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What Should I Be Rated Based On This Info?

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My original diagnosis of PTSD was in July 2010 with a score of 60/85 on the PCL and my original GAF score was 45. Since I got out of the military in 4/2010 I have been unable to obtain unemployment due to the severity of my symptoms and they have since, gotten worse. I am currently on Trazodone for Depression, Panic Disorder, and to help get me asleep; Prazosin for nightmares; and BusPar for Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

C&P Exam

*Section 1

1. Diagnostic Summary

Does the veteran have a diagnosis of PTSD that conforms to DSM-IV criteria based on todays evaluation? YES

2.Current Diagnosis

Axis I: 309.81 PTSD (Chronic)

Comments: The veteran was exposed to a wide range of traumatic stressors. He struggled with social/occupational deficits since exposure, and he has sought treatment for such. The examiner is able to opine the veteran suffers from PTSD that is most likely (more than 50/50 probability) caused by or a result of military service.

Axis II: 799.9 diagnosis deferred

Axis IV: Psychosocial and environmental problems to include: Social, Familial, Employment, Financial.

Axis V: GAF 43

3.Occupational and social impairment

Total occupational and social impairment Yes

*Section 2: Clinical findings

1. File review: Yes

2. History:

a. Revelant Social/ Marital/ Family history: Married in 2008, but currently estranged relationship with wife.

b. Revelant Occupational and Educational History: last employed 2010(USMC). Ateempted to obtain employment at call center, but was unable to tolerate level of activity around him.

c. Revelant Medical history: prescribed psychtrophic medication by primary care provider. Attempted to access treatment, but his efforts have been largely unsuccessful or largely impeded. primary care provider recently managed referral to a counselor for individual therapy.

3. Stressors: (3)

Do these stressors meet criterion A: Yes

4. PTSD diagnostic criteria:

Criterion a: Both

Criterion b: 5 of 5

Criterion c: 5 of 7

Criterion d: 5 of 5

Criterion e: Symptoms lasted more then a month (Yes)

Criterion f: symptoms decribed cause clinically signifigant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning (Yes)

5. Symptoms

a. depressed mood

b. anxiety

c. suspiciousness

d. chronic sleep impairment

e. flattened effect

f. disturbances of motivation and mood

g. difficulty in establishing and maintaining effective work and social relationships

h. difficulty in adapting to stressful circumstances, including work or work like setting

i. impaired impulse control, such as unprovoked irritability with periods of violence

6. Competency

Veteran is capable of handling own financial affairs.

7. Remarks

Veterans face was haggard and careworn. He presented as intense, somewhat paranoid, and wracked with anxiety consistent with formidable PTSD.

This is the report I recieved from my C&P exam, and would like to know what people think of the results? What percentage do you think I will recieve based on my results?

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allright devildog you it takes a while to go to the rating board. From what i see on your CP exam the axis are all about 5 out 5. Yous should get around 90 to 100 percent but you never know until you receive your decision in the mail. im currently in the notification pahse after 16 month of witing and the call center still want tell me what i got. it like its a big secret to them. the va finds every reason to not give you what you deserve. but your case is pretty strong. good luck

Christian Huber

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allright devildog you it takes a while to go to the rating board. From what i see on your CP exam the axis are all about 5 out 5. Yous should get around 90 to 100 percent but you never know until you receive your decision in the mail. im currently in the notification pahse after 16 month of witing and the call center still want tell me what i got. it like its a big secret to them. the va finds every reason to not give you what you deserve. but your case is pretty strong. good luck

Thanks for you advice. Crazy thing is my c&p was on 9/9. I called the Va today and they said my regional office recieved my file back from the c&p on 9/15, they also said that i recieved my rating on 9/17 and it was sent to be reviewed on 9/19. They also told me that the review phase will take (on average) 9 days, which puts it at 9/28. I dont know what to think of it moving so fast. It has just been lingering in VA land since april of last year. I contacted my congressmans office on 8/15 and 4 days later i had my c&p scheduled. And 8 days after my c&p it was rated . Whats going on here? Does that sound good or bad?

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yeah it happened to me to filed my claim march 23 2010 and it was in developmental phase unitl beginning of September 1 this month it went to decision phase 2 days later it went to notification phase. it was in that phase until last Thursday but then for some odd reason it went back to decision called them they said they had to mak corrections but to day it went back to notification phase another words they waited to the last minute to get it done. the VA are big procrastinators.

Christian Huber

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I feel ya on that one too. I sent my PTSD claim in Dec 2010. Got my C&P in April 11, that doc said my PTSD was severe with a GF score of 47, I see my therapist once a week for the last 3 years. We submitted all kinds of witness statements and paperwork, drug listings that they prescribe me currently for anxiety, sleep meds, anti-pshycotics, and pain with the package and it's still sat at developemental stage till August of this year. Now the call center tells me it's at the decision phase and then it will be at the notification phase. . .when that will be is anybody's guess. I just hope the raters actually read what's right in front of them since they seem to take forever and a day rather then shuffle the papers and put a stamp on it to be done with it after waiting all this time and hoping. Semper...you are not alone brother.

"A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve - is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The 'United States of America', for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'" (Author unknown)

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same to you! why does this process remind me of the last MRE in the box? you know it's the crappy one that no one wanted. You know you are hungry. But if you just wait awhile maybe another box of them will magically appear...

I hear ya, but we r on the last stretch so maybe it will all be done soon so we can try to put our lives back together! Semper Fi devil, and good luck on you claim

"A veteran - whether active duty, retired, national guard, or reserve - is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check made payable to The 'United States of America', for an amount of 'up to and including my life.'" (Author unknown)

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