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About DD0351

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  1. Currently 70ptsd 10 bi foot condition 0 ecemza and bi shoulder awarded TDIU ssdi in 2012 I filed my first claim for DDD I was denied for not having a current diagnoses and I didn't know better so I appealed it, amd well I been waiting and since than I've gotten tdiu Now to my back I have 3 herniated disc with a tear and artithss which cause serve pain which have also cause nerve damage and pain in my legs, my current treatment is epadorial shots and now I'm about to get my nerves burned in my back, so I'm pretty screwed up on my back and now I have several diagnoses for my back. So what can I do to help get me a rating for my back because it pretty bad now, I have the events and the diagnoses just need someone to read my medical records right . Thanks
  2. Well I called Peggy as they said. I talked to them and they wrote a letter to whom ever and now the increase for PTSD on ebenefits is removed. But I still do have an apt for PTSD eval, but by me calling did I ruin something because they removed it from my ebenefits thanks
  3. when my app in for IU they made a mistake and put me in for an increase for PTSD but i never put in for an increase, so how do i get them to remove the increase because they want to set up another appt for the ptsd increase but im already at 70% and i don't wanna try to increase it, just wanna try and get IU since i was asked to resign from my job
  4. the VA status on ebenefits have this " We have requested copies of your disability medical records from Social Security. " but i dont recieve and i'm not able to receive ssdi because I never contributed to social security because my job as a teacher we don't contributed to ssdi but we do to our retirement. SO what can i don't to get them to remove this request so it doesn't hold up my claim ALSO in my app they made a mistake and put me in for an increase for PTSD but i never put in for an increase how do i get them to remove the increase because they want to set up another appt for the ptsd increase thanks
  5. does it matter that hes a teacher and he actually doesnt work a year since they off for the summer and holiday, he misses about 2 mths total ever school year since 2012 and just this 2014-15 year he missed 4 mths in a school year when he got worse
  6. does it matter that hes a teacher and he actually doesnt work a year since they off for the summer and holiday, he misses about 2 mths total ever school year since 2012 and just this 2014-15 year he missed 4 mths in a school year when he got worse
  7. IM currently helping my father file for IU, he currently 70% ptsd and 20 for knees he is a teacher so they don't work the whole year and when they ask this question below its blank than says months or years. so im wondering how do i fill it in, its been affecting him since 2012 but recently had to stop in march 2015 docs orders but he only just recently get disability this year and wanted to put in for IU, so it is confusing me, do i put how many months hes missed since 2012 or since 2015 this year when he was told to stop. thanks sorry if im confusing but i dont know how to word it question: How much time was lost from work due to your illness?
  8. IM currently helping my father file for IU, he currently 70% ptsd and 20 for knees he is a teacher so they don't work the whole year and when they ask this question below its blank than says months or years. so im wondering how do i fill it in, its been affecting him since 2012 but recently had to stop in march 2015 docs orders but he only just recently get disability this year and wanted to put in for IU, so it is confusing me, do i put how many months hes missed since 2012 or since 2015 this year when he was told to stop. thanks sorry if im confusing but i dont know how to word it question: How much time was lost from work due to your illness?
  9. well I'm hoping I get sc for my back, would I have to claim nerve damage as secondary to back, I have the back problems in my smr while in service but no nerve problems in my smr but I got nerve damage from my back problems i was denied becuz I didn't have a diagnoses in the beginning but now I do have the diagnoses from the va which is what they asked for
  10. How it going I'm currently in the process of review an appeal for my back condition, I was denied for not having a diagnoses well I have a diagnoses of DDD so hopefully I get SC for back but I recently did a EMG test for nerve damage and they found nerve damage that was causing pain and numbness in my legs from my back from my disk to nerves. How do I claim something as nerve damage and for what parts. Thanks
  11. I had the same situation just recently, they don't pay u for her until a month after marriage, they had my wife as none paying dependent but now I'm beefing paid about 2 mths later, becuz they pay a month late u get aug pay in sept, and champva takes some time but if u have all u documents they ask for its faster and she needs to be a dependent first but they reimburse u anything out of pocket from date of marriage or dependence one of those and no it won't clear her student loans only yours, unless u possible consolidated them with urs but when u get student loan forgiveness it's counted as income on tax return, ull get a 1099-c making u claim as income, so just say u have 20k in loans ull pay taxes on 20k if forgiven, facing some situation, oh yeah just goto base with award letter and marriage license and ull get her id
  12. also TDIU P&T SSDI granted since there looking at the appeal, I thought about putting in for an increase for ecemza and my shoulder, plus possible for GWI but idk, I been reading about acid reflux in GRED as a GWI and for bloody stool under IBS from GWI both of which I have really bad, and I know the bloody stool is doc in both smr and va, but acid reflux just va, also I have really bad breathing problem through my noise for some time now, was gonna claim it but I don't know what it would falls under. Becuz of the airborne harzards and burn pits from when in Afghanistan
  13. I'm currently 70% PTSD 10% bilateral foot condition, 0'ezema, 0 shoulder was denied back condition for not having a current diagnose and now I have a diagnoses of DDD in 3 disc and I currently get shots in my back i was denied bilateral knee for no diagnose currently has diagnoses of arthritis in both kness denied tinnitus and hearing loss but was a assault man in the infantry played with rockets and explosives Denied eye abrasion but it's in my service record from the sand causing the eye abrasion and my vision getting worse over the years
  14. no it is not from the SC I have now, I was denied my back and I have DDD, and I have artistes in both knees, and tinnitus, I know I won't get more pay if approved, I just don't want them reviewing me for my current SC for TDIU becuz my wife using my ch 35 so yes I'm satisfied do I just write a letter saying to withdraw my appeal. Thanks
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