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About rightstrivinsissy

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  1. I have barely worked since ETSing in 2004 and recently was awarded 100% p&t. I originally applied for SSDI in 2016 when I still had credits but was denied. I applied again in 2019 and they said my credits ran out. So now reapplying since I am unemployable, is this just a waste of time, or will they consider the fact that I was a good earner up until my service connected injuries? It does seem like a long shot but also seems unfair to deny someone until they are out of credits. Any knowelege/expertise on ssdi ssi would be greatly appreciated, I have no clue
  2. Just have a question after reading these replies. I have an appeal sent to HLR in july and it is showing open with no movement on va.gov...but ebennies shows no open appeals. Is this because only va.gov has the info or does it show something has processed?
  3. My lawyer requested my c file October 2019 and received it September 2020. Definitely a long process.
  4. Yes I experienced this and was successful when I submitted it on my own.
  5. So I was way off and I feel like I am being totally screwed by my lawyer. I told them from the beginning that the VA just wanted to request something from me and couldn't. So I really have no open claim, the va has just been pending on whether or not to send my cfile to the lawyer for over a month now. The lawyers are just waiting patiently to receive it and no one really cares what happens to me. If I would have just submitted additional evidence after my denial in august, I would probably have my approval by now. Who knows if I have any rights anymore. Can I do anything?
  6. Thanks Richard1954, It does help. I was wondering if I was making the right decision and just did not want to make another mistake. I am almost positive the C&Ps I had last June and July showed deficiencies in the areas looked at for unemployablility. Although I was denied, there were favorable findings in my letter that stated I had not been working and I met the qualifications for schedular TDIU. I have started having snowy vision and researched this to find it could be caused by my long term severe anxiety. I don't want to do anything that will slow the process down so I have not submitted any new evidence. At this point I do not know how much I am allowed to submit on my own, without the attorney doing it for me. I do fear the attorneys will try to make this process take as long as possible to increase their percentage of my retro pay. A quick decision in my favor benefits me, but them, not so much. =( Is anyone familiar with the time frame of the AMA program's processing this higher review or whatever level I am at now?
  7. Hello Hadit Helpers, I feel like I am stumbling around blind. I hope someone can help me see. I was service connected in 2011 severe anxiety due to mst and a bladder condition. I have not had gainful employment since ETSing in 2004. I was re-evaluated for an increase and received an overall 70 - 40 -10 but started being payed at 80% in 2016. In June of 2019 I applied for TDIU. I hit the make a decision now button on ebenefits, which was like shooting my own foot for lack of patience, not realizing that this meant the VA could not request any further info from me. In August I was denied, and obtained an attorney. The attorney took over and ebenefits is showing the privacy act starting on October 4th and my claim is now in the evidence gathering/decision making process. Estimated end date of April 2020, the attorney says 3 years, but I know there are new systems in place to make things move a little quicker. I am looking for any information that you all would have about what is actually happening. I don't know if this is a NOD or what. My case manager acts like I am a major pain and won't give me any info and I fear she has no idea what she is actually doing. =( I assume it is not an actual appeal yet, because my case manager said they would have to wait for my c-file before they would appeal on the next denial from the VA. I am so confused, If any of you experts could find the time to help me I would greatly appreciate it. I have always dealt with the VA on my own with no previous denials, but never fully understood what I was doing. I thought hiring an attorney would change this, but I still feel just as blind as before.
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