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Agents White, Orange & Silvex Herbicide-Pesticide Use 1960-1987 At Fort Mcclellan. Al Verified!

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Agent White aka Tordon 101, Silvex 2,4,5-T, Agent Orange, TCDD, plus 25 Dioxins, , HCB, PCBs, PCP and Benzene in McClellan soil (PDF) Attached

Posted by mistake for “Benzene” reply, I was tired, sleepy, but unable to sleep at that hour. Reposting now to share with Hadit veterans suffering presumptive diseases that need exposure evidence.

I’ve asked for permission from my legal representative Kerry Baker, email KBaker@cck-law.com with the firm of Chisholm Chisholm & Kilpatrick LTD, 401-331-6300, allowing me to share credible herbicide exposure facts that (Agent Orange and his deadly cousin Agent White), plus other chemical warfare agents use, storage and spills at Fort McClellan, Alabama.

My (best friend), was treated for B-Cell Leukemia and immune disorders, at the VAMC for years and later died without service connection for that presumptive disease. He did not serve in Vietnam, but did serve along the Korean DMZ, Fort Dix, NJ and Fort McClellan, Alabama.

As the years pass us by, our memory deteriorates, but veterans must never forget that presumptive diseases diagnosis at “38 CFR 3.307 lists exposure to 2,4-D; 2,4,5-T and the contaminant TCDD; cacoddylic acid, and picloram the chemical ingredients for Agent Orange.

On August 25, 2013, AskNod posted the resource “Where the Orange Fertilizer Landed” referencing 59-Contaminated Bases. I, first read in 2011, and shared it with my friend family. That post connects an earlier posting about Fort McClellan a veteran received service connection for McClellan Agent Orange. But, it was not definitive that Agent Orange was the tactical herbicide resulting in his presumptive disease. Thanks! Berta for re-posting that claim,

I’ve pasted portions from that decision, I believe are compelling based on “38 CFR 3.307 highlights on presumptive service connection for diseases associated with exposure to 2,4-D; 2,4,5-T and the contaminant TCDD; cacoddylic acid, and picloram the chemical ingredients for Agent Orange.

Since October 2011, my herbicide research of Fort McClellan contamination kept tuning up the chemical ingredients (2,4-D; 2,4,5-T, 2,4,5-TP; 2,4-D; 2,4-DP and TCDD, and 2,3,7,8-TCDD) based on herbicide-pesticide inventory records, and soil samples reported in 1998. I do not have a chemistry background, so after analyzing the makeup of these ingredient from numerous reports. The true identities for (Agents Orange, White, Silvex and Tordon 101) emerged as the perfect match for “tactical herbicides” minus their “covert camouflage” authorized as (restricted use pesticides) on U.S. military bases.

“FINDINGS OF FACT: 1. from the above link to http://www.va.gov/ve...es1/1108696.txt The Veteran was exposed to herbicides while stationed at Fort McClellan, Alabama, in 1969.

The full decision shows how he won his AO claim. Finally, he states that Agent Orange (as well as (Agents Blue and White) were present and being tested in the same building where he worked.

In a May 2010 response to VA inquiries, the Department of Defense (DoD) has certified that a "review of the DoD documentation does not show any use, testing or storage of tactical herbicides, such as Agent Orange, at any location in Alabama, to include Fort McClellan.

Okay hit pause, press the rewind button, Fort McClellan is on the DOD 59-Contaminated U.S Bases report, the McClellan herbicide inventory show Agent Orange’s first cousin Tordon 101 aka Agent White, blood type 2,4-D, and nephew Silvex is 2,4,5-T herbicides had been permanent assigned to Fort McClellan since 1974.

"The DOD also stated this in the veteran claim: however, those records would not reflect "small scale non-tactical herbicide applications" such as routine base maintenance activities like range management, brush clearing, or weed killing. However, the DOD certification leaves open the possibility that herbicides may have been used in the manner described by the Veteran, to clear brush and weeds around the Tiger Village. That officer, whose specific identity cannot be determined, was in a position, with commensurate duties and responsibilities, to know what chemicals or substances were being used to maintain or prepare the training area. While it cannot be definitively ascertained whether Agent Orange was in fact the substance used in 1969 at Fort McClellan, all reasonable doubt must be resolved in favor of the Veteran.

Struggling with anxiety, depression, and the memory of my (best-friend) dying without service connection. I, will say all Veterans, must band together (brothers and sisters), and gather all evidence, that wins the presumptive diseases claim inside the VARO. Why should another veteran die? When a rater drop-kicks the claim from backlog, into the appeals cycle, collect a nice fat performance bonus, fully aware the veteran may die during the appeal/remand cycle! Fort McClellan veterans, have been exposed to herbicides, and deadly chemical warfare agents, Benzene, PCBs, TCE, radiation inside the CONUS .

