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Plantar Fasiitis And The Other Foot

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Carl the Engineer



Went to private foot doc today. Main complaint is that my limp is becoming more prominent, left heel pain and left ankle pain and pain when standing for a while, i.e., more than a half hour in both feet etc.

I have SC for Plantar Fasciitis in my right foot, and get 10%.

I told him that I am limping more because of my right foot pain and could that be causing my left heal pain and left ankle pain (stability).

He said it was.

Then he gave me a shot (cortisone)(ouch) in my right foot and a brace for my left ankle to support it moving side to side.

My plan is to file for increase right foot and SC for left foot secondary to right foot, etc.

I may also file for increase (currently 20%, ROM) thoracic/lumbar pain secondary from above ^^^^.

Anyone with experience in this matter?

Or opinion?



Edited by Hamslice

“There is no hook my friend. There's only what we do.”  Doc Holiday 

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I will also add that he said that I have flat feet now because my feet were not designed for running and my 27+ years of running in the Army damaged them to where the support is gone.

And, I have been wearing inserts (from him) in both shoes for over a year now.

Thanks again,


“There is no hook my friend. There's only what we do.”  Doc Holiday 

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I would go back to your private foot doc and ask them to help you with a DBQ. get them to fill it out and then gather up all the exam notes that stated what you just said then file a new claim.

if you are already SC'd for plantar it should be an easy road (subjective) for an increase and a SC of flat feet.

70% - PTSD

->50% - OSA (Secondary to PTSD)

30% - Bilateral Pes Planus w/Plantar Fasciitis

30% - Migraines

10% - Tinnitus

20% - Back

0% - bilateral shin splints



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I will be getting the record in a couple weeks, giving him time to do his report. I know that he was in the other room talking to his assistant and I may have overheard him say pes planus or simular. She was talking on the phone with the insurance company regards them covering the brace for the left ankle where she was successful.


“There is no hook my friend. There's only what we do.”  Doc Holiday 

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Good to get the DBQ as VA cant connect many dots in claims like this.

I have similar condition , severe pronation of right foot, until my podiatrist told me,no... you have severe pronation in both feet.

The right foot was so painful I never thought about the left foot pain.

I am a civilian and hope you get good orthotics from VA. Mine are not covered by Medicare or CHAMPVA, they cost 600 bucks every time I need them re adjusted.

These foot conditions can lead to knee, hip, and back problems, that can be secondary to them.

A chronic backache I had for decades disappeared the very next day after I first wore my orthotics years ago.Good orthonics for me are well worth the price.

GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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i have a question. i have a long history of back problems, stemming from a fall down 2 flights of stairs (i broke it after the first flight and rolled down the second) in the 70's. the culprit ws i had bad feet and couldn't wear heels. i strongly believe my entrance physical didn't indicate aany type of foot problem.

flash forward. i now have pain in both feet which bothers me, even aat night. i am also experiencing some numbness in both feet too. they were both xrayed friday (9/11). and a consult to podiatry is forthcoming. i'm debating whether or not i should file a claim.

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Ice turkey..

   It sounds like you are fairly new, so maybe you dont know that you should start a new topic to get your questions answered.  However, I will respond.

    My answer is, "It depends".  I suggest you do these things:

1.  Since you are at 100%, my guess is you are seeking SMC, as that is the only way you will get additional benefits.  You can look up combine your ratings and see if that would total the "100 plus 60" for SMC S.  AND

2.  YOu should review your cfile and see if YOUR DOC indicates that your back problems are at least as likely as not related to the fall in  military service.  

    If you meet those 2 above, then by all means "go for it". 

However, if you dont think its gonna bring you to "100 plus 60" OR you dont have a valid nexus, then you need to decide if its worth it.    You see, if you dont have a valid nexus, then you will likely need to spend thousands on an IME/IMO, and if it wont result in additional compensation, I would not persue it unless you have a compelling reason.    One compelling reason is that you have "loss of use" of your foot or feet.  That is SMC in of itself.  

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