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Special Monthly Compensation.

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Just a short topic on one of the widely talked about topics. Aid and Attendance and SMC, Special Monthly Compensation. I am at the point now of submitting my 2nd Aid and Attendance. My claim is approved for the loss of both lower extremities, with one SMC L award. Everyone knows the CFR,  that leads us to the SMC levels, but here I want to say what happened to me. My Primary care Doctor Retired and at that time my Aid and Attendance was filled out for my darn Diabetes which ended up in a mess. My new Primary care Nurse Practitioner has no idea on how to fill out the form, she said to fill it out myself. Here is the concern. I have seen a lot of the 21- 2680 ( Aid and Attendance ) forms filled out and yet not many of the Yes or NO questions were filled out for explanation of why? the 2nd page of the 21-2680 by each question states to use more paper if needed. I have talk to many vets who have not seen the added paper,  21-4168 ( Statement of Support of Claim) used. I feel to express my disabilities and qualify for the stated reasons for the Aid and attendance is what should be filled out. I will fill out the extra piece of paper to clarify my disability if needed.  I feel the questions ask are important and if I don't  answer the questions then the attempt to have the 2nd L approved gets less and less possible. I would  rather use an extra piece of paper then squeeze words in an area that is not illegible. Any questions or concerns on my topic of using the 21-4168 for additional statements in support of claim?

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I would not look this "gift horse" in the mouth.  That is, your NP giving you the form to fill out.  

This means your symptoms should be reported accurately, and, of course, this is what you should do.  This way, there should be "0" breakdown in communications between you and your doctor, since you are filling out the form yourself.

I simply suggest you do a great job filing it out.  If the form does not have enough space for your answer, simply type up another supplement sheet and finish it there.  In the supplement sheet, you could continue the answers to question number 3,4,8, 9 and 11.  Just mark them clearly, and state, "continued on supplemental page".  

Refrain from "bragging", but simply report your symptoms accurately.  For example:

"Unable to dress self without help".

Or, "unable to get out of bed without help", of course, if these things are true.  Never exaggerate, and never lie.  This way, you will be able to sleep well, not worrying about a reduction if your symptoms "improved".  

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Good point.  IF you are "unable to dress yourself" because medications cause you to be groggy, etc., then so state.  (Note if you were able to dress yourself previously, that is  before you started taking x medication.) 

Also, look up the side effects of your different meds.  If one for Prozac, for example, is grogginess, then that will add credibility.  PPPPP.  Proper Preperation Prevents Poor Performance.  

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2 hours ago, broncovet said:

I would not look this "gift horse" in the mouth.  That is, your NP giving you the form to fill out.  

This means your symptoms should be reported accurately, and, of course, this is what you should do.  This way, there should be "0" breakdown in communications between you and your doctor, since you are filling out the form yourself.

I simply suggest you do a great job filing it out.  If the form does not have enough space for your answer, simply type up another supplement sheet and finish it there.  In the supplement sheet, you could continue the answers to question number 3,4,8, 9 and 11.  Just mark them clearly, and state, "continued on supplemental page".  

Refrain from "bragging", but simply report your symptoms accurately.  For example:

"Unable to dress self without help".

Or, "unable to get out of bed without help", of course, if these things are true.  Never exaggerate, and never lie.  This way, you will be able to sleep well, not worrying about a reduction if your symptoms "improved".  

The point you bring up on the " Unable to dress self without help " this is an area that is over looked.  "Why is a veteran unable to dress himself" ?   Very  good question but if there is no real answer to the question then the decision rater may just overlook the question. I look at the question like " Unable to dress self without help" DUE TO MEDICATIONS for PTSD  CAUSING WEAKNESS, ETC "

Thanks for your reply.

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3 hours ago, broncovet said:

Try to keep your form "clinical" and from your NP's point of view..not yours.  Yes, that will be difficult, but have your wife read it over to check for that.  



Rough statement to answer. Clinical, When my NP tried to fill out the form, her statements were not clinical. The questions she tried to answer were,  in fact not even to the point of responding to the proper questions for my Disabiity.  Wife and I always look things over like the Aid and Attendance form. If my NP will not sign my Aid and Attendance form I may see my outside Doctor and have him sign the Aid and Attendance form and fax it in.


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I am on a high dose of Trazodone, for PTSD. Everything adds up to the reason I am not able to dressed myself or even shower myself. with my PTSD being such a hard area to deal with, each day is a challange.

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