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C&P exam results and feedback on knee Range of Motion

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Just looking for some feedback on possible outcomes of results of my C&P for my knee.  I am service connected for my right knee (10% for the scar and 10% for the arthritis).  Here are the Nurse Practitioners notes who did my exam:


1. Diagnosis


a. List the claimed condition(s) that pertain to this DBQ:

Right Knee Arthritis

b. Select diagnoses associated with the claimed condition(s) (Check all that apply):

[X] Arthritic conditions

[X] Arthritis, traumatic

Side affected: [X] Right [ ] Left [ ] Both

ICD Code: M17.10

Date of diagnosis: Right 8/2017

c. Comments (if any):

No response provided

d. Was an opinion requested about this condition (internal VA only)?

[ ] Yes [X] No [ ] N/A

2. Medical history


a. D

escribe the history (including onset and course) of the Veteran's knee

and/or lower leg condition (brief summary):


Veteran is service connected for knee arthritis status post post right

patellar dislocation and arthroscopic knee surgery. Veteran had surgery to

the knee in 2005. Since the last compensation exam he reports stability

issues and pain to the right knee. He states knee gives out and he has

fallen upstairs and down stairs. He states he has a permanent limp.

Locates pain to lateral knee and below the knee cap. He states the pain is

constant, aggravated by prolonged sitting and standing,

ascending/descending stairs. He was seen by Orthopedic in July 2017 and

given a Synvasc injection. He uses a knee knee brace. He reports loss of

sensation to the top of the knee cap.

b. Does the Veteran report flare-ups of the knee and/or lower leg?

[ ] Yes [X] No

c. Does the Veteran report having any functional loss or functional impairment

of the joint or extremity being evaluated on this DBQ, including but not

limited to repeated use over time?

[X] Yes [ ] No

If yes, document the Veteran's description of functional loss or

functional impairment in his or her own words:

I try to maintain with cycling and swimming. I can only hike a mile

before I get pain and tired in the knee - it seizes and locks up.

3. Range of motion (ROM) and functional limitation


a. Initial range of motion

Right Knee


[ ] All normal

[X] Abnormal or outside of normal range

[ ] Unable to test (please explain)

[ ] Not indicated (please explain)

Flexion (0 to 140): 0 to 90 degrees

Extension (140 to 0): 90 to 0 degrees

If abnormal, does the range of motion itself contribute to functional

loss? [ ] Yes (please explain) [X] No

Description of pain (select best response):

Pain noted on exam but does not result in/cause functional loss

If noted on exam, which ROM exhibited pain (select all that apply)?


Is there evidence of pain with weight bearing? [X] Yes [ ] No

Is there objective evidence of localized tenderness or pain on palpation of

the joint or associated soft tissue? [X] Yes [ ] No

If yes, describe including location, severity and relationship to


Tender to palpation over lateral knee and infrapatellar region

Is there objective evidence of crepitus? [ ] Yes [X] No



Right Knee


Is the Veteran able to perform repetitive use testing with at least three

repetitions? [X] Yes [ ] No

Is there additional functional loss or range of motion after three

repetitions? [X] Yes [ ] No

Select all factors that cause this functional loss:


ROM after three repetitions:

Flexion (0 to 140): 0 to 85 degrees

Extension (140 to 0): 85 to 0 degrees


Right Knee


Is the Veteran being examined immediately after repetitive use over time?

[X] Yes [ ] No

Does pain, weakness, fatigability or incoordination significantly limit

functional ability with repeated use over a period of time?

[X] Yes [ ] No [ ] Unable to say w/o mere speculation

Select all factors that cause this functional loss:


Able to describe in terms of range of motion: [X] Yes [ ] No

Flexion (0 to 140): 0 to 85 degrees

Extension (140 to 0): 85 to 0 degrees



Right Knee


In addition to those addressed above, are there additional contributing

factors of disability? Please select all that apply and describe:


Please describe additional contributing factors of disability:

Mild medial swelling noted



4. Muscle strength testing


a. Muscle strength - Rate strength according to the following scale:

0/5 No muscle movement

1/5 Palpable or visible muscle contraction, but no joint movement

2/5 Active movement with gravity eliminated

3/5 Active movement against gravity

4/5 Active movement against some resistance

5/5 Normal strength



Left Knee: Rate Strength:

Flexion: 5/5

Extension: 5/5

Is there a reduction in muscle strength? [ ] Yes [X] No

b. Does the Veteran have muscle atrophy?

[X] Yes [ ] No

If yes, is the muscle atrophy due to the claimed condition in the

Diagnosis Section?

[X] Yes [ ] No

For any muscle atrophy due to a diagnosis listed in Section 1.,


side and specific location of atrophy, providing measurements in

centimeters of normal side and corresponding atrophied side, measured


maximum muscle bulk.

