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C & P exam (not scheduled)

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I was at the VA this morning for my regular six month visit with my PCP and I got a phone call just as I was checking in with the new kiosks they have.  The lady said since you here we would like to schedule you for a C & P exam for your prostate cancer. I put her off and told her I could not attend today so she scheduled it for Thurs. Now I have been rated 100% since Jan of 2014 for PC.  I know I will have a re-evaluation exam.  I have never received any notice to reduce or any other mail in regards to a proposal to reduce.  My question is if in fact this C & P is that and I have not been notified how do I file an appeal if I disagree with what they want to reduce me too?  I also went and talked to my VSO who I might add is quite competent.  She checked with St Petersburg, FL where the RO is at and said you should not be scheduled for any C & P exams.  I am going to go because I think would be better to go than not.  I will find out what is going on thurs. I guess.

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I am sure if they propose to reduce you, you will certainly have time to appeal that.


This recent BVA decision contains the prostate cancer ratings:



You certainly are right to go to the C & P because

"She checked with St Petersburg, FL where the RO is at and said you should not be scheduled for any C & P exams.'

what did she base her rationale on that with?


GRADUATE ! Nov 2nd 2007 American Military University !

When thousands of Americans faced annihilation in the 1800s Chief

Osceola's response to his people, the Seminoles, was

simply "They(the US Army)have guns, but so do we."

Sameo to us -They (VA) have 38 CFR ,38 USC, and M21-1- but so do we.

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Really hard to say bud, but either way you have to go in there, and just see what they say. Good luck and Keep us posted

100% PTSD

100% Back

60% Bladder Issues

50% Migraines 
30% Crohn's Disease

30% R Shoulder

20% Radiculopathy, Left lower    10% Radiculopathy, Right lower 
10% L Knee  10% R Knee Surgery 2005&2007
10% Asthma
10% Tinnitus
10% Damage of Cranial Nerve II

10% Scars



OEF/OIF VET     100% VA P&T, Post 911 Caregiver, SSDI



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She called someone at the RO office and they told her that I was not scheduled for any C & P exams. I checked on ebenefits and it does say a C & P exam. That is OK I am prepared.



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Best of Luck to you, boomer2. As a side note it's better to show up, too, so they don't mark you as a no call-no show.  Then if you get told they have no info, sure you wasted your time and gas to drive, but at least you were there. 

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Going to the C&P is the only safe thing to do.

Don't be too surprised if they know nothing about it, and you later get a no show based denial.

I really hate last minute phone call C&P notifications for multiple reasons.

It sounds like a classic VA screw up to me! I got into one years ago with a "general" C&P. The VARO tried to schedule a C&P at a remote location (to me) in the middle of winter.

Georgia does not really plow two lane secondary roads very well or often, and there was snow and ice on many, making travel quite hazardous. There was no way I was going to drive about 200 miles, in that stuff.

Then, to add insult, they had scheduled a stress test, even though by VA written policy, and medical practice guides, I was not to be given one.

The end result, with an intermediate denial, (Naturally) was that Nehmer reversed the denial, with a backhanded slap at the VARO.  How the VA thinks that a C&P by a VA GP (At least it was supposedly a doctor) can have more validity than extensive treatment records by fully qualified, accredited, and licensed specialists is beyond me.  To make matters worse, the nearest VAMC that did C&Ps was about 50 miles away, and the route was over one of the interstates, with only short local travel from the interstate.

When I later went back and looked at the VA records concerning the not given C&P, it wasn't even clear as to where it was to be given. Obviously, a small part of the paper showed the distant VARO, and although I had never been there, I somehow showed up on their emailing list. The rest showed a schedule request for a C&P at the more "local" VAMC, with no indication of further action. ???

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Well I had the C & P yesterday and was told it was a review. She was also surprised that I had not received any notification. Anyway, she asked what my current treatment was and what kind of residuals I had. I told her everything she asked for.  I did not embellish anything or add anything or leave anything out. She said I would be notified in about a month. I am sure it is a proposal to reduce as I have been at 100% for PC for almost 2 years. I am 50% without the PC and I think I'll probably be 100% TDIU (she asked if I was working, I am not). I currently have a reconsideration filed for PN as well. I'll update when I hear from them

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