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Retro Is Not A Gift!

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After reading some posts here and other sites and even on some BVA decisions. we veterans need to remind each other that in cases where there is Retro (any amount!) that is money and benefits we should have had all along and not a gift!

In my case like many of the Vietnam generations we wanted nothing from the VA! And basically that is what they gave us, Nothing! Now because of so many of our brothers and sisters dying they were politically forced to recognize that a bunch of us deserve and NEED help. The politically push is what did it after so many dying!

I can remember when I got back from Nam for me it was adios amigo to the Army. Even though when I mustered out I had acquired a significant hearing loss while serving, so much so that they weren't going to let me out without a waiver and keep me for two weeks. I then had no idea what that meant and signed the waiver and got out.

Fast forward 13 years and I am married with a kid just born with a bad heart problem and need constant care and I couldn't hear him when he cried!

So I went to the VA hospital thinking well they will give me some help to fix this problem which had gotten very bad in just 13 years. I asked for help and some how another I ended up in the C&P office to get a hearing test and then they said they would get back to me. I had no idea what that meant? I just wanted some hearing aide help!

Well being as I just started my family money was tight especially with my son's problems and now I needed to buy hearing aides and have a testing done just so I could watch him.

After about oh maybe a month I get this one page letter from the VA saying like 3 words total, No Service Connection found!

Now that really floored me and brought tears to my eyes among other things that I said screw you comes to mind! So I packed up my lost faith and started working two jobs and we finally made it but it was not easy. Even if I just had the money for my aide and the doctors tests that would have helped! I grew very bitter about the VA, Army and Government altogether!

Then comes Agent Orange and all the politics and Computer sites Like Hadit and suddenly the VA was forced to give us our benefits we should have had all along!

Now I have a case for my hearing loss that if approved by the BVA will give me a sizable retro BUT IF they do I will not be half as excited or thankful for their help because they did not help me when I needed it BAD!

I hope everyone on this site and guests reading this post know that I am thank full and would fight again for my Country but bitter tastes are hard to swallow!


Moderators I needed to vent/rant!

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  • Content Curator/HadIt.com Elder

Compensation - something, typically money, awarded to someone as a recompense for loss, injury, or suffering.

Not a welfare check, not a handout. It is earned not given. No veteran should feel that it is greedy to seek compensation for an injury or a loss. That is just wrong and there is no reason that the VA, VSO's or anyone designated to handle your claim should make you feel like you are being greedy.

Well, the VA still owes all of us for the suffering we faced dealing with the claims and health system.

"If it's stupid but works, then it isn't stupid."
- From Murphy's Laws of Combat

Disclaimer: I am not a legal expert, so use at own risk and/or consult a qualified professional representative. Please refer to existing VA laws, regulations, and policies for the most up to date information.


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