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What Will Iris Inquiry Tell Me?

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Will an IRIS inquiry tell me more than what the reps on the 1-800# tell me (which is nothing I cant see on E-benefits)? All they said on the 1-800# is, "your case is in the development phase, we can't tell you anything other than that". I requested a detailed status on my claim, which, according to my VSo already has a decision but for some reason is just sitting in ROE.


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My experience with IRIS has been mixed. If I sent a general question regarding VA polices or procedures which did not require a response from my regional office, I usually received a response within ten days. If I sent a question that required a response from my regional office (e.g.- current status of my claim, etc.), I never received an actual answer to my question in a timely manner and/or the response I received really did not answer my question.

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Yeah, Im kinda getting that feeling because I sent the request in the middle of last week and it said within 5 working days and nothing yet. So, Im expecting a blanket "we're working on it" answer.

From that angle I just dont get the secrecy. I absolutely understand NOT talking to the rater or reviewer of your case for the simple reason that they have a black and white regulated job to do and emotion/persuasion cannot and should not be part of the process.

With that said, WHY can I not get ANY information from the VSO, RO or disinterested people on WHAT they are looking at specifically. There doesnt have to be a rating answer as in "we are proposing 20%". I could see something along the lines of, "the case has a decision made and we are simply waiting on signatures for a few items....your case is with the final reviewer...etc." Instead, they leave you in the dark as if it's a trial by jury or something.

Edited by veteran7796
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I had an IRIS they took over a year to answer.

Then more recently they responded to me that they were "working on" a claim I have already won.

I asked them to clarify because I already get DIC, and they responded again that they were working on a DIC claim.

Then I asked again for why they are working on a claim I already won.

I was pissed off this time so they responded Thank you for the suggestions...hope you have a nice day or some BS like that.

Not to get into that again here....I sent the IG an email about it.

IG does not get involed in claims issues and will promptly respond to hotline email on that type of issue.and let the emailer know that claims are out of their jurisdiction.

But IG has not responded to me yet at all, because I think they got my point.

My DIC can be awarded on 3 separate basis.( 1151 award, DMII award, and IHD award) but as far as I know I can only receive one check.

VA could easily issue an award but who would get it? I know the IG got my point.but the rest of my hotline complaint is what I think really got their attention.

I have always carefully written my IRISes in Word or OOO and then pasted them into the IRIS thing, so that I could be specific in my questions for specific answers..

Even doing that however can be a real exercise in futility.

Edited by Berta

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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Are you aware that the IRIS team consists of new hires, lowest pay grade and no experience. The have a script, and answers they give avague and not question specific, in most cases. Example: what is status of my new claim filed on June 29th, IRIS response is to cite the 21 day rule. Duh! It as bee more than 21 working days, but guess they can not count that high, not enough fingers and toes! Ha Ha.

Vern 2

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Iris will let VA know that you want answers

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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