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Tired Of How Non-combatant's Are Being Discriminated Against

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Before I say what I have to say, I want to let everyone know, that I am not in any way shape or form coming out against combat related TBI research. treatment, and/or claims being awared for them.

My beef is with the non combatants who are in a supporting role, outside of the combat area or arena, whether it be stateside or in another foreign country or while at sea, not being treated the same for their TBI injury's, the same as those who suffered their's while under hostile fire in a war zone like Afganistan and Irac. I'm also sure that VN Vets feel almost as much left out of the equation as non combatants like myself do.

Even though I was able to get some coroboration for my TBI being the cause of some of my problems and more likely than not the cause of my PD diagnosis that denied me SC plus the associated benefits over the past 35 plus yrs. I am still being denied the same medical evaluation and testiing that those that are combat related are just now being redily given to assess not only any current and/or possibly lasting effects, but to any rehabilitation resources that may make my quality of life, if even a little bit better than it is now, which by far could use more than a little bit of help in that department, even as I type my displeasure of the whole unequal process.

I wonder what would have happened to my brother, who spent two tours in VN and then while stationed stateside was hit head on by a drunk driver, while on service santioned R&R, if only he had incurred just a TBI, instead of the extensive injuries he did. If he was treated the way other non-combatants are being treated today, who had similiar TBI's, then he probably would still be fighting for his rightful benefits. Not that I am glad that he was as seriously injured as he was, I'm glad it was more than enough so that they could not mess around with him, being that any number of his injuries would have classified him as 100% and TDIU.

TBI's it appears is one of those areas, that the VA is using to pit one era and/or class of Veterans against another, which appears to be but only one of the many ways they use to keep all Veteran from organizing into one voice that would then have the means if not the muscles to get things done to better the system in helping Veterans injured or not, get what is rightfully due them according to all that was given and/or promised to them.

Sorry to be in such a sour mood, I have been stressed all day, because it was my new kitten's day to get her first set of blood tests and vaccination shots and the stress has found it's relief in this post for better or for worse. LoL

Tammy is the kittens' name and she is doing fine, which I can't say the same about me. You'd think a big guy my age would be tough enough to weather the possibilities of my kitten reacting badly to her vaccinations. If you had thought I should have, you would have been wrong. I guess it is true about our pets being just as valued a member of the family as if they were our own children. I'm haven't been married for some time now and I have no children, so I guess I pamper and spoil my Cat and Kitten just as if they were children or more likely like grandchildren, given my age and theirs'.

So I guess I have said enough, so if anyone wishes to comment or relate their experiences with how the VA has treated their TBI, combat related or not, I for one would like to hear what you have to say.

Rockhound Rider :D

Are you a paranoid schizophrenic

if the ones you think are out to

get you, really are?

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Man - do I ever agree with this - you take the words right out of my mouth

on this one.

"we all have seen cases where they refuse to address evidence by board certified physicians and accept PA C&P exams which have no sound medical basis to deny the claim yet the VARO accepts the piss poor decisions and allows the process to hurt veterans and their families."


Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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I just want to say one thing about this:

We are not competing with each other.

Our fight is against a System that piddles trillion$ elsewhere but yanks the purse strings tight when it comes to fulfilling promises to wounded warriors.

When we took that oath, we equally put our lives on the line regardless of era, job description or cause of injury.

So, NO veteran who is covered should feel any less entitled than another.

It shouldn't take more than a month to establish service-connection and award amounts; the fact that it does is testimony to our betrayal.

Thank you for your service, and all the best with your claim!

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  • HadIt.com Elder

If you get a TBI or any other injury in service then it does not matter if it is combat or non-combat related. When you join up they own you 24/7. For instance, a soldier in Vietnam is climbing a guard tower and slips and falls and breaks his back. Is he less entitled than a grunt who gets shot in the back? Both are entitled to SC and compensation. One gets a PH and the other does not, but the injury is still SC.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

A TBI is a TBI no matter how you acquire it. Combat or non-combat.

TBI doesn't even have to be caused by trauma. It can be caused by Toxins with additives like Squalene, Dioxins, etc.

We need to stand together. Combat vets should not hold their service over non-combat vets seeking their benefits. It's disrespectful.

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I feel what rock is talking about is the way the VAMC's and the VBA

treat combat vets with TBI, different than non-combat vets with TBI.

I think "WE" all agree that how ever the SM got the TBI, whether combat

or not is irrelevant but how the VAMC's and the VBA view it are different

than how "WE" view it.



Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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