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Where's Our C.o.l.a.?

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I know we gripe on here about why we aren't getting any COLA raise this year or in the future as far as we can tell. So far the VA hasn't been very forthcoming with a good answer, er, excuse.

Soooo....lets ask. All of us, on the same day. We can pick a day and every send an IRIS inquiry asking the question on the same day. Bombard their system. Hey, what can it hurt? Thoughts?

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Currently, I am just very thankful that neither

VA nor SSA have gone bust

and I still get both of my checks

each month.

Anytime they are required to bump it up a few bucks,

I am thankful for that also.



Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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I admire Carlie and darkhorse's optimism. If they went to the Doc and the Va cut off an arm by mistake, they would brag that they still have one good arm and two good legs that the VA did not cut off.

Last years 5.9% increase did not even keep up with inflation, because gas alone went from $2 gallon to $4 or so. However, I will agree that 5.9% is better than zero.

So, this year the VA is saying..well, since you did not complain that we gave you 5.9% last year (when our inflation was higher), this year we are taking your COLA away completely so we can pay for the failed IT projects, and increase VA employee bonuses and salaries.

So, what I am saying is that because they got away with it last year, I am not going to let them make it worse this year. If the Va cut off my arm last year, I am not going back to the same doc and tell him that I still have 2 good legs, does he want to cut off one because he forgot to cut it off last year.

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  • HadIt.com Elder

The VA has nothing to do with COLA's except to pay what Social Security does on theirs.

In Dallas costs are going down on the most part

Gas was almost 5 bucks a year ago and now 2.20

Bread was almost 3 Bucks and now 1

This weekend houses were selling for less than half of last year not all but some

Many vegetables are selling for less than 1 dollar a lb and last year were up to 3 or 4

Electric rates have fallen 20 or 30% but still way to high

In Texas if you are 100% and own your home Property Taxes went away.

Every year in late fall I give myself a raise by going over all my bills and cutting or dropping stuff that I feel won't be missed or can get by on with less.

As far as the COLA itself I think that disabled people are not treated fairly but today I am glad that I have a check.

Bronco in the future just cause you disagree with someone you don't have to use a hypothetical situation and make it what you want. I guarantee that if some one at VA took off Carlies arm they would have hell to pay

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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I admire Carlie and darkhorse's optimism. If they went to the Doc and the Va cut off an arm by mistake, they would brag that they still have one good arm and two good legs that the VA did not cut off.


Say what ?

Apparently you have no idea what you're talking about when you bring my name into it.

VA must have slipped you a bonkers pill by mistake.

Truth be told -

carlie went to ENT appointment at VA.

VA - ENT doctor sexually assaulted carlie.

Carlie filed Tort claim against VA in Federal Court.

VA had to fire doctor.

Department of Professional Regulation had to revoke FOREVER in USA

this VA doctor's license.

Goobermint had to pay carlie many K.

Carlie fought this one little minor issue for five years solid prior

to VA firing and DPR license revocation of said VA doctor.

She is not quite the push-over or optimist you portrayed.

For some unknown reason it seems as if you must feel I am happy

with the VA -- when most people here know - I hate the basturds !

I still stand by my prior post - I am thankful for both checks

and appreciate any and every time - the tax payers shove a bit more

our way.


Carlie passed away in November 2015 she is missed.

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Bronco, The no Cola thing is just a calculation of what's to expect. We won't know what's gonna happen until it's official.


I admire Carlie and darkhorse's optimism. If they went to the Doc and the Va cut off an arm by mistake, they would brag that they still have one good arm and two good legs that the VA did not cut off.

Last years 5.9% increase did not even keep up with inflation, because gas alone went from $2 gallon to $4 or so. However, I will agree that 5.9% is better than zero.

So, this year the VA is saying..well, since you did not complain that we gave you 5.9% last year (when our inflation was higher), this year we are taking your COLA away completely so we can pay for the failed IT projects, and increase VA employee bonuses and salaries.

So, what I am saying is that because they got away with it last year, I am not going to let them make it worse this year. If the Va cut off my arm last year, I am not going back to the same doc and tell him that I still have 2 good legs, does he want to cut off one because he forgot to cut it off last year.

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You are right..I had no idea that what you have gone through. Most people dont know what I have been through either, in part, because I think the VA has NO PROBLEM retaliating on Veterans, and so most Veterans keep their mouth shut. I probably have already said way, way too much and made myself vulnerable to VA retaliation. If the VA does retaliate on me, however, then they had better make real certain that I can not speak or type another word ever again.

Back to the COLA thing, however. I heard someone say some years ago that scientists had made a new weapon that destroyed people..and left buildings and trees intact. That new weapon was called inflation.


There has already been legislation proposed to give Social Security recipients a COLA this year in spite of the governments claim that inflation has been negative. I agree with Purple..why do SS recipients deserve COLA while Veterans are forced to drink beer and dont get COLA.

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