[X] Right lower extremity (specify location of measurement such as "10cm

above or below the knee"):

Location: No location specified

Circumference of more normal side: 47cm

Circumference of atrophied side: 45cm

c. Comments, if any:

No response provided

5. Ankylosis


Complete this section if the Veteran has ankylosis of the knee and/or lower leg.

a. Indicate severity of ankylosis and side affected (check all that apply):

Right Side:

[ ] Favorable angle in full extension or in slight flexion between 0 and

10 degrees

[ ] In flexion between 10 and 20 degrees

[ ] In flexion between 20 and 45 degrees

[ ] Extremely unfavorable, in flexion at an angle of 45 degrees or more

[X] No ankyloses



b. Indicate angle of ankylosis in degrees:

No response provided

c. Comments, if any:

No response provided

6. Joint stability tests


a. Is there a history of recurrent subluxation?

Right: [X] None [ ] Slight [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [X] None [ ] Slight [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

b. Is there a history of lateral instability?

Right: [ ] None [ ] Slight [X] Moderate [ ] Severe

Left: [X] None [ ] Slight [ ] Moderate [ ] Severe

c. Is there a history of recurrent effusion?

[ ] Yes [X] No

d. Performance of joint stability testing

Right Knee:

Was joint stability testing performed?

[X] Yes

[ ] No

[ ] Not indicated

[ ] Indicated, but not able to perform

If joint stability testing was performed is there joint instability?

[ ] Yes [X] No

If yes (joint stability testing was performed), complete the section below:

- Anterior instability (Lachman test)

[X] Normal

[ ] 1+ (0-5 millimeters)

[ ] 2+ (5-10 millimeters)

[ ] 3+ (10-15 millimeters)

- Posterior instability (Posterior drawer test)

[X] Normal

[ ] 1+ (0-5 millimeters)

[ ] 2+ (5-10 millimeters)

[ ] 3+ (10-15 millimeters)

- Medial instability (Apply valgus pressure to knee in extension

and with 30 degrees of flexion)

[X] Normal

[ ] 1+ (0-5 millimeters)

[ ] 2+ (5-10 millimeters)

[ ] 3+ (10-15 millimeters)

- Lateral instability (Apply varus pressure to knee in extension

and with 30 degrees of flexion)

[X] Normal

[ ] 1+ (0-5 millimeters)

[ ] 2+ (5-10 millimeters)

[ ] 3+ (10-15 millimeters)

Left Knee:

Was joint stability testing performed?

[X] Yes

[ ] No

[ ] Not indicated

[ ] Indicated, but not able to perform

If joint stability testing was performed is there joint instability?

[ ] Yes [X] No

If yes (joint stability testing was performed), complete the section


- Anterior instability (Lachman test)

[X] Normal

[ ] 1+ (0-5 millimeters)

[ ] 2+ (5-10 millimeters)

[ ] 3+ (10-15 millimeters)

- Posterior instability (Posterior drawer test)

[X] Normal

[ ] 1+ (0-5 millimeters)

[ ] 2+ (5-10 millimeters)

[ ] 3+ (10-15 millimeters)

- Medial instability (Apply valgus pressure to knee in extension

and with 30 degrees of flexion)

[X] Normal

[ ] 1+ (0-5 millimeters)

[ ] 2+ (5-10 millimeters)

[ ] 3+ (10-15 millimeters)

- Lateral instability (Apply varus pressure to knee in extension

and with 30 degrees of flexion)

[X] Normal

[ ] 1+ (0-5 millimeters)

[ ] 2+ (5-10 millimeters)

[ ] 3+ (10-15 millimeters)

e. Comments, if any:

No response provided

7. Additional conditions


a. Does the Veteran now have or has he or she ever had recurrent patellar

dislocation, "shin splints" (medial tibial stress syndrome),

stress fractures, chronic exertional compartment syndrome or any other tibial

and/or fibular impairment?

[ ] Yes [X] No

b. Comments, if any:

No response provided

8. Meniscal conditions


a. Does the Veteran now have or has he or she ever had a meniscus (semilunar

cartilage) condition?

[ ] Yes [X] No

b. For all checked boxes above, describe:

No response provided

9. Surgical procedures


Indicate any surgical procedures that the Veteran has had performed and


the additional information as requested (check all that apply):

Right Side:

[X] Meniscectomy, arthroscopic or other knee surgery not described above

Type of surgery: Arthroscopic Lysis of Adhesions, Medial


Ligament Repair

Date of surgery: 2 February 2005

10. Other pertinent physical findings, complications, conditions, signs,

symptoms and scars


a. Does the Veteran have any other pertinent physical findings, complications,

conditions, signs or symptoms related to any conditions listed in the

Diagnosis Section above?

[ ] Yes [X] No

b. Does the Veteran have any scars (surgical or otherwise) related to any

conditions or to the treatment of any conditions listed in the Diagnosis

Section above?

