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Had interesting C&P exams recently

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Hey everybody, just a quick update on me.

On Friday I had a joint C&P exam for my R ankle and hips for secondary claims.

Ankle was found

Dorsiflexion of 0-5 and Plantar flexion of 0-40

Hips were found

flexion: 0-40

extension: 0-20

Abduction: 0-20

Adduction 0-20

Rotation, external 0-20 and internal 0-20.

Examiner opined that the ankle was at least as likely as not caused by already SC L ankle, but the hips were found less likely as not caused by current SCDs.  X-rays of hips showed nothing. Ok, now hear this...he suggested/advised that I call my PCP and request for an MRI for my hips for further evaluation and treatment. Is this his way of saying that my pain and reduced ROM are for real and should be further investegated that I may then be SCd?  He also said in his opinion it seems more likely that the soft tissue of the pelvis/hip region is inflammed which is causing my pain and reduced ROM.  And that I may need to see a Rheumatologist for treatment.  Not sure what that is implying, but I have heard of rhuematoid arthritis, is this what he may be hinting at?

Ok PTII, today I had a C&P for depression secondary to chronic pain...

One of my worst ever exams!!!  When he was done(VA phyc) I felt that I shouldn't have even filed that claim.  He was very nice and polite, but every twist and turn he kept trying to lead me outside of my AD time and the years since.  He kept asking about before I went in the Marines.  I kept redirecting by saying these things and symptoms all started after my enlistment began.

He kept repeating the same questions over and over, waiting for me to slip up.  I knew what he was doing, and yet still felt like I was the one in the wrong.  Then he went on some spiel about how 30% of the general population is depressed and most of them don't have suicide ideations and such.  And that most of us are biologically predisposed to things like depression.

He wanted me to try to explain why I think I don't have any friends, even though I had told him that my state of mind keeps me from doing that.  I went into detail about my chronic sleep impairment and drinking, and he made it sound like it's the normal thing no big deal.  I told him that I did not grow up with these things in my life or family.  And that they all began to manifest after I was in the Marines.  I told him that on my 5th day of boot camp, when I fell down the stairs, is the initiation point.

Then he said he will have re-review my record to see if he really could find some way to SC this.  Funny, it was supposed to be for secondary to chronic pain.  He asked about current SCDs and I told him what they were and the ratings, several of which are listed as pain conditions.

Is this normal? Or am I looking at a long road of NODs and BVA land???  I sure hope all that  was just his way of trying to trip me up into screwing myself by saying the wrong thing.

I did have a written statement covering things I wanted to make sure were covered, and I told him that a copy of same will be submitted into evidence for my claim, to ensure nothing from it gets left out.  He made a funny face at that, but said it was a good idea to be prepared like that.

Anyway, thanks for letting me ramble on.


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For us veterans that wait years before getting help and finally decide to get the help we so badly need  in my opinion its not a fair question to ask a veteran(why did you wait so long before seeking help?)  the examiner should be glad the veteran is seeking the help he needs.

From my experience anytime a examiner says'' I'll read your medical records''  c-file'' ect,,ect  it usually is going to be a detrimental to the veteran

Andyman did the right thing and not let this examiner mess up his C&P.

I don't know what I would say if they ask my why I waited so long to seek help??....I just always been in denial about it and don't like to think about it &  try my best to forget it...but I can't and I don't know why, this is why I am seeking help and in treatment  so I can understand it a little better  because with my behavior over the years I have put myself and others (family /wife) through a living Hell.


I think it would piss me off if the examiner kept on asking me the same questions over and over...I would say Doc did you take your meds today  ''you ask me this question several times now and I answered it .

please stay with the appropriate questions according to my contentions.

but at the same time if you piss them examiners off   yeah you will get a unfavorable exam  but this is where you need to let the evidence speak for its self.



I am not an Attorney or VSO, any advice I provide is not to be construed as legal advice, therefore not to be held out for liable BUCK!!!

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By the time the examiner repeated this cycle for the 3rd time,  I was speaking very slowly and clearly, making sure I was enunciating every syllable of each word correctly, to make sure he wasn't just misunderstanding me.  Was getting quite dramatic with my speaking. 

When I was at my regular MH session and the doc was reading my journal notes, he all but busted out laughing at the part where I had refered to the examiner as a snake oil salesman from an old western movie.


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