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Senior Chief Petty Officer
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Posts posted by rpowell01

  1. Carlie, Trust me I went and after asking my PCP, who was also bunked because he couldn't figure what was happening, I actually figured it out. I was prescribed Meloxicam 15mg back in February. I didn't want to start taking until after I had the ESI because its on the list of medications to stop a week before the ESI. So, I started taking it on Tuesday, one day after my failed ESI, and then it was two days later I started having huge issues. Well I kind of figured it all out last night because the only difference between this week and last week compared to the other weeks before is the Meloxicam. So today I stopped taking it and I feel better. I know its going to take a couple of days for it to get out of my system.

    NSAIs' causes my blood pressure to go sky high and I get sick as a dog whenever I take them. It all started after I had my gallbladder taken out, weird but true. Anyway I told my PCP about this and he is listing all NSAIs as me being allergic to them.

    So, I started taking Tylenol Tension 1x a day.

    Now, if I can figure out this burning pain the upper left part of my stomach I can manage. Its on the outer part in the outer muscle. Muscle strain? Or Radiculopathy? It hurts bending over to the left and just by touching it...I will let the Neuropain know about this next month whenever I go see them again and will let my PCP know about it in June...

    BTW Carlie I don't take anything said to me offensively because I should know better....Time to take a break from outside activities for a few days...

  2. Well it just happened to me again about 1 hour again and I finally got the bugar that is causing the problem. Its a huge muscle spasm in my mid back next to my should blade that is right behind my heart. And guess what my mind is going to do whenever that spasm squeezes right behind my heart? It sends my body into panic mode and boom Anxiety from hell. What is scary is whenever you left arm pain gets worse and your mind says "Heart, heart, heart"...I found out what it was whenever I applied ice to my neck and mid back. Whenever I moved around I felt the spasm. That thing is huge and I had my wife rub it hard with a rounded hard plastic tube and it helps getting that thing to loosen some. Ice just doesn't do the trick for some reason....

    I can't believe how it causes my blood pressure to drop then afterwards my blood pressure goes sky high and I literally shake.

    For about two years now I have been more worried on getting my Cervical DDD, Thoracic DDD and Lumbar DDD pain under control that I neglected and forgot about all the muscle spasms I get on my body because of them.

    I send a message to my PCP to see if he can prescribe me Baclofen and something for the Anxiety. I use to take Baclofen about couple of years ago and I don't know why I stopped taking it. I guess with all the pain issues I just forgot all about it.

  3. Well I was thinking last night whenever I was going over to the hospital that one of my disc could have leak out some water....Everything was fine until I threw a football around for about 6-8 at my sons football practice and it was right after I started to get sick. Then I talked with JBasser today on the phone and he told me the exact same thing he thought happen. So I could have done that and this is why they couldn't find anything. Water gets in that spinal cord and the brain go haywire whenever this happens....

  4. Let me start off by giving just a little back information...I have Cervical DDD, Thoracic DDD and Lumbar DDD with radiculopathy from all three areas.

    The Radiculopathy are in both arms, legs, toes, feet and in all of places in the chest wall muscles (pectoral muscles)...

    This past Monday I had a Cervical ESI procedure. The doctor decided to do it at C7-T1. I advised him of a past ESI I had back in 2011 that only last 10 days. This doctor didn't want to do this one because he said if the last one only last 10 days then the one on monday will not help. I pled with him to at least lets give it a try because I am sick of the pain everywhere. So he agreed. He told me that this is a dangerous procedure but the effects of something happening is very small.

    After he numbed the are he stuck the needle in at T1. As the needle went in I felt it big time and I said Oh no. The doctor said hey you oak and I told him that my arms and legs were going numb and boom they went paralyzed and my arms fell off the table dangling. He immediately pulled out the needle. They kept asking me if I was okay and I said yes then boom I couldn't answer them but I was awake and I knew they had their hand on my back shaking me. I finally was able to answer them and all the feeling came back to my arms and legs. My heart rate had jumped up to 138 and that is what scared them. I didn't know about my hr because I was worried about my arms and legs.

    After about 5 minutes they allowed me to sit up and took me into the recovery room. I asked the doctor about my May 6th appointment and he said he is canceling it and that I can NEVER have any more ESI in my spine. In the recovery room boom it hit me again, my legs and arms went numb and I was about to pass out and the nurses came over to me then I came to. Finally after a certain time they let me go home but told me to keep watch on the area where the shot was given for possible infections.

    On my way it happened again but I didn't tell my dad who took me that it happened.

