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Top 10 Viewed Posts June 2017

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No surprise this month to see Tinnitus questions as one of the top discussions. Tinnitus is the most common service connected disability. In the military there's a lot of boom boom and jet engines, while hearing protection has improved it's not always practical in real life situations. All related Tinnitus Information Click Here

How is tinnitus tested by VA for compensation purposes?

I am trying to understand how I will be tested for tinnitus by the VA. I have a pending compensation claim for hearing loss and tinnitus (and a couple other things) that is in stage 5 (preparation for decision). I am now awaiting a C&P exam (I believe). I am already S/C for shoulder and lower back (20% total). How is tinnitus tested by the VA to receive the 10% rating? I served in OEF and have a Combat Action Badge (all on my DD214). I have hearing loss, but what happens if I pass as “normal” for hearing loss. I have occasional ringing in both ears from OEF (artillery/heavy machine guns/IED’s), and it has gotten worse over time. My tinnitus came later after I had separated from the US Army. I am trying to understand how I am tested for tinnitus to received the 10%, even if I get 0% for hearing loss (which I have heard is very difficult to get above 0% for hearing loss). With my claim I submitted my civilian primary care physician’s professional opinion that I could definitely have/probably do have hearing loss and tinnitus from combat. I have read/heard differing opinions, and I am just trying to find a straight answer to how tinnitus is tested for by the VA (since I see that some vets get 0% for hearing loss, but 10% for tinnitus). And what are my chances of getting the 10% for tinnitus even if I get 0% for hearing loss? Great, good, not good, etc? Please help. Thank you.

Received direct deposit - what is this?

I have no idea what this is. I did a google search, I searched the forum, went to eBenefits and nothing. I did apply for Social Security. But hopefully its not. My back pay goes back to May 6, 2010. This would be a problem. I was granted a 100% disability with the VA but its the same story my back pay goes back so this amount would be incorrect. If anybody knows what this is please share your knowledge with the forum. This morning I saw the particular income in my bank statement "US TREASURY 310 by the sum of 4,780. Any insight would be great, thank you in advanced.

Surprise 70 PTSD rating, now what can I do?

I hope you can help me; not sure what I should do. I was rated Service Connected Disable for PTSD on August 21, 2012 @ 70%. I didn't expect this at all. If anything, I thought I would get a low rating for my physical aliments............(neck, back head shoulder).
When I applied in 11/2011, I had been out of work for 3 yrs and was totally distraught,confused and disoriented. Needless to say, I finally got a job in 02/12 and it is no where near what I use to do or the money I use to make.
I'd like to know what your advice would be for this:
I see where I do have serious social and economic problems and believe I am totally diasable & want to ask for 100% PTSD, Permanent and Total. I'm still on this job that wrecks my nerves, can't stop the obsessive thoughts and wants to hurt people because I don't work well with people at all. I took this week off because I couldn't pull up the gumption to go back in there after the week, mentally.
What should I do; appeal my rating 1st and then apply for TDIU while working or do I go ahead and let the job go in order to apply for TDUI and then appeal the VA's decision?

How is degenerative disc disease rated?

Hello to everybody, I need to know how the Degenerative disc disease is rated and on my last C/P I was rated @ 10% My thoughts are if all they used were x-rays how acurate would the rating be? I have some mri of my spine from 2006 that I am going to present for evidence in a claim. The MRI was doen at my local hospital I have had a dsicectomy where they cleaned out the disc that was falling apart. I am no nuerologist but I have Disc Disease in L3, L4, L5 and L5 S1 I knwo that it hurts me everyday. Any advice from those of you cursed as I am with a bad back let em know. Should I wait a period of time before putting this or right now since the claim just came back? I told the fellow I woud post it and find out. I look forward to anyone one who has been down this road. Thanks again....

Questions on retroactive back pay?

My claim is scheduled to close tomorrow for my backpay. Does anyone know if it does close how long till the backpay hits the bank Also does information only get updated on our claims whenever the site is down?