We must speak louder with credible facts, and maybe someday the media talking heads. The big four VSO’s, and the belt way (life-term) politicians, will listen and concede the Fort McClellan veterans faced deadly chemical agents, and dioxins, inside the United States of America. So, where is the sympathy for our fallen heroes that faced (Sarin, Mustard, and Nerve Agents) at Fort McClellan, not in Syria or another overseas tropical or frozen location.

SPECIAL NOTE: The DOD authorized Tordon 101 as regular use pesticide; which is picloram and 2,4,-D-based, also known as herbicide (Agent White) used in "small scale non-tactical herbicide applications" such as base maintenance activities like range management, brush clearing, or weed killing at the base, recreation areas, golf course, all active ranges, all training areas.

Reflecting, on that 1969 “Tiger Village” decision where all doubt was resolved in favor of the veteran. A strong argument can be made based on the 1980 herbicide-pesticide inventory records show more likely than not all rainbow herbicides were tested, covertly in a non-tactical manner at Fort McClellan and later shipped from the Port at Mobile, Alabama to defoliate Vietnam.

So ask yourself, how the DOD maintains its assertion for no tactical herbicide use, testing, at any location in Alabama, both McClellan and the Port of Mobile are located in Alabama proved by official contamination research records. (JMHO)

Citing Paul Harvey’s catch phrase: Hello Americans, and Hadit family, Stand at Ease! I’m not Mr. Harvey reincarnated. Do you know what the news is? Well in a few minutes, you will after reading the rest of this story”. (I love to mix three tablespoons of “Humor” it helps me cope with my severe anxiety/depression from my VA war). Now, pausing dramatically, as Mr. Harvey did……I believe the VA and the DOD would want all veterans to know herbicides stored and used at Fort McClellan: does qualify for VA compensation purposes, see regulations at 38 C.F.R. § 3.307 establish presumptive service connection for diseases associated with exposure to 2,4-D;

2,4,5-T and its contaminant TCDD (Agent Orange); cacodylic acid, and picloram. See 38 U.S.C. § 1116.


In 1974, the based used 8,000 gallons of Silvex – which is 2,4,5-T based – 18,480 gallons in 1975, and 41,460 gallons in 1976. R-289. Also, it used 7,200 gallons of 2,4-D in 1974, 6,000 in 1975, and 4,800 in 1976. Id. The base also used 1,800 gallons of 2,4,5-T in 1974 and 10,000 gallons in 1976. Id. Further, the base used 4,000 gallons of picloram in 1975, in addition to 20,300 gallons of Tordon 101, which is picloram and 2,4,-D-based, also known as Agent White. Agent White is also contaminated with hexachlorobenzene and nitrosamines, both known carcinogens.

Monsanto/Solutia Inc. contamination records appear marginal, compared to the U.S. Army’s Chemical School long history for spills, and illegal burial of chemical warfare agents. In the 1980’s all military branches, the DOD and VA, least likely than not understood contamination exposure and believed no duty existed to notify veterans, and our families, and kept the base open for active training until 1999 to measure adverse health effects for humans.

I’m grateful, for the opportunity to share research facts, crafted by my legal representatives, after listening to my emotion-charged statements, then completed the attached chemical summary, based on the official records to support my claim.

I pray that veterans worldwide can use the (PDF) spotlighting chemical exposure facts, in a nutshell, per chemical exposure-events at Fort McClellan, Alabama covering the past 50 years; and some cases, much longer. In honor of my (best friend) another Vietnam Era veterans without boots on the ground service in the Nam! Use this resource, and recharge your “warrior spirit” to prove stateside herbicide exposure at the VARO level..

I shall never surrender, regardless of any denied claims, or side effects from any VA recognized presumptive disease, during my VA war. JMHO & Motto.


CCK-Law, Ft McClellan Combined Exposure Report, 9-5-2013t.pdf

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Fort McClellan continues to be a hot but sporadic topic, on the internet:




(This above article calls Ft McClellan more Toxic than Camp LeJeune.)

You are correct and it bears repeating that, in 2010,, VA added the B Cells, and Hairy Cell B to the presumptive list for AO Leukemias:


Here is the first AO McClelland award ( Tiger Village)

And Carlie posted the second award we are aware of:

NOTHING is impossible.

The very first AO Conus vet, James Cripps and the very first AO Thailand vet (Kurt Priessman)

are in our SVR Archives and posted much info here over the years.


“Use this resource, and recharge your “warrior spirit” to prove stateside herbicide exposure at the VARO level..”

I agree these claims involve the warrior spirit and Kurt succeeded at the RO level but many here if not most, would agree, the VAROs these days dont take the time nor have the inclination to read a detailed 17 page report.

I suggest that if a vet submits this report as evidence that they add a cover letter and refer to the specific information.and highlight it with a Magic marker.

Has the law firm copywritten this or do vets have their permission to use it?