[X] Yes [ ] No

If yes, is there objective evidence that any of these scars are


unstable, have a total area equal to or greater than 39 square cm (6

square inches) or are located on the head, face or neck? (An


scar" is one where, for any reason, there is frequent loss of


of the skin over the scar.)

[ ] Yes [X] No

If no, provide location and measurements of scar in centimeters.

Location: Anterior Right Knee

Measurements: length 10.0cm X width 0.5cm

c. Comments, if any:

No response provided

11. Assistive devices


a. Does the Veteran use any assistive device(s) as a normal mode of


although occasional locomotion by other methods may be possible?

[X] Yes [ ] No

If yes, identify assistive device(s) used (check all that apply and

indicate frequency):

Assistive Device: Frequency of use:

----------------- -----------------

[X] Brace(s) [ ] Occasional [X] Regular [ ] Constant

b. If the Veteran uses any assistive devices, specify the condition and

identify the assistive device used for each condition:

Veteran uses a knee brace to support the knee for the right knee condition.

12. Remaining effective function of the extremities


Due to the Veteran's knee and/or lower leg condition(s), is there

functional impairment of an extremity such that no effective function remains other than

that which would be equally well served by an amputation with prosthesis?

(Functions of the upper extremity include grasping, manipulation, etc., while

functions for the lower extremity include balance and propulsion, etc.)

[ ] Yes, functioning is so diminished that amputation with prosthesis would

equally serve the Veteran.

[X] No

13. Diagnostic testing


a. Have imaging studies of the knee been performed and are the results


[X] Yes [ ] No

If yes, is degenerative or traumatic arthritis documented?

[X] Yes [ ] No

If yes, indicate knee: [X] Right [ ] Left [ ] Both

b. Are there any other significant diagnostic test findings and/or results?

[X] Yes [ ] No

If yes, provide type of test or procedure, date and results (brief


Exm Date: AUG 10, 2017@16

Report: Right knee MRI

There are susceptibility artifacts related to tendon anchor is within

the medial aspect of the patella which correlates with findings on

prior radiographs. This is likely related to prior medial retinacular repair.

This makes evaluation of the medial facet of the patella very difficult.

The patellar cartilage along the lateral facet of the patella appears largely intact.

There is mild degenerative change of the patellofemoral

joint with spurring off the articular surfaces. The quadriceps tendon and patellar

tendon are intact.  There is advanced degenerative chondrosis of the articular cartilage of

the lateral femoral condyle. There is reactive subchondral edema within

the lateral femoral condyle. There are reactive subchondral changes within the lateral tibial plateau as well.

There is degeneration of the lateral meniscus and partial extrusion of

the meniscus from the joint without definitive tear the medial meniscus

is intact. The anterior cruciate ligament and

the posterior cruciate ligament are intact. The medial collateral

ligament and lateral collateral ligamentous complex are intact.

Impression: There are postoperative changes of the patella without

visible complication related to surgery however there is susceptibility


There is relatively advanced degenerative arthritis of the lateral

compartment of the knee without definitive meniscal tear.

c. If any test results are other than normal, indicate relationship of


findings to diagnosed conditions:

No response provided

14. Functional impact


Regardless of the Veteran's current employment status, do the

condition(s) listed in the Diagnosis Section impact his or her ability to perform any type

of occupational task (such as standing, walking, lifting, sitting, etc.)?

[X] Yes [ ] No

If yes, describe the functional impact of each condition, providing one or

more examples:

In regards to functional impairment related to occupations caused by knee

condition, veteran cannot perform tasks that require prolonged standing,

prolonged walking, any degree of running or any tasks that require

crawling, squatting, or stooping. These activities would aggravate their

current knee condition and veteran may not be able to do these activities


15. Remarks, if any:



1. Is there evidence of pain on passive range of motion testing?


2. Is there evidence of pain when the joint is used in non-weight

bearing? t be performed Yes

3. If yes, is the opposing joint undamaged (i.e. no abnormalities)? Yes

See Exam above.

A goniometer was used for range of motion measurements.



Disability Benefits Questionnaire

Is this DBQ being completed in conjunction with a VA 21-2507, C&P



[X] Yes [ ] No

Edited by Tbird
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Just curious what was your range of motion was for the 10% intial exam but with the Rom in being both at 85 I would think your increase will be granted your guess is with the raters. My guess is 50% but I know that could be wrong so I’ll say 30-50% for a “ROTR” range of the raters...

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4 hours ago, jfrei said:

Just curious what was your range of motion was for the 10% intial exam but with the Rom in being both at 85 I would think your increase will be granted your guess is with the raters. My guess is 50% but I know that could be wrong so I’ll say 30-50% for a “ROTR” range of the raters...

I have no idea whatmy original Rom was, my initial c&p was in summer 2006. If I get 30 on Rom and my arthritis up to 20 and get 10% for atrophy that works

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