    So Tuesday came around and I felt okay not bad just my norm. Wednesday was the same and then yesterday came. So Thursday came around and I was fine, it was norm type of day, pain here, pain there, pain everywhere....Then about 4:30pm I took my son to football practice and before practice started I was out there throwing the football around some. I am at the point in my life that I am doing to do things pain or no pain. I threw about 5 pass then I didn't feel to good. Both my arms were hurting as was my upper back where he gave me that shot. So I grabbed these bars and just stretched my arms and upper back. Well practice got cancelled due to rain.

    As we were driving home I told me kids that I didn't feel good or right. My stomach was nauseated and my neck and upper back just didn't feel too good. Whenever I got home I went straight to the bedroom and laid down on my bed and put an ice pack on my neck. The BOOOOM it hit, everything got worse, I felt sicker and more nauseated and as I was feeling for my heart rate in my neck it just stopped beating there and I felt I was about to pass out. I stood up and called my wife for help. She ran to me and she said my face was pale white or white as a ghost. I told her to call 911 and then she said you sure then I said no don't....I laid back on my bed and raised my feet up on some pillows. It took about 30 minutes for everything to go back to normal.

    Well we decided to drive one hour + to the VA Hospital in Tampa because I wasn't sure if this was from the ESI or what. As I went in to triag they took my BP which was then 154/103 and I had a low grade fever...Didn't have the fever until I walked into the hospital doors. Anyway they immediately took me to a room and put an EKG on me. I told them nothing is wrong with my heart, I know my body and this is something from my spine doing all of this.

    Well to shorten the story, they did blood work, EKG and did an MRI on my brain and my whole spine. The doctor came back in not even 5 minutes after I completed the MRI and said "We can't find anything that would be causing this".....He gave it a name and no it wasn't anxiety but something else. Basically he was saying "We know there is something wrong but we can't find where its coming from...So they send me home...

    Today I am fine and back to my norm of pain. I started thinking this morning and I guess because of my whole spine being injured that this is how the body responds at times...I just don't know and would like to see if anybody ever had a similar situation like this and if I have the same spine conditions.

  5. MarWar congrats you have earned every bit of that...

    lostinthailand....Any letter from a doctor usually holds more weight. Make sure you send in a copy of that with your claim form 21-8940. Also you said you own a company but you had to quit working because of your disabilities? And you hire a manager to take your place? Since you are the owner of the company I don't know how the VA is going to be able to send a form to your employer to fill out because this would be a conflict of interest...They probably won't send it because I don't think they sent one to my last employer, who knows I have medically retired because of my service connected disabilities. This will be a hard case. Maybe JBasser can give you some tips on this.

  6. Can I start by saying how depressed this letter has made me? I learned a couple of days ago I was awarded 30% however I wasn't sure for what. Today...I know and it has really upset me.

    I went to Basic Training June 2006 in July I got injured my elbow nerve was poping out I went to rehab at PTRP in Fort Lee. There I left with shoulder and back pain. The Physical Therapist who treated me told me my pain was mental and emotional and I didn't have any physical pain at all. And right now I can hear her voice a voice that won't seem to go away. No one believes me no one can see that my pain is real and no one knows what is like to live in chronic pain. Maybe it's because I stand tall and walk like I was taught. My posture is great. My mind hurts my body hurts and these people have made me feel an inch tall.

    My effective date is Jun 15, 2010

    Positive PPD (nonactive TB) 30%

    Everything else was denied

    Bilateral feet condition

    Bilateral shoulder condition

    Bilateral ankles condition

    Chronic Fatigue

    Bilateral Cubital tunnel

    Tendonitis left elbow

    bilateral knee strain

    Degenerative Disc Disease cervial spine to include pain radiated to fingers

    All those conditions listed above have explainations with them the conditions below do not

    Anxiety and Depressive Disorder

    Degenerative Disce Disease of lumbar spine to include osteoarthritis, back pain, herniated disc and sciatica

    These two conditions are my primary conditions. I was treated for Depression and Anxiety for three years the Dr who did my QTC exam diagnosed me with depression.

    As far as my back is concerned I'm sure that is what made the rest of my body go to pieces.

    During my QTC exam I had 35 xrays done, I spent ten minutes with the Dr the only time he put his hands on me was to measure my c-section scar.

    I'm about to try to contact my VSO. I thought maybe I was given 10% for sciatica and 10% depression and maybe even 10% for my back but not anything.

    The shock is still so fresh. I had insomnia before waiting for a decision, it might be another week before I see the back of my eyelids.

