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Heart Attack And Working Through The Va System

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Good Morning!

I had a heart attack on the 24th of May and ended up with a single stent. After researching why it happened to me I found the AO tie-in (I was a medic in Viet Nam for a year with the Infantry 1969-70) and filed for disability soon after (a couple of weeks later) with the DAV as my rep. I have my C & P this Monday and will see what I get. I am on meds for the rest of my life so I guess I'll get at least 10% with the METS testing results possibly getting more.

Some of the threads on this forum are heartbreaking with some of the crap veterans are going through with their health through no fault of their own. My own health isn't anywhere as bad and I feel like a wimp compared to some of you but did want to report my efforts to get disability for someone just starting out and not knowing how to start.

I guess this whole process is going quickly...heart attack in May with a C & P Monday. I did submit a Fully Developed Claim (Discharge Summary from the hospital and also gave them my in-patient records from that admission and my DD-214 proving my time in VN) so for me, that seemed to speed up the process.

I'll let you all know on Monday how things went with the C & P!

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Good luck to you. I hope you are receiving good follow up care for your heart condition.

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  • In Memoriam

You will do just fine. Don't expect any imediate results on the C & P as it might take some time. No reason for feeling whimpy your injuries are substantial. You shouldn't feel that way anyhow. Good luck and welcome to hadit.



Just readin the mail


Excerpt from the 'Declaration of Independence'


We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity

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So, I went to visit my new friends at the VA for my C & P today and it turned out to be an interview only. The doctor told me she would submit her report today and the VA would have them for the disability amount. She told me I wouldn't need a stress test or determine my METS. I can only assume because I had a heart attack, my in-patient records were available to her and proof I had boots on the ground in VN was enough? Kind of strange. Frankly, I think she was more interested in why I haven't filed for PTSD after all these years. I told her my appointment was on the 28th of October at the PTSD Clinic.

The whole visit was taken up by taking my BP (within normal limits) if I was short of breath (yes, 6-7 times a day) and could I exercise (yes, walking for 30-45 minutes daily). I was expecting to use the treadmill for a hour! What do you all think about this?

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  • HadIt.com Elder

Good Luck

I had a stent in 2006 and no real problems but your really have to be your own advocate with VA as they are not prone to do anything except prescribe meds for our condition. I had a single stent

Veterans deserve real choice for their health care.

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Thanks Pete. I guess since I'm on meds for the rest of my life I'll be getting 10%. Anything above that would be gravy. If they just give me just the 10% I would have my cardiologist test me and see if I deserve more. I may do that anyway.

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