100% rating reduced to 40% - what now?

I live here in Central Texas near Fort Hood and was talking with a Vietnam Vet a Marine veteran who told me he got a letter from the Waco TX VA regional office saying that they purpose to reduce his disability from 100% un employable to 40% I was under the impression that 100% was permanent and total and would never change I myself am rated at 80% overall with my highest disability rating at 30% then others at 20% and 10% The DAV told me that I have to maintain that rating for 20 years before it becomes permanent and total according to 38 CFR they already tried to reduce one of my disabilities from 30% to 0% because they say during a recent exam the VA medical doctor an neurologist at the Temple TX VA hospital said tat me condition improved ?? I had to go back a submit civilian health report form my Tricare provider at Hillcrest Baptist medical center in Waco to overrule the incompetent C&P evaluator. Now its this kind red tape that needs to get to the Top people in Washington i.e. the President and the VA secretary and congress. But my primary question has to do with my Vietnam Vet friend that the VA is trying to screw.

What does development letter sent mean?

My claim was closed yesterday and in eBenefits in updates it says: Appeal is Possible. Decision Notification Sent.  Development Letter Sent<------ Does anyone know what this letter is included for? What it may say, or it's purpose? I've done some searching on HADIT but every mention is just text copy pasted into a paragraph not Germaine to asking what the letter means/says. So, if anyone has one, or has recently seen one I'd be greatful if you could post a small brief explanation. I went from 50% to 100% P&T.

What does Development Letter Sent mean on Ebenefits?

Development letters are sent in the early stages of your claim. It acknowledges your claim and asks for additional evidence if you have any. The VA is legally required to send this letter to you. The letter may ask for things that aren’t applicable to your case, like buddy statements, or it may ask for things you’ve already submitted, like medical records. The development letter will also contain blank forms. Most likely, you filled out all the required forms already. The blank forms are only attached if you have additional evidence you want to submit. You do not have to send in everything the VA asks for; you only have to send in anything you haven’t already submitted. 

What is a normal percentage for major depression?

Looking for a ballpark idea of compensation rating for major depression and/or MST.

How do I prove Sleep Apnea is service connected?

I am planning on writing a Notice of Disagreement on my sleep apnea decision. The VA in their decision letter, did acknowledged that I do have sleep apnea and currently on a CPAP machine issued by the VA's sleep center. So all of the conditions and treatment are concrete. However, and as usual, " No evidence to support that sleep apnea was service connected ".
I am burned out with paperwork but is currently satisfy with my rating. Any suggestions on how I can respond and prove that it was service connected?

This video should help answer some questions:


vlb-sleep-apena-packageIncludes 8 Things Veterans Should Know Before Hiring an AttorneyPut It To Rest - Your VA Sleep Apnea Claim5 Reasons the VA Keeps Screwing Up Your Claim, and More Check It Out!

Service connected for migraine, what constitutes going from 30% to 50%?

Got the white envelope in the mail today. The good news is that the VA rated me 30% for migraines, which put me in bed flat between 2.25 and 2.5 days per month, with migraines running for up to 5 days. Looking at the decision package, they rated me at 30% based on having, on average, one prostrating migraine per month over the last several months. The trip wire for 50% is defined by 38 CFR 4.120 is "With very frequent completely prostrating and prolonged attacks productive of severe economic inadaptability." The raters did not find that my claim met that threshold, despite the outside doctor stating that I cannot work and my migraines are twice the 30% rating threshold. Do I have an argument for a 50% rating?


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I am writing my memoirs and would love it if you could help a shipmate out and look at it.

I've had a few challenges, perhaps the same as you. I relate them here to demonstrate that we can learn, overcome, and find purpose in life.

The stories can be harrowing to read; they were challenging to live. Remember that each story taught me something I would need once I found my purpose, and my purpose was and is HadIt.com Veterans.

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