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Va's Stand On Plavix!

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When a doctor prescribes a medication and the accountants say that it costs too much, aren't the accountants practicing medicine without a license?

They are countering the written instructions of a doctor when 'cost' is the only reason that they give for not allowing the prescription to be filled.

How much does a hammer or toilet seat cost anyway?

We are looking at a state of the medical arts where we are allowed to choose medications on the basis of which medication, or medical procedure, actually works the best, or at all, for the individual patient.

'At all' is what concerns me the most.

Many of the tried and true, cheaper medications either aggravate my PTSD or make me physically ill to the point that taking the medications is worse than not taking anything

That's a medical fact...

Through trial and error we have found some combinations that I can take without messing up one condition or another.

Unfortunately, the VA has not seen fit to include most of my drugs into their precious formulary.

They call this a budget and I call it malpractice.


Those that need help the most are the ones least likely to receive help from the VA.

It's up to us to help each other.

sledge twkelly@hotmail.com

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  • HadIt.com Elder

I wanted to add my two cents worth. My husband is also a Vietnam Veteran, with absolutely no service connected illnesses. "He is one of the lucky ones."

He did have a stent the middle of April. He is required to take Plavix for the rest of his life.

He is also required to take an adult strength Aspirin with the Plavix. He may be allowed to go back on the baby Aspirin in one year, but will have to continue with the Plavix for life.

We have our own private insurance and it does pay for his meds.

Veterans out there should receive proper care and receive the medication prescribed by their doctors.

How do we get this across to our congressman?



Edited by Josephine
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  • HadIt.com Elder


Has your husband ever taken the Agent Orange Registry exam? Something might show up so you want him to take that exam. It is also true that for many conditions besides a broken arm it is just trial and error. The medications I have taken in the past for depression and arthritus pain have caused me grief. I am coming to the belief that staying away from doctors will prolong your life.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

John 999,

Thanks for your advice. I have looked at all of his service records and all that is recorded is a minor cold.

He says that he was never around any chemicals and never suffered any type of injuries. I just called him and he does remember the spraying of the foliage.

He was a corpsman as myself and says that he recovered dead bodies, but that it never bothered him.

I can believe him, for after being married to him for 43 years, I can honestly say, I don't know of a thing that bothers him.

Me, I am the opposite.

He was on Social Security Disability for 3 years and has 100% Total Disability. His problems started 13 years ago.

He has been in the hospital several times in Intensive Care for an Irregular Heart Beat. Almost died both times.

Just as soon as he could located the position that he wanted, off he went on the 9 month trial period and back to being a Quality Manager.

He has been back to work for two years now. His doctors all say that it is good for him.

You ask me, " If he had the Agent Orange Test'? No, I am going to show him your post. When I just talked to him, he said that he would look into it.

How does he arrange for the test?


Now you know why I have always stuck with my Board Certified Internist. When I went to the Psychiatrist, I was so drugged, I couldn't think straight. I had to get off some of those drugs.




Edited by Josephine
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  • HadIt.com Elder

Actually, I've been getting Plavix (Zocor) from the VA since 2002. My cardiologist also stated that I would need it for life I've also taken asprin with Plavix on a daily basis since 2001. I like the idea of filing "malpractice" and practicing without a license claims against the VA administrative system that is denying the drug. Perhaps a class action would be appropriate. <G> The Drug benefit program for all veteran's says nothing about the ability of the VA to deny a formulary drug to a veteran. Nor does it require a veteran to be treated by the VA. I did place a statement in my VA records the the VA does NOT provide my medical care, other than on an occasional basis. I. E. A routine visit for periodic tests and drug renewal with a minor non cronic condition present or discovered that merits short term medication.

John 999,

Thanks for your advice. I have looked at all of his service records and all that is recorded is a minor cold.

He says that he was never around any chemicals and never suffered any type of injuries. I just called him and he does remember the spraying of the foliage.

He was a corpsman as myself and says that he recovered dead bodies, but that it never bothered him.

I can believe him, for after being married to him for 43 years, I can honestly say, I don't know of a thing that bothers him.

Me, I am the opposite.

He was on Social Security Disability for 3 years and has 100% Total Disability. His problems started 13 years ago.

He has been in the hospital several times in Intensive Care for an Irregular Heart Beat. Almost died both times.

Just as soon as he could located the position that he wanted, off he went on the 9 month trial period and back to being a Quality Manager.

He has been back to work for two years now. His doctors all say that it is good for him.

You ask me, " If he had the Agent Orange Test'? No, I am going to show him your post. When I just talked to him, he said that he would look into it.

How does he arrange for the test?


Now you know why I have always stuck with my Board Certified Internist. When I went to the Psychiatrist, I was so drugged, I couldn't think straight. I had to get off some of those drugs.




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  • HadIt.com Elder

When I first started getting Zocor/Plavix from the VA, it was the US branded drug. Then, they changed to a canadian branded "generic" labelled form. The hue and cry started about importing drugs from Canada, and the VA went back to the US branded version. I suppose if and when the VA stops supplying the drug (possibly in Aug if they apply the policy), I'll go back to the insurance company and get a signed letter (if possible) stating why the VA is refusing to supply a formulary drug to a veteran under the veteran's drug benefits act. Next I'll take that letter to my congressman and start the fun and games.

Has anyone had a similar experience with the VA and the use of Plavix

I had my heart attack and 2 stents back in Jan 2006. I was told to take Plavix and aspirin to help prevent another heart attack. The VA will only pay for Plavix for 1 year. My Cardiologist wants me to stay on this drug indefinately, at least until a new study says to stop taking it after 1 year. One of the reasons that the VA will only pay for 1 year is that Plavix is very expensive. The cheapest is Sam's club - $127 for 30 days. I can't afford this seeing as the VA denied my claim for my SC heart condition. They are still rating me at 0 SC.

Has anyone had a similar experience with Plavix and the VA? Does anyone know where I can get this drug a lot cheaper than $127. I am not sure about ordering it on line as I have heard that some of these companies are not too honest.

Thanks in advance - Brian

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