    I have never been the positive type it's not in my nature. it's why I only leave the house to take my husband to work and pick him up or when I really need to. It's why I don't drive behind or on the side of semi trucks. It's why I won't let anyone watch my kids so I can take a day for myself.

    I was really very positive when I got this yellow envelope and now my heart is broken. The curse of Friday the 13th has claimed another victim. I knew it was not going to be easy, but for the life of me I never thought they would not service connect my conditions. There was nothing wrong with me before I went in. And I'm still plagued by everything till this minute.

    The paper says I have one year to appeal, if I had the strength my NOD would be on its way tomorrow. It is time to put my boxing gloves on. I'm going in swinging.

    Feels good to vent a little.

    On a positive note $492 is better than the $000 I had before and after I let the anger go that is how I will continue to look at it. Diapers and wipes and milk are very costly.



    Trust me I know that feeling when the pit of your stomach just sinks in and you feel like throwing up. Then comes the anger....But there is a way you can win your case. File an appeal "NOD by a Decision Review Officer" and then get all your medical records, everything from the military to the VA and any private records. Get copies of all Xray reports and any MRI reports. Also get a copy of the MRI disc. Then contact Dr. Craig Bash and talk with him about looking over you records and see if he can see anything on connecting the dots. I cannot say he will but most of the time he already knows if he can just by hearing your story over the phone. He will tell you right then and there. Yes he is expensive but it will pay for itself in the long run...These denials from the VA is right up his alley because Dr. Bash is a Specialists that has 2 more years of college than most doctors...

  7. Dr. Bash IMOs holds more weight than any C&P exam. He has more education than most C&P examiners so the VA does count him as worthy. Also research the BVA cases and see how many cases were won with his IMOs.

    Also his Vitae is longer than most C&P Examiners and this is a very important document that needs to be sent in with an IMO.

  8. You don't have to pay back Voc Rehab if medical problems are causing issues where you can't work. Vocational Rehab counselors are not medical personnel and can't make that determination, only you and your doctor can. They just look at your SC'd issue and make a determination then.

    I was approved and almost made it to my third year of college but because of my SC'd issues increased in severity I had to stop a few months ago. Yesterday, after a failed ESI at C7-T1, the decision was made by me that college is now out of the picture for me and I emailed my counselor. I told her a couple of months ago that I would wait until my ESI and if I got better I would start back but since I went parlyzed for about 30 seconds and fainted during the ESI the doctor said I couldn't get anymore shots because this. He wasn't able to shoot in the steriod yesterday so it was a failed procedure.

    You can only do what your body only allows you to do and if you do too much your body will pay for it severley. I kept working for 2 1/2 years after all my spine issues appeared (DDD throughout my whole spine) and that was the huge mistake because its now worse...

    In my opinion go see a doctor and have them write and IMO saying you can't go back to work. That would be your strongest evidence...

  9. LOL I submitted a dependency claim back in August 2012 and they will not work on it because I have two active claims in with the RO. I did an IRIS request and she stated that it takes approx 8 months at the St Pete VARO on all claims. Hello its April, 8 months and the dependency claim hasn't moved and it shows overdue. I don't know how hard it is to look at a birth certificate and ss card and on top of that they have access to the IRS database and already know if someone is a dependent.

    They are just slow, slow, slow...

  10. So on Ebennys where it shows

    What Did We Not Receive?

    This is a list of items that have never been received from you and that have been closed.

    Request for Examination 12/21/2012 03/21/2013

    Maybe they wanted a C&P Exam but never got around to scheduling it? This is what I am thinking...That or some rater has been acting like they have been doing their job when they are actually behind...LOL

  11. Okay I have a NOD by DRO actively at the RO. I also have new claims in at the RO. I had a IMO from Dr. Bash that basically put everything together for the NOD by DRO and it linked current issues on the new claims.

    On ebenefits it shows my claim status is at Review of Evidence and that means they have received all evidence. I also haven't had any C&P Exam for these new claims and one of them is IU. Is it possible that since my last C&P exam was in 2011 or Dr. Bash's IMO will trump any C&P Exam that there is no need for a C&P Exam? Has anybody ever filed a claim and never had a C&P exam because they used the IMO in lieu of the C&P Exam?

    Just wondering and I am curiuous.

    BTW the IMO stated I can't go back to work and I know my Voc Rehab Counselor told me she felt I could go back to work. I think he is still letting me use Voc Rehab has therapy. She is the best Voc Rehab Counselor anybody can have.

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