The pdf report you attached states

“In 1974, the based used 8,000 gallons of Silvex – which is 2,4,5-T based – 18,480 gallons in 1975, and 41,460 gallons in 1976. R-289. Also, it used 7,200 gallons of 2,4-D in 1974, 6,000 in 1975, and 4,800 in 1976. Id. The base also used 1,800 gallons of 2,4,5-T in 1974 and 10,000 gallons in 1976. Id. Further, the base used 4,000 gallons of picloram in 1975, in addition to 20,300 gallons of Tordon 101, which is picloram and 2,4,-D-based, also known as Agent White. Agent White is also contaminated with hexachlorobenzene and nitrosamines, both known carcinogens. Hexachlorobenzene was banned in the U.S. in 1966 and has been banned globally by the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants”

I studied POPs in a science course at AMU . VA does not understand the significance of this scientific definition of Agent Orange. Birds for example , sea birds or land birds, can carry POPs in their system for years, contaminating soil, food and water sources.The 'persistent' shelf life of dioxin as within the Hatfield Reports:


was 300% times higher in Danang a few years ago then it was during the War.

Our Gov is spending $41,000,000 to clean up AO in Vietnam:


You would think they would be doing more AO clean up here at home.

The preparers of this extensive new report are veteran's lawyers:


Dont forget everyone, Nehmer was a class Action lawsuit that grew out of the Beverly Nehmer Agent Orange decision.

I wonder if


has considered a potential for that type of case, to cover ALL CONUS veterans exposed to AO.

Thanks for this info!

I need to devour this pdf carefully.

Evidence of AO exposure is always critical to non-in country AO veterans.

And their MOS 40 years ago might need to be explained in detail for this type of claim, as their MOS holds the evidence they need.

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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Thanks to all who has posted this information. It just adds to my claim on AO. I was station at Ft. Mccllean back in 1968 for AIT training before beening sent to Ft Benning for K9 training. I will see if I can cut and paste this and use as evidence for my claim.

Once again thanks to everyone for this info, I surely hope it will help others who are suffering from AO.

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Berta: My PDF is not copyrighted and is taken from publicly available information.

Hollis sad: It just adds to my claim on AO. I was station at Ft. Mccllean back in 1968 for AIT training before beening sent to Ft Benning for K9 training. I will see if I can cut and paste this and use as evidence for my claim.

On page 11, A lay statement talk about K-9’s dying from “mysterious causes“ and another dog paws burned and eaten away by mustard gas previously buried. All former Dog Handlers should be concerned about their health long term. Another justification for a Health Registry, regardless of their Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). They served on a base that was a slow-ticking, “secret chemical bomb” known by the military branches and DOD long before the 1999 detonation/closure. JMHO.

Hollis, use the PDF it belongs to me and I am not prevented from sharing it with Hadit, nor any (brothers and sisters) of Fort McClellan, Alabama. I read in my own estimate 50,000 plus pages of damn boring public information. My attorneys understood my anxiety, depressive mood, and summarized the exposure research. That VA knew it was already there in living color before my friend died.

Hollis, you were there in 1968-- KEEP IN MIND that DOD said the stuff was never located in the State of Alabama but that is not the case and further proved in the 1980 thru 1992 Fort McClellan herbicide-pesticide inventory records available to the public..

All veterans must keep searching for inventory evidence pre-dating the 1973 closure of the Chemical School. My gut feeling tells me it does exist, the military branches, the DOD and VA know that it exist and they have challenged us to uncover what they’ve been hiding from 1951 until 1999

Remember: As the years pass us by, our memory deteriorates, but veterans must never forget that presumptive diseases diagnosis at “38 CFR 3.307 lists exposure to 2,4-D; 2,4,5-T and the contaminant TCDD; cacoddylic acid, and picloram the chemical ingredients for Agent Orange.

Hollis, when the time comes for your legal help, search through (NOVA, NVLSP) for help until you find a firm that gives you that deep down in your spirit (gut) feeling; you’ve landed in the right place. I have good reasons for non-support of the big four (VSO’s) scoring a claim TD at VARO.

Good luck my brother-- Thank you for your service and God Bless you.

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"A lay statement talk about K-9’s dying from “mysterious causes“"

Yes, Kurt Priessman experienced this in Thailand where the dogs were near the sprayed perimeters.

And yes to this too

"All veterans must keep searching for inventory evidence pre-dating the 1973 closure of the Chemical School. My gut feeling tells me it does exist, the military branches, the DOD and VA know that it exist and they have challenged us to uncover what they’ve been hiding from 1951 until 1999 "

It is Love Canal, Project Shad /112, and the early history of AO all over again......

THANK YOU Jumpmaster.

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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Hi Brother,

Thank you so much for the information. I was station at Ft. McClellan 1989 basic/AIT. I am appalled to find this information of only 2 weeks ago. I used to be so healthy before entering the military. I suffer from Autoimmunne disorder that is unexplainable. I am sickened that the Gov is not taking responcibility. :sad:

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