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First Class Petty Officer
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    Williamsburg VA

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  1. John ya the radio frequency where they burn them, ya on the narcs also seems like a merry go-round. Nothing really helps. Saw on tv the other night this contraption that tips you upside down and you spin around. Guy says he is 70 yeras old and he invented works like a better mouse trap....lol. Ya right for his wallet could see me now get in that thing be real fun be haninging ther for days.
  2. No just the Lumbar twice both side was thinking about having the cervical done, but thinking twice now. Hope you feel better. Guess I will stay with injections. My doc said they did not work very well, he said people have better results with injections in the cervical area. Take care
  3. Iraq, I know you feeling I retired in 1997 on PDRL, applied for 267 Federal IT jobs that in different angencies. Had a couple interviews nothing know I shoud of had it because in the civilian market place people were loving me and stayed there at a couple major comapanies hired tight after the interview. Where I am now I have been an IT contractor for them 6 years, so they used the veteran special hiring authority to get me on. Funny thing is now I am about beat and may have to stop working can't take much more. Even thogh they make sure I have all the special accomadations that they can get for me. Don lift anyhing over 5 lbs. But the stress is what gets me. There are a lot more openings coming uu because they found out it is not cheap to hire contractors, no way how they try to justify it. By hiring me they are saving 60K annual. So go to the inteview be positive that you are hired, because you have alot going for you.
  4. Good Job Jim, and endurin the long ride there. F4's ha loved them must be hell of a guy.
  5. Good luck to the both of ya...long drive that is why I never did one
  6. By the way they cannnot ask you about your disability against the law, they can ask if you need accomadations
  7. I was hired finally after 11 years of applying for Fed jobs last December, not with VA but seeing the feds being pushed to hire more disabled vets. Good thing for the agency and the vet.
  8. What are you taking it for? PN? I tried it but my neuro switched me to topamax because I have bad migraines also, which it helps so it is kind of a dual purpose drug. I said heck ya long as it cuts down on a pill. Like you walking drugstore 18 different ones a day and growing....lol But still kicking. Boats
  9. Ya 100 PT and HB back to 1/31/2008. DRO Did it.
  10. Hell Jim How ya doing? Looks good to me hope they get the point..B) They finally did me right..
  11. The shots are not so bad have been getting them for the last 3 years not from VA but civilian doc. He does 3 shots of local injections over a period of 2 or 3 months to see if the Radio Frequency Denervation will work. I have had it on both sides Medial Branch Blocks. Has helped me stay off the heavy Narcs tramadol and darvacet is all I have to use now to control the pain. It does not hurt much long as your not looking. Just about like the Gamma globulin shots the corpsman gave you before deploying. Boats
  12. That is when the SMC rates begin for example I have one that is 100% for my heart and other ratings for my back, knees, shoulder that combine to 60%. That qualifies me for Housebound which pays about $300 or so above the 100% rate.
  13. If he was retired, he is probaly talking about having his retired pay restored, CDRP or CRSC. Not fuuly restored until 2014
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