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Sevice-Connected Disabilty - R Knee 7244 EPTE and Hepititus C

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Hello. I am hoping someone can help me answer some questions I have about applying for service-connected disability.

In 1974 I was an 'idealistic' teenager and believed that the guys running to Canada to avoid the draft was not appropriate. So at 19 years of age, I joined the U.S. Marine Corps.  Little did I know what I was 'setting myself up for' ... During this time the Marine Corps was training women the same as they were training men. We often would joke about the fact that we 'joined the Marine Corps to "become a man" ... but the attrition rate of the females to men was proof of the difficulty of service. During Vietnam there were <2,500 women Marines that served.

So it was no wonder that my knees were torn up. After only serving one year and one month of active duty, my right knee finally gave way to "gross subluxation of my right patella" and I was subsequently discharged from the USMC. My case was referred to the Office of Naval Disability Evaluation (CPEB). The CPEB then authorized a service-connected disability rated @ 10%.

When I got of out of the USMC, I was hired by Southern Pacific Railroad and had a good job, but still had a persistent problem with my knee, as it would just 'give out on me' and I would be in tremendous pain as my patella would slide to the side of my knee! One evening it happened and I had to be taken by ambulance to the local V.A. Since I had previously declined surgery by the USN, the V.A. decided to put me in a full leg cast for a six month period to stabilize my torn meniscus. After my leg recovered from the atrophy, for sometime I did not have a problem, other than the fact that I had lost a good job and the V.A. was not going to make good on my 10% disability. Rather they rated me at 0%.

Later in years I started my own business. It was 'physical' as I had to climb water towers to do site surveys to install wireless services. On one such occasion in 2014 I was on a water tower about 80' in the air and my 'old war' injury returned and scared the 'heck' out of me! That was my last climb. I have had to subsequently sell my business, as I cannot climb anymore and take an early retirement.

Recently my knee has been causing me all kinds of pain as arthritis has set in. In January of this year I filed for my disability and also claimed a secondary injury as the arthritis is associated and debilitating.

I filed online and submitted all of my paperwork, including my original medical boards. I filed the 'expedited' process as I believed the V.A. would setup an appointment for me to be seen and evaluated.

According to eBenefit, my decision is to be made prior to 7/28/17, but I have had no contact with them other than receive an email stating that they received my claim the day I filed.

I retained a VSO and she has since retired and her replacement is not due for another month. My original VSO asked me to request an appointment from my 'primary' to obtain an MRI of my knee to prove the arthritis. I set up an appointment and a letter from the V.A. a week later arrived. When they asked me to contact them, I was sure it had to do with my outstanding claim. I was taken back when I was told the reason for their contact.

In 2009 I had to have a stent installed because of a blockage in my heart. This procedure was done at the St. Louis V.A. Unknowingly to me, they tested me for Hepatitis C. In 2017 they informed me that I tested positive! I was astounded at why they would wait eight years to tell me this and was even more astounded that I had contracted HepC. However my research has shown it was 'most likely' due to the inoculations I received in boot camp! I remember the day very well of the 'cattle guns' and walking away with a bleeding arm.

So yesterday I had my appointment with the V. A. in Poplar Bluff, MO. They were more interested in doing a 'blood panel' on me than me obtaining an MRI on my knee.

I had the lab done and then met with my 'primary' who reviewed my lab to see if I did, in fact, have Hep C.  Well I was glad to learn that this womans prostrate is fine, as that is the test they ran on me! :ohmy: My Dr. than had them run the HepC panel on my blood. He stated if it was positive that he would call me and ordered an X-Ray of my knee. He examined my knee and stated to me and in his panel that I did in fact have arthritis in my knee, as well it has 'limited motion' with pain for more motion.

Since I now know the V.A. can screw-up ... I called them this morning to verify my HepC test. Now they are telling me it is positive! :sad: Is the V.A. always this incompetent? And what may I expect now that this ball is rolling? What happens if the V.A. decides to make a decision on my disability and I do not have an active VSO? How long do these claims normally take?  I have had one VSO tell me that I should now file for the HepC. And lastly, if HepC is curable, as they say, it should not be a disability unless I get Cirrhosis or Cancer, correct?

Sorry for such a long post and thanks in advance for your input.


Edited by WomanMarine
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File for Hep C.  It is not curable, it is manageable, however can become serious if not treated.  There are probably some on here that are service connected for Hep C and can tell you what the rate is.

You don't need a VSO to get your claim back, it will come to you on its own when its done.

Definitely claim anything you feel secondary to your original service connected disability.  That was a long time ago and you probably have compensated for it with other muscles and joints, etc.  Hopefully you get connected for arthritis, because, it effects adjacent joints, and then they can be secondary, etc.

Also, these things take time.  Don't expect everything all at once.  Work your claim(s).

Get an eBenifits account and track your claim(s).  You will need to go the a VA hospital to get a premium account.

For me, 2009-30%, 2011-40%, 2013-60%, 2014-70%, 2016-80% and going for 90% here shortly.

Good luck,






“There is no hook my friend. There's only what we do.”  Doc Holiday 

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Thank you for the advice Hamslice.

I am curious to know, with my window for decision closing in July, when might the V.A. schedule an appointment for a C&P? I would have thought that they would have scheduled something by now ...

My medical rating from the USN was for VA rating code 5299 - 5257.

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You need to contact Alex Graham, and/or read "Ask NOD".  He is a frequent contributor here, and the absolute expert on HEP C claims.  I understand he has gotten his license and now represents Vets.  

His depth of knowledge on Hep C is intense, and the best of the best.  He has read pretty much every single case of HEP c in the CAVC and mostly the BVA.  So, he knows what works and what does not.  

Here is his column, that he writes for "hep c" Vets:



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What he said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^




Nice pic.  The guy behind me jerked and had about a half inch cut with blood running down his arm.  Oh, well, then we were off to the grinder for pushups and whatever that exercise was where you swung your arms around and around.  Got to get them imunizations working.......


“There is no hook my friend. There's only what we do.”  Doc Holiday 

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16 hours ago, Hamslice said:

What he said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^




Nice pic.  The guy behind me jerked and had about a half inch cut with blood running down his arm.  Oh, well, then we were off to the grinder for pushups and whatever that exercise was where you swung your arms around and around.  Got to get them imunizations working.......


I got that pic off of HCVets.com, but I am pretty sure that is my unit as I seem to recognize both of the WM's! I do remember that we noted, while standing in line, that they were not sterilizing between shots ... That was one of the 'longest' days in my life! 

Oorah ...

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