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Just With Ptsd Claim

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I was woundering what my husband would get with just the PTSD claim for the VA I am going to attatch the copies for you to review of course without the personal info on it. He has been in the military for a little over 14 years and has reached his RCP date what ever that is and they wont let him reenlist but he has changed alot with his moods and everything for the worst I am sorry to say but he can't remember alot of things but this has been occuring starting from his Iraq deployment but he has been on 7 deployments 3 of which have been combat deployments. He doesnt like taking pills he will not go to the BH here on post he thinks that they are always talking to other people about him and he dont want that to happen he wont go to group places you sholuld see me try to get him to go to family reunions (its like trying to get some one to a dentist) I dont know how the VA works I am hoping that they will take care of him since he gave alot to his country I am hoping that they wont do to him like they did to the Nam-VET's and treat them in shitty hospitals and just forget about them. That is all I know just from reading about it. Please if some on can point me in the right direction my husband told me that this is a great site for info like this and he seems to like it and tole me to give it a try so I am. Thanks for all of your help in advance.






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Just so you all know I put the attatchments on here in order.

I was woundering what my husband would get with just the PTSD claim for the VA I am going to attatch the copies for you to review of course without the personal info on it. He has been in the military for a little over 14 years and has reached his RCP date what ever that is and they wont let him reenlist but he has changed alot with his moods and everything for the worst I am sorry to say but he can't remember alot of things but this has been occuring starting from his Iraq deployment but he has been on 7 deployments 3 of which have been combat deployments. He doesnt like taking pills he will not go to the BH here on post he thinks that they are always talking to other people about him and he dont want that to happen he wont go to group places you sholuld see me try to get him to go to family reunions (its like trying to get some one to a dentist) I dont know how the VA works I am hoping that they will take care of him since he gave alot to his country I am hoping that they wont do to him like they did to the Nam-VET's and treat them in shitty hospitals and just forget about them. That is all I know just from reading about it. Please if some on can point me in the right direction my husband told me that this is a great site for info like this and he seems to like it and tole me to give it a try so I am. Thanks for all of your help in advance.

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From what I see here I feel he should apply for TDIU (paid at the 100% rate of compensation)

However-we deal with the VA and they will use the Schedule of Ratings (available to the right of the main forum under the Diagnostic code link (PTSD is diagnostic code 9411)

They might award him 50% and you should NOD that right away- but I feel they will award 70% and then consider him for TDIU.

This write up is similiar in some ways to my husband's PTSD situation and he was awarded 100%.But it took 6 years and he was dead for 3 years already when they finally made the proper rating.He also had SSA award for PTSD.

Does he get SSDI ? Is it solely for the PTSD?

If he does get SSDI yet he should definitely apply.Their web site SSA Disability has the SSA criteria for the work credits he would need.

A SSA award for disability that is solely a service connected disabilty- should warrant TDIU or 100%.

TDIU is an inferred issue meaning VA will send him the form 21-8940 if they rate him at 70% and they feel the TDIU issue should be inferred and considered.

I feel why wait for the form.

They usually award an effective date for TDIU claims as of the date of the form when it was filed.

It can take years for some claims to be properly awarded. It pays to file for TDIU ASAP whenever a SC condition (this will obviously warrant a SC PTSD award)to protect the earliest potential entitlement date for retroactive TDIU.

What I think his rating should be means nothing to the VA.

Lets hope they properly rate him first time around.

Does he have a vet rep helping him?

Edited by Berta

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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He is still on Active Duty untill the 28th of this month I am just trying to get everything in order because he always takes forever or just forgets abotu it realy frustrates me but I stick with him. He hasnt applied for SSD or TDUI I am not sure what these mean I dont due military lingo I am sorry, I also dont know what he should or shouldnt apply for I want to get him everything he is intitled to since he gave so much not only for me but everyone that has any contact with him he is a vary giving person and never asks for anything in return even if we need it makes me mad some times but that is just they way he is. I just need some help trying to get everythign going. He has been to all the QTC appoinments already and everything is done with the QTC part of all of this of course he is still going to the doctor on post threw his unit untill he get out completly and they are saying that he needs to have surgery on his neck due to degeneritive disk disease with buldging disks and herneated disks I dont know what they are but I guess they are bad enough to have surgery on I know they are pinching his nurves in his neck and he cant feel with his fingers in his left hand they already did the MRI and the EMG with the electic needle thing and he has nurve damage I guess from what the dos is saying. he is just all messed up and I am not sure what I can do or what to expect from the VA or what percentage he is going to be as far as disabled. please help me see the light at the end of the tunnel I am going nutty. Thank you

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I am confused here now myself- is he being PEbbed or MEbbed out due to disability?

Meaning is he getting a medical discharge? MEB Medical Evaluation Board.

He can claim the surgery and the inservice disk problems as well as PTSD.

There should be a benefits counselor or vet reps on the base to help him with the claim.

"He has been in the military for a little over 14 years and has reached his RCP date what ever that is and they wont let him reenlist but he has changed alot"

RCP is explained here:


He should also look into CRDP and CRSC- to see if he is eligible fr one of these programs.


A lot depends on any Military rating he gets.The VA usually follows suit and gives the same rating the Mil gives him ( for PEB/MEB)

Sorry for all the acronyms but he will find being a veteran brings as many new acronyms as being in the Mil did.

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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No he just reached the end of his contract I asked him and he said it was his ETS date but he cant reenlist because of the RCP date, He has claimed everythign from his head to his feet including his PTSD he has claimes his neck , both shoulders, entire back (pritty much), both knee's and both feet. But I am more concerned about his PTSD he has a GAF of 40 and what I know about it (very little) is that is a bad score granted not the worst but still bad I know he is having nightmeres and still flashbacks and even seeing people that arnt there he tells me that there is a little girl with him off and on usualy when he is stressed I never see her and then there are I guess a couple of guys that are there when he is having bad days and the day just keeps getting worse. I am not scared for our daughter's or my safty I know that he would never hurt us but he dont like leaving the house and he realy dont like people he dont know I have had to take the guns and hide them because I am scared he might do somthing stupid he has told me that he wanted to end it a couple of times but I have clamed him down to where he forgets abotu it and I can give him an abian to make him go to sleep, When he wakes up he is usualy better he has his days though. He started his QTC exams 4months before his discharge date and he asked the VA rep here how long it will take before he gets a rating and he said it could take up to 120 days but I dont understand why it would take that long if he started so early from getting out of the army. and could he apply for tdui now since he is almost off of active duty? I fogot to say that he has signed up for the KY national guard does that have any bearing on anything?

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I suggest you make a note of this number:

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

It is the National Suicide Hot Line and they have special people who handle veteran's issues. My neighbor works for them out of a VAMC near me.Their head director also has been interviewed on our SVR shows.(available in our SVR archives here)

I also suggest that instead of concentrating on how long and how much, that somehow you make sure the VA starts to give your husband some therapy ASAP when he gets out.

"I fogot to say that he has signed up for the KY national guard does that have any bearing on anything?"

Others will comment on that one.

Regardless of the time frame the VA rep gave him- it is impossible to guess how long the claim will really take.

He needs help for his Mental health issues.

A good service officer or vet rep can help him with the claim.

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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