some have said they got a copy of there exam by going to the regional office.

Is this true 

Yes and no, the VARO normally makes the veteran fill out a Freedom of Information Act form and will give the veteran a copy of their C & P exam, but they normally hold the exam until after they make their decision. Veterans would have to call the local VARO to schedule the appointment and not the 1 (800) 827-1000. You can find your local VARO number on-line. 

My intentions are to help, my advice maybe wrong, be your own advocate and know what is in your C-File and the 38 CFR that governs your disabilities and conditions.

Do your own homework. No one knows the veteran’s symptoms like the veteran. Never Give Up.

I do not give my consent for anyone to view my personal VA records.


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I got a copy within a few days of the exam by using the 'Blue Button' download on myhealth.va.gov site.  This was for a VA-generated C&P Exam, not a contracted one.  I haven't done it in quite a while, but it's worth a try.  And if it works, no FOIA hassle or RO visit necessary.

Use the 'Blue Button' download.  Specify 'Notes' and a date range.  If you download a large amount at one time, just do a 'Control-F' search in the .PDF or .TXT file for DBQ, C & P, or the examiner's name.

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My experience has been getting a copy of an exam at the VARO is "the hard way".  The easy way is to get it at your VAMC at the "release of information office".  If you have the exam date, at my VAMC (can not guarantee the same result everywhere), you can walk out with a copy of the exam in minutes.  Unfortunately if the exam was done by a VA contractor, your VAMC may or may not have a copy of the exam.  It should be there if it was done by a VA doctor.  

VA has discretion to decide if a contractor will do your exam, or a VA employee doc.  In part, I get this..your local VA doc may or may not be busy, so if he/she is backed up with patients, then I "get" THAT Vets with "medical needs" would come before Vets with benefit needs.  At the hospital, they often treat "the most needed medically" first, regardless of the order you came in.  

And, if I was injured in a car wreck, sitting there bleeding, I would not appreciate waiting for the doctor to care for a 5 year old with a runny nose while I bleed to death.  Thus, the most severe medical needs SHOULD be first.  

However, at my VAMC if you want your entire medical record, you can not get it right away, they will copy it and mail it to you, of course, after you sign the release of information form.  

Some said that they dont use VA docs for c and p exams any more, well they do in at least one VA, because we are "less busy" than some of those VA's like in Dallas or wherever.  


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Ok I am talking about getting a copy of the private contractor exam. 

Ok this is from VA. Gov.

Want a copy of your claim exam?

You can obtain a copy of your claim exam (also known as a compensation and pension, or C&P, exam) by contacting your nearest regional office.

So now we're does it state a veteran have to do a foia to get a copy.

We're isn't that stated in the law or any where 

We're did it come from. Something don't seem right.

I call 1800 and ask about going to the local regional office to get a copy.

Told most veterans have to do a foia I stated that VA.gov say veterans can go to there local VA to get a copy. You can't call your local regional office.

It turn it to the regional office isn't doing in person some areas and some ain't.

I explain my region office has returned to walk in person 

The than say ok let's look they pull up my regional office. They do in person.

An basically they never said I can't get a copy.there

Smh so to me it is the 1800 telling veterans they have to do a foia.

I am waiting for the bogus medical opinion to come back on my case an then off to my local regional office an see what the real story is.

I still am looking for a veteran that has been to there local regional office  an try to get a copy of there exam 

Because it just seem this is the position the 1800 had took

I bet when those thousands of veterans still showing up at the regional office 

They will start uploading them again to the medical record

I can't find a law or VA statement that a veteran has to do a foia to get a copy.

I would believe if a veteran go to there local regional office and show there if they will get a copy of there exam.

Why would the Veteran be told to do a foia.

That is so requested over the phone stuff.

I might be wrong 









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Yes, I went through this process, I requested a copy of my LHI C & P exams. The VA refused to release those exams and I finally contacted my local VA, and they scheduled me a walk-in appointment and I went down, and they then gave me a copy of my exams. The VA refused to release a copy of my exams until they made their decision. Even though I had favorable medical opinions, the VA still denied my claim and refused to address my request for an EED.  

My intentions are to help, my advice maybe wrong, be your own advocate and know what is in your C-File and the 38 CFR that governs your disabilities and conditions.

Do your own homework. No one knows the veteran’s symptoms like the veteran. Never Give Up.

I do not give my consent for anyone to view my personal VA records.


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On 2/3/2023 at 3:49 PM, pacmanx1 said:

I finally contacted my local VA, and they scheduled me a walk-in appointment and I went down, and they then gave me a copy of my exam

Thank this is what I thought the 1800 isn't going to send a veteran a copy.

The had to go to there local regional office to get a copy.

If they want one mail they have to do a FOIA to get it.

They will fix this real quick once veteran start showing up for copy of these contractor